The Artist Who Hooked British Rock Royalty on Her Revolutionary Crochet (2021)

[caption id="attachment_84284" align="aligncenter" width="475"] Eric Clapton, wearing a crocheted "100% Birgitta" jacket by Birgitta Bjerke, performs with... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

These People Love to Collect Radioactive Glass. Are They Nuts?

"If radioactivity is the thing that makes Vaseline glass cool, it’s not what makes Vaseline glass glow."Let’s say you’re that tchotchkes dealer’s ... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Before camping got wimpy: Roughing it with the Victorians

The great cities of the West weren’t even complete before urban dwellers fantasized escaping them. Compelled by sublime landscapes and the conservationi... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

How Bad Photography Has Changed Our Definition of Good Pictures

[caption id="attachment_84830" align="aligncenter" width="625"] "How To Make Good Pictures" (Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Co., 1943). Source: Collection o... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Attack of the Vintage Toy Robots Japan’s Coolest Postwar Export (2010)

Danger! Warning! Intruder Approaching! For recalling the fears and aspirations of the space-race 1950s, Japanese toy robots can't be beat. But how much do... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

A collection of cast-iron doorstops

[caption id="attachment_83971" align="aligncenter" width="603"] Scott Thompson with a small portion of his metallic menagerie and a few of his trunks.[/ca... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Falling in Love Again with the Haunting Sounds of Interwar Polish Tango

[caption id="attachment_83251" align="aligncenter" width="501"] Syrena-Electro was Poland's premier manufacturer of Polish tango records between World War... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Unpublished Children's Notebooks Reveal Poignant View of History

[caption id="attachment_81545" align="alignnone" width="500"] A children's workbook cover from Italy, c. 1900.[/caption]There’s a reason that Anne Frank... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Women Who Conquered the Comics World (2014)

"When I got to San Francisco in 1970, I discovered that maybe it was the mecca of underground comix for the guys, but not for the girls.”As both a comic... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The Art of Dignity: Making Beauty Amid the Ugliness of WWII Japanese American Camps

[caption id="attachment_81195" align="alignnone" width="600"] An unnamed inmate at Rohwer Relocation Center in Arkansas carves a patriotic eagle from har... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

How Boomboxes Got So Badass

Compared to today's sleek micro-gadgets, boomboxes are like electronic dinosaurs, dated as much by their ludicrous size as their outmoded technology. Beg... | Continue reading | 5 years ago


[caption id="attachment_80974" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Fay Jones' artwork for Stasis, one of the original 295 cards in "Magic: The Gathering." ©... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

L.A.'S Wildest Cafeteria Served Utopian Fantasy with a Side of Enchiladas (2014)

On a decrepit block of Broadway in downtown Los Angeles, hidden behind a dilapidated, aging façade, lies the ghost of a palatial dining hall filled with... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Let There Be Light Bulbs: How Incandescents Became Icons of Innovation (2015)

From the neon tubes of theater marquees to your desk lamp at work, from the million-watt glare of sports stadiums to the nightlight faintly glowing in you... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Stirred Not Shaken: How Do You End Up with 50k Swizzle Sticks?

[caption id="attachment_80051" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Swizzle sticks organized by color, from the collection of Pam Ashlund.[/caption]Lots of pe... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Space Oddity: David Bowie's Obsession with '80s Memphis Design (2016)

Remembering David Bowie, most people rightfully think of his genre-defying music and androgynous, futuristic fashion sense. But Memphis-Milano furniture? ... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Who Really Built the First Electric Rock ‘n’ Roll Guitar?

[caption id="attachment_78757" align="alignnone" width="618"] George Fullerton (left) testing a Stratocaster in the Fender factory, sometime in the mid-to... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Why Cars Will Kill 30,000 Americans This Year

"At some point, we decided that somebody on a bike or on foot is not traffic, but an obstruction to traffic."“If you look at newspapers from American ci... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Postcards from Big Brother: The Curious Propaganda of a Brutal Soviet Era

[caption id="attachment_78274" align="alignnone" width="626"] The Defence Line Monument in Novorossiysk, Russia, featuring four giant hands holding PPSh s... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Paint Pedaler: How a 1980s Cyclist Found Fame on the Ceilings of Old Victorians

Larry Boyce was the late 20th-century's greatest champion of the stenciled frieze. An Oscar Wilde-like character in pith helmet and zebra-striped tights, ... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How San Francisco Planned Its Own Housing Crisis

If you want to understand San Francisco’s self-inflicted housing crisis, look no further than the city’s very first zoning law, commonly known as the ... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

California Cool: How the Wetsuit Became the Surfer's Second Skin (2013)

When Bob Meistrell started surfing in Northern California during the early 1950s, 20 minutes was about all he could stand in the frigid coastal waters. De... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Medicinal Soft Drinks and Coca-Cola Fiends: The Toxic History of Soda Pop (2014)

"The drink became symbolic of America, and even freedom in a way. It made Coca-Cola more than just another fizzy drink."Faced with all this bad press, it | Continue reading | 6 years ago

It Came from the ’70s: The Story of Your Grandma’s Weird Couch

Futzing around on social media, as one does, I recently stumbled upon a meme that hit close to home. Over a picture-patterned sofa in an autumnal-colored ... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Ancient Androids: Even Before Electricity, Robots Freaked People Out

The term "robot" was coined in the 1920s, so it's tempting to think of the robot as a relatively recent phenomenon, less than 100 years old. After all, ho... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Our Pungent History: Sweat, Perfume, and the Scent of Death

Consider the sweet, intoxicating smell of a rose: While it might seem superficial, the bloom's lovely odor is actually an evolutionary tactic meant to e... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Unusual Suspects: Finding the Humanity in Vintage Mugshots

Despite the oft-repeated mantra of America's criminal-justice system—that one is innocent until proven guilty—mugshots suggest otherwise. Although ... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

From Hospital Gowns to Couture: The Unlikely Origins of '60s Disposable Dresses

Like many great things, it all started with toilet paper: In the spring of 1966, the Scott Paper Company, a major manufacturer of disposable household pap... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Hawaiian Style: The Roots of the Aloha Shirt

[caption id="attachment_12608" align="aligncenter" width="364"] An example of a figure-eight hukilau shirt.[/caption]In this interview, author and scholar... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

From Boy Geniuses to Mad Scientists: Americans and Science (2017)

In Donald Trump’s America, the tough guys are in charge now, and they don't want to hear from any nerdy intellectuals. Scientists are dropping from gove... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

War and Prosthetics: How Veterans Fought for the Perfect Artificial Limb (2012)

There's something undeniably beautiful about prosthetic limbs, designed to echo the physical grace and mechanical engineering of the human body. For most... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The Great Wallpaper Rebellion: Defending Flamboyance in a World of White Walls

Everybody hates wallpaper. From the red flocked-velvet damasks that once darkened the walls of Wild West bordellos to the garish supergraphics that give c... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The delightfully sinful history of canoes

Before the youth of America fooled around at drive-ins and necked on Lover’s Lane, they coupled in canoes. Boatloads of them. In the early 1900s, canoes... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Joking Aside, Rube Goldberg Got Tech Right

Every day, exciting new technologies and inventions designed to make our lives better make us crazy instead—if we’re lucky. A document you’ve been w... | Continue reading | 6 years ago