A Refraction of Tear Drops

Things I wish I hadn’t done… Hey, Folks. I know, it’s been forever since I shared something on WordPress. Mea culpa. But here’s a little sample of what I’ve been doing as I mess around over on Medium… 1. Listen to people who did not have my best […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 2 days ago

Spontaneous Combustion

Delusions of Grand Fir… Boris, left: “Don’t you think it’s time we took the Christmas tree down? It’s mid-March, springtime. We should be planting things, not looking at dried-out shrubbery.” Ginger, right: “Oh, heavens no! Can’t you see that Fluffy really likes living in it? Whe … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 3 months ago

Life Wiles of the Rich and Heinous

Pretension and Posturing… The Old Oak Cliff Conservation League holds an annual Tour of Homes in our little neck of the woods, an event that is quite popular, with thousands of people plunking down money to analyze and criticize what other people do with their money. The […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 3 months ago

Sibling Rivalry and Saucy Revelations

On the other side of the wall… Note: The following is an alternate take on the action in the previous post. And yes, this one is twisted. Things happened when you couldn’t leave the house during That Covid Mess… Saffrogette, left: “And then you bounce the ball and […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 3 months ago

The Night the Lights Didn’t Go Out in Georgia

Random Randiness… Note: During the first few crazy months of the Corona Virus Mess, I ran a series of daily posts trying to make light of the matter, despite the actual seriousness of such. (Humor in the dark, so to speak.) This is one of those entries… Babs, […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 3 months ago

Cleopatra and the Paparazzi

Note: The following is an excerpt from one of my books-in-progress, a sordid tale of the time when a mass contingent of my family stupidly decided to go on a Carnival Cruise, wherein we were expected to behave in wholesome manner. (This was never going to happen, the […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 4 months ago

Everybody Was Dancing in the Ruined Light

Setting the Scene: We’re nearing the end of a friends-and-family vacation in Paris. Since such was the case, we got a bit festive with the alcohol whilst ensconced on the patio of our hotel. In a rare moment of personal responsibility, I had gone to bed at a […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 4 months ago

Dancing with the Bars

Setting the Scene: My family and friends are in the final stages of a vacation in France and, having returned from an eye-opening experience at a nearby restaurant, we’re ensconced on the patio of our hotel. Laughing, imbibing and reminiscing about the past week, crazy as it was. … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 5 months ago

The Warmth of the Fires We Kindle

Setting the Scene: After a rather rambunctious and shame-inducing series of events, a group of my friends and family members are about to feast on the fare proffered by a semi-posh restaurant in Paris…   Our food arrives. I cross my fingers that everyone enjoys the selections tha … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 5 months ago

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Setting the Scene: Several family members and friends are gathered around a long-ass table in a moderately-fancy restaurant in Paris, a happenstance arranged by the owner of the hotel where we are staying during our sojourn. We have just survived the challenge of requesting food, … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 5 months ago

The Dark Side of the Spoon

Setting the scene: A contingent of my family and friends are headed toward a restaurant in Paris, greatly relishing a fancy but happily free meal that has been comped by the owner of the hotel where we are staying. (My mother was good friends with said owner, so […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 5 months ago

Sometimes You Put the Wrong Thing in Your Mouth

Note: The following is a short excerpt from my first book. All you really need to know is that we are doing the tourist thing in Paris, and in the previous scene one of us had done something that we shouldn’t have…   After that little bit of […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 5 months ago

The Unexpected Fallout of Reindeer Games

  It had never crossed Muriel’s mind that this selfie might attract unwarranted attention. But as she gazed lovingly at herself in the hand-crafted mirror, she noticed Mrs. Claus rushing up behind her, bellowing something about Santa delivering presents where he shouldn’t, as evi … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 6 months ago

Sometimes the Darkness Slips In

The damage and the determination… Note: This is an unedited snippet from last month’s writing experience in my annual NaNoWriMo journey. It’s not my usual festive absurdity, and it’s a bit out of sorts considering you don’t know what was written before and after this scene, but I … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 6 months ago

Hello, It’s Me

  Hey, Folks! I know, I know. It’s been a long time. (A little over a year. Okay, just shy of 14 months, if you want to get into specific details.) I know some of you were not thrilled with my “exit” from WordPress, not so much concerning […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 7 months ago

Will You Still Love Me, Tomorrow?

I know I’ve been a very bad boy, off doing my own thing and (mostly) ignoring WordPress. It’s been a full two weeks since I’ve posted anything here, and I’m mildly blue about such. That being the case, I thought I’d best share something extra fun (at least […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago

Matcha, Matcha, Matcha!: The Ways in Which the Characters on “The Brady Bunch” Reflected My Own Warped and Troubled Soul

In a random moment of erratic thinking, I thought it might be fun to compare my own psychological development with a fictional TV family. Here we go… 1. Cindy At first, this little urchin seems to be a non-starter, as we have little in common on the surface. […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago

Idiot Fondue: Case Study – #13

Background Note: This is a post from one of my long-abandoned sites wherein I assumed the persona of a pompous therapist and answered “real” questions submitted by the readers. Dear Dr. Brian, Why do people try to put round pegs in square holes? submitted by Serena L. Sweetie, [… … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago

Past Imperfect – #111

Laura thought she had the perfect existence. After all, four suitors were vying for her hand in marriage. Of course, three of them were related, although it wasn’t clear if they were related to her or each other or some combination therein. (This is what happens when the […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago

Down the Rabbit Hole: My Inglorious Attempts at Creating 10-Word Stories

Note: This is a piece I recently shared on Medium, “my other blogging network”… I’ve been tagged a number of times regarding this concept, gentle nudges of inspiration, and I was feeling a bit guilty about ignoring said prompts and not jumping into the fray. And so it […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago


  Here’s the deal. I was tidying up the house the other day when I noticed that the on-hand stock of a certain “relationship enhancement” product was alarmingly low. Now, I normally wouldn’t think it appropriate to publicly share details of the bedroom. But in this particular cas … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago

20 Random Thoughts After Re-Watching the Very First Harry Potter Movie

1. Wow, those kids look like they’re about 6 years old. 2. Hermione was pretty bitchy back in the day. 3. Daniel Radcliffe/Harry has exactly two facial expressions: “total surprise at being famous for basically doing nothing” and “grim determination as he prepares to face off aga … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago

Breaking News: Fall Program Lineup on CowNowTV!

Note: Another revised yank from the archives, so it’s inevitably a bit dated. But it’s about cows and pop culture. How can you go wrong with that mix? Enjoy. Dear Viewers,   I’m sure you’re just as excited as I am about the upcoming new shows on our […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago

Flash Backward – #8: A Thousand Points of Bite

Once upon a time, there was a nifty digital world known as Our Big Gayborhood, a “writer’s collective” type of thing run by Lori Hahn and Margo Moon. Essentially, Lori and Margo enticed a variety of folks into contributing regular pieces on a very wide range of topics. […] | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago

Tulsa Flashback: McDonald’s, Happy Meals, and the Playground of Pain

  McDonald’s was the pivotal food-purveyance establishment where all the young uns developed life-long addictions to fried, processed, protein-void food that would ensure we would grow up to line the pockets of the healthcare industry. (We didn’t know squat about “healthy eating” … | Continue reading

@brianlageose.blog | 1 year ago