Want to grow the US economy? Capitalism is founded on the premise that private actors own and control property in accord with their interests, and demand and supply freely set prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests of society. If the US is a capitalist ... [ … | Continue reading
Talks between Honda and Nissan are at an impasse according to reports in the Japanese press, and could fall apart this month. The post The Wheels Are Already Coming Off The Honda-Nissan Merger Plan appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
We reported yesterday that Tesla is already rolling out discounts to try to get people to buy a new Tesla Model 3 or Tesla Cybertruck. It seems a bit early in the quarter for Tesla to be doing this, seemingly indicating ongoing or increasing consumer demand challenges after the c … | Continue reading
It wasn’t that long ago that the idea for electric vehicle wireless charging was hatched, and there have been many pilot projects. At CleanTechnica, we have published a variety of articles about wireless charging, including road-embedded technology. It might be possible to drive … | Continue reading
Despite the threat of war with Russia looming overhead, a new green hydrogen corridor will link the three Baltic states with Europe. The post What’s A Musk To Do? Green Hydrogen In Play As Europe Faces Russia Threat appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
Tariffs on graphite from China may seem like an easy thing to do, but they are an indication of national weaknesses in technology. The post Graphite Tariffs Could Upend US EV Industry appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
Elections don’t matter. They’re all the same. That’s the nonsense you hear far too often. Elections do matter, and they result in massive differences in policy and in the future. The new US Secretary of Energy, Chris Wright, has signed his first Secretarial Order. It directs the … | Continue reading
The EU Commission is planning legislation to electrify large company fleets more quickly while President von der Leyen will come forward with her Automotive Industrial Action Plan on the 5th of March. An EU law to electrify company fleets could guarantee demand for more than 2 mi … | Continue reading
How the European Commission can boost demand for made-in-Europe EVs The European car industry is in the midst of a historical transition shifting to electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing. New challenges arise, such as Chinese competition or ensuring a predictable demand. To build a … | Continue reading
Following up on our stories about the best selling plugin vehicles in the world and the automotive brands that sell the most plugin electric vehicles in the world, we’re now closing out the 2024 World EV Sales Report series with a look at the automotive groups or alliances that s … | Continue reading
An alliance of cleantech businesses and civil society proposes 15 measures to deliver a joint roadmap for Europe’s decarbonisation and competitiveness under the Clean Industrial Deal. This morning, T&E, alongside 15 other organizations, sent key recommendations to the Commission … | Continue reading
The Japanese firm ZO Motors is the latest of a growing list of electric truck makers to set up shop in the US zero-emission vehicle market, through its ZM Trucks branch. The post Musk Plays President While Tesla Misses Electric Truck Boat appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
For several months I’ve been digging through what’s going on with a Canadian transit ‘think’ tank, CUTRIC, and why it’s pushing hydrogen buses into city plans across the country. It keeps claiming hydrogen buses have been a success and are cheap, but cities keep canceling their p … | Continue reading
Fox News seems worried. One of the biggest promulgators of climate mis- and disinformation in the US is warning its readers of a movement to oppose the early actions of President Donald Trump’s administration — there are plans to protest across the US today, it says. Efforts are … | Continue reading
In the last stage of the 2024 race, BYD had another record month, this time with 483,000 registrations. That doubled Tesla’s result, which nevertheless wasn’t all that bad for the US brand — at 201,000 deliveries, it was its best result in 18 months. Below the two galactics, Wuli … | Continue reading
The Tesla Model Y was #1 again, in a year that saw plugins reach 22% share of the global market. The last months of 2024 brought a record-fest for world plugin vehicle sales, and December was one of them, with over 1.9 million registrations! With plugin registrations jumping a si … | Continue reading
While the overall automotive market had a (barely) positive year (+1%), December saw promising signs — it was up 4% compared to December 2023. With 13 million passenger cars registered in 2024, this was the best year since the pandemic, but nevertheless, it was still down 2.9 mil … | Continue reading
One of our readers complained today that we were reporting on big price cuts to Tesla vehicles, and clear trends those price cuts might relate to — dropping Tesla sales. He was concerned that we were no longer focused on covering cleantech (or “clean teck” as he put it). I ... [c … | Continue reading
Last week, I reported on BYD’s climb up the ranks of the top selling automakers or auto groups in the world. That is a bit of a tricky business because of the non-100% partnerships between different companies to create “groups” and “alliances” and joint ventures. However, one cle … | Continue reading
Trump or no Trump, a new vanadium redox flow battery lease model will cut the cost of long duration, utility scale wind and solar energy storage. The post New Flow Battery Venture Joins Red & Blue States In Common Cause appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
There is a certain joy that comes from tearing things down, especially if there is a promise of something new to replace them. The post To Regulate Or Not Too Regulate — That Is The Question appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
We reported during most of 2024 that Tesla seemed to be facing a consumer demand problem. Tesla superfans did not like that and claimed we were wrong and irrationally hating on Tesla. As it turned out, Tesla’s sales dropped in 2024 year over year — far off of the company’s ... [c … | Continue reading
Q&A With Annabelle Pratt: Using the Beauty of Mathematics To Answer Utility Challenges Welcome to the ARIES: Solutions at Any Scale series. This Q&A series introduces NREL’s outstanding researchers working on Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) projects. Their … | Continue reading
As US Data Centers Continue To Grow, Integrating Geothermal UTES Cooling Could Change the Game As the demand for U.S. data centers grows with the expansion of artificial intelligence, cloud services, and big data analytics, so do the energy loads these centers require. By some es … | Continue reading
