The Failure of Peacetime Governments in Wartime: Covid and Climate

In the startup world we sometimes talk about the difference between being a peacetime CEO and a wartime CEO (cf this famous essay by Ben Horowitz). While some people may be turned off by this martial... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Joseph Tainter: The Collapse of Complex Societies (Book Review)

Given the ongoing decay of our institutions and their utter failure to address the climate crisis it is not far fetched to ask whether we are headed for some kind of societal collapse. A highly... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

The Low Energy Trap

I recently read Joseph Tainter's outstanding book "The Collapse of Complex Civilizations," which I recommend. It should be required reading for all politicians. Tainter's theory is one of diminishing... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Personal Update: Rage Against the Dying of the Light

I have been away from writing here for an entire month. It was a combination of travel followed by a health crisis that is now thankfully nearly over (a “routine” surgery that turned out to be... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

To Infinity and Beyond

“Infinite growth in a finite world is an impossibility” goes a popular quote. It is usually rolled out to illustrate that sustainability requires humanity to impose limits. Sometimes people then point... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Startups and Macro Risk

I find it difficult to think of another time with as much macro risk as the present at least since the financial crisis and likely much longer than that. There is a shooting war in Europe with no... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The Disposable Startup?

Many years ago I was debating whether or not to finish my PhD dissertation. One of the people I talked to about this decision was Prof. Thomas Malone, whose office was next to the oversized closet... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Capital Is Sufficient

In a push to wrap up my book The World After Capital to a point where I will make a print copy available, I am finally tackling the appendix one more time. The goal of the appendix is to provide more... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Some Notes on Fundraising

Over the last two decades I have helped many companies raise venture capital rounds. Here are some of the lessons I have learned from this.If your company is growing like crazy you will have an easy... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Carl Hart: Drug Use for Grown Ups (Book Review)

Having enjoyed Michael Pollan’s “How to Change Your Mind” on psychedelics (in particular psilocybin), I was intrigued by a book that goes much broader on drug use: Dr. Carl Hart’s “Drug Use for Grown... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Preparing Communities for the Climate Crisis

The more you know about the climate crisis, the harder it is to not be depressed at least some of the time. The challenges ahead are vast and the will to action still small by comparison. So we... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Climate and Crypto

I have been asked how I can reconcile my support for crypto/blockchain with my concerns about the climate crisis. So here is a blog post laying this out.Crypto/blockchain is a fundamental innovation... | Continue reading | 3 years ago

A Word on NFTs

Artists and authors are issuing non fungible tokens (NFTs) for their work. The market price of these has exploded and bids are currently at $2 million for Jack Dorsey’s first tweet. A lot of people... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Clarity, the Smart Contract Language

Today Algorand and Blockstack are announcing that they are collaborating on the Clarity smart contract language. Clarity is a decidable (i.e. non-Turing complete) language inspired by lisp. I am... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Welcome to the Government-IT Infrastructure Complex

Whenever something really bad happens, we tend to rush to do something quick and fast which makes us feel better, but throws out important principles and thus has severe negative longterm... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Right to an API Key

Today is Labor Day which is meant to celebrate the workers movement (as an aside, in Germany and much of the rest of the world this is held on May 1). That might be a good time to think about what... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

COVID19 and the Decentralization of Money

One key lesson from COVID19 is that we need a lot more decentralization. This is especially true when the center is as inept at managing the crisis as the US federal government has proven to be. For... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Continuations by Albert Wenger: The Road Back from COVID19: Masks, Tests and

The lockdown measures put in place have started to flatten the curve, but they are hugely disruptive and even if we were better about freezing the economy than we are, we cannot possibly maintain them... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

VC Backed Startups and PPP: Do You Need It?

There has been a lot of discussion of whether or not startups qualify for forgivable loans under the Paycheck Protection Program administered by the SBA (part of the CARES Act). I don’t want to rehash... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

VC Backed Startups and PPP: Do You Need It?

There has been a lot of discussion of whether or not startups qualify for forgivable loans under the Paycheck Protection Program administered by the SBA (part of the CARES Act). I don’t want to rehash... | Continue reading | 4 years ago

A decade wasted rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic

On this last day of the 2010s here is a recap with a single theme: we are fighting the battles of the past instead of inventing the future. We are doing that at a time when humanity is facing an... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Bad Takes on Taxing Wealth (Especially Billionaires)

The discussion around taxing wealth, and in particular billionaires, has been illuminating. Not in the sense of learning something new but rather seeing who is willing to make or defend bad takes... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

A Win for Ranked Choice Voting

In yesterday’s election New York City voters passed Ranked Choice Voting as a ballot measure. This means that in future elections such as those for mayor of the city, independent candidates will have... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Facebook and Speech: It’s All About Power

Here we are again in 2019 debating speech online and specifically the case of Facebook. Zuckerberg speaks at Georgetown trying to invoke the civil rights movement and to draw a sharp distinction to... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Some Thoughts on China

It is fascinating to see at the moment how much China is flexing its power. And maybe as importantly how little the world is pushing back. Certainly on the commercial side we are finding that... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Is Ethereum the AOL of Crypto?

Of course Ethereum is not a walled garden the way AOL was. Anyone can write and deploy a smart contract, whereas adding functionality to AOL required a contract and a custom implementation. What I... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Uncertainty Wednesday: Working for a Startup

I got the idea for today’s Uncertainty Wednesday from seeing quite a few tweets in my timeline to the effect that startups don’t really have meaningful upside for employees. Tracing these tweets back,... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Continue reading | 6 years ago

Misunderstanding Sample Correlation

Today’s Uncertainty Wednesday revisits a favorite topic of mine: correlation. I first wrote about the importance of thinking about correlation in modeling over 10 years ago, long before starting the... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

We Need Mandatory Enduser APIs for Social and Search Systems

When #DeleteUber was a trending hashtag it was relatively easy for people to take action in those cities where Lyft, MyTaxi or some other service was available. Even if you didn’t delete the Uber app... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Speech on Twitter: Platform Not Publisher

We have entered a new phase of the discussion on what to do about speech on platforms such as Twitter. On the plus side many more people are engaged. On the minus side the calls to treat Twitter as a... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Continuations by Albert Wenger: World After Capital: Economic Freedom (Intro,

NOTE: I am resuming posting excerpts from my book World After Capital. The last post was the beginning of Part Three of the book. Today’s post is the the introduction to the concept of economic... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

The Power of Knowledge

NOTE: Today’s excerpt from World After Capital dives deeper into human knowledge and why it is so powerful.The Power of KnowledgeHave you watched television recently? Eaten food that had been stored... | Continue reading | 6 years ago