A New Web Portal Developed by NREL and DOE Connects More Communities to Geothermal If you have ever struggled to find geothermal degree programs, conferences, trade associations, tax incentives, or other geothermal information, you are not alone. “The geothermal industry has been … | Continue reading
An alliance of cleantech businesses and civil society proposes 15 measures to deliver a joint roadmap for Europe’s decarbonisation and competitiveness under the Clean Industrial Deal. This morning, T&E, alongside 15 other organizations, sent key recommendations to the Commission … | Continue reading
A sign of a great city is that the rich take public transit. Well, not really. They take light rail and subways. But they don’t take buses. In many cities, light rail systems attract a more affluent ridership compared to buses, highlighting a persistent disparity in public transi … | Continue reading
We met the Great Wall ORA (called an ORA Cat in China) at the Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast two years ago. Other articles on CleanTechnica you might like to check out are here and here. I was excited because at that time, it was the cheapest ... [cont … | Continue reading
Tesla stock continues to trade at about a bazillion times earnings, but there are warning signs flashing for those who are thinking about what lies ahead for the company. Bloomberg Hyperdrive reports that Tesla sales plummeted 63 percent in January 2025 in France, the European Un … | Continue reading
Social media has become an increasingly powerful tool for disseminating misinformation about clean energy. A growing number of Facebook groups, influencers, and various online forums make a living by spreading mis- and disinformation about renewable energy sources like solar, win … | Continue reading
In response to Trump’s administration imposing new tariffs on Chinese goods, China has responded. However, make no doubt about it, China has been planning for this for a long time. “It’s aiming for finding measures that maximize the impact and also minimize the risk that the Chin … | Continue reading
Germany is looking to companies in Saudi Arabia to supply it with green hydrogen made from renewable energy resources. The post Saudi Arabia Wants To Supply Europe With Green Hydrogen appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
When a new Texas renewable energy report came out recently, Zach quickly wrote an article about it. I was in contact with the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and wanted to query the report’s author, Professor Rhodes, from the University of Texas at Austin. Texas is the … | Continue reading
This is absolutely bonkers. Even after a bonkers 12 months, or a bonkers 5 years, or a bonkers 9 years, they continue to shock. In particular, Elon Musk continues to shock. Regulations — Completely Gone, Eliminated, by Default Reportedly, Elon Musk said on a call early Monday mor … | Continue reading
The US solar industry is getting a shot of adrenaline from South Carolina, which is adding another new solar factory to its roster along with 500 new jobs. The post Red & Blue States In Cahoots On US Solar Industry appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
Gross U.S. coal exports in June 2024 totaled 10 million short tons, the most in a month since October 2018, data from our Short-Term Energy Outlook data browser show. Annual average U.S. coal exports were 9.0 million short tons in 2024. U.S. coal exports have increased each year … | Continue reading
November’s auto sales saw plugin EVs take 21.6% share in France, a drop from 25.0% year on year. Most of the drop came from weak PHEV performance, whilst BEV share grew slightly YoY. Overall auto volume was 114,673 units, down over 6% YoY, and far from pre-covid seasonal norms (a … | Continue reading
Average natural gas spot prices at most major trading hubs in the Lower 48 states declined in 2024 compared with 2023 in real terms, according to data from Natural Gas Intelligence. Inflation-adjusted natural gas prices in the Northeast at Algonquin Citygate and Eastern Gas South … | Continue reading
“Hydrogen’s moment is here at last” proclaimed The Economist back in 2021. Today, the bubble has burst. “Hydrogen’s moment is here at last” proclaimed The Economist back in 2021. Today, the bubble has burst. A recent report by BNEF said green hydrogen would remain much more expen … | Continue reading
Over the past decade or so, I have written 6000 articles for CleanTechnica and all because of a fortune cookie! The post 6000 Posts! appeared first on CleanTechnica. | Continue reading
T&E’s new director in Poland explains why a new subsidy scheme for EVs is so important for the country While there are growing calls — especially from Germany — for the European Commission to kick start an EU-wide scheme to support the sale of electric cars, the Polish government … | Continue reading
The recently approved budget law has put into place a promising reform regarding salary cars At 4%, Italy’s EV uptake is one of the lowest in Europe and has been so for years. However, this might start to change. We would be wrong to think that the country has entered ... [contin … | Continue reading
Indian Railways continues to electrify its network, a process began precisely 100 years ago. In fact, it is nearly at 100% electrification. “As of 1 January 2025, 64,547 route kilometres (rkm) were electrified, which is 97.06% of the total broad gauge network (66,504 rkm, includi … | Continue reading
I rely on ChargePoint for the majority of my daily charging as an urban motorist. It’s always dependable. Actually, the day after Hurricane Helene hit Asheville, it performed well for me! No surprise that AAA clubs and their service providers can now access ChargePoint chargers a … | Continue reading
If you’ve been considering investing in a reliable home power backup solution, now is the perfect time to take advantage of a massive 50% discount on the EcoFlow DELTA Pro + 2 x 220W Portable Solar Panels bundle. Regularly priced at $4997, this premium bundle is now available for … | Continue reading
Is the world really at a crossroads of energy consumption choices? We know that fossil fuels — the old and worn trio of coal, oil, and natural gas — have powered our world for a very long time, but they have also comprised nearly 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. ... [conti … | Continue reading
Things that have existed since we were born are very hard to imagine not existing. That may be especially true for broad societal norms, structures, and assumptions. The United States has held an exceptional role in the world for more than 100 years, and especially since World Wa … | Continue reading
Mark Z. Jacobson from Stanford University has explained why investments in wind, water, and solar are the only feasible ways to convert the US and the world to clean energy. However, even the best technologies come with environmental impacts. With encouragement from the federal g … | Continue reading