Strong enterprise security and Flink application management with dA Platform 1.3

We are pleased to announce the general availability of data Artisans Platform 1.3! This release is packed with features that strengthen enterprise security and application management, as well as improvements to the web-based User Interface. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

[Flink set up guide]:5 steps to develop a Flink application

Getting up and running with Flink is easy as ABC. In this post, we go over 5 “baby” steps to guide you through setting up your first running Flink application locally. We discuss the software requirements to get started and point out some training resources that will help you und … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

[NEW RELEASE]: Apache Flink 1.7 with new features and improvements

This post originally appeared on the Apache Flink blog. It was reproduced here under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce Apache Flink 1.7.0. The latest release includes more than 420 resolved issues and some exciting additions to Fli … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

[Setup Guide]: Apache Flink with Data Artisans Platform on Microsoft Azure AKS

This post explains the steps to set up data Artisans Platform on Microsoft Azure and its hosted Kubernetes solution: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). | Continue reading | 6 years ago

4 steps to get your Flink application ready for production

This page explains the necessary configuration steps that software developers need to take to make an Apache Flink application ready for production. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How Apache Flink Powers Alibaba's Singles Day 2018:data in a Flink of an Eye

Learn how Alibaba uses stream processing and Apache Flink to power real-time applicaitons for Singles Day 2018 shopping event. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

7 reasons to use stream processing and Apache Flink in the IoT industry

This blog explains why the IoT industry should adopt stream processing and Apache Flink. Apache Flink's features are a best fit for the IoT industry. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

[Stream Processing]: An Introduction to Event Time in Apache Flink

Apache Flink supports multiple notions of time for stateful stream processing. This post focuses on event time support in Apache Flink. In the following sections we define what event time is with Apache Flink, we examine the different notions of time in a stream processing framew … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Why you should explore Flink early in your stream processing journey

This Fall I became more active with the Apache Flink community in my role as Technical Evangelist at data Artisans, after almost 8 years in Big Data. At October’s Bay Area Flink Meetup, I discussed my impressions of Flink from the point of view of a technical practitioner who isR … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Broadcast State Pattern in Flink: 4 things to know

This episode of  Flink Friday Tip explores the Broadcast State pattern that was introduced in Apache Flink 1.5.0. In the following sections, we describe what is a Broadcast State Pattern, how Broadcast State differs from other types of operator state, and finally, we go over some … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Practical examples of running Flink SQL on data streams

While Flink SQL was initially released with Flink 1.1.0 back in August 2016 recent Flink releases have added quite a bit of functionality that makes Flink SQL easier to use by eliminating the need to write Java/Scala code. In this post, we want to (re-)introduce Flink SQL from a … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Choosing Your State Back End in Apache Flink

This episode of our Flink Friday Tip explores stateful stream processing and more precisely the different state backends available in Apache Flink. In the following sections, we present the 3 state backends of Apache Flink, their limitations and when to use each of them depending … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How to Run Apache Flink with Data Artisans Platform on Kubernetes Using AWS EKS

In this article, we describe the setup of data Artisans Platform using Amazon Web Services Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (AWS EKS). data Artisans Platform is built on Kubernetes as the underlying resource manager. Kubernetes is available in all major cloud providers, o … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Kafka and Flink: How Apache Flink Manages Kafka Consumer Offsets

In this episode of our Flink Friday Tip, we explain with a step-by-step example how Apache Flink works with Apache Kafka to ensure that records from Kafka topics are processed with exactly-once guarantees.Checkpointing is Apache Flink’s internal mechanism to recover from failures … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

An introduction to ACID guarantees and transaction processing

Last month we introduced data Artisans Streaming Ledger, our new technology that brings serializable, distributed ACID transactions directly on data streams. In this blog post, we take a step back to introduce ACID semantics and transaction processing and lay the foundations base … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

What to consider when defining a cluster size in Apache Flink

This is the first episode of our new blog series called Flink Friday Tip. Flink Friday Tips provide some easy-to-digest best practices and advice on how to leverage the power of Apache Flink and make the best use of the different Flink features.One of the frequently asked questio … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

GDPR Compliant Stream Processing with State TTL in Apache Flink

A common requirement for many stateful streaming applications is the ability to control how long application state can be accessed (e.g., due to legal regulations like GDPR) and when to discard it. This blog post introduces the state time-to-live (TTL) feature that was added to A … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Serializable ACID Transactions on Streaming Data: The Flink Streaming Ledger

We are excited to announce the general availability of data Artisans Streaming Ledger, an exciting new technology that brings serializable ACID transactions to applications built on a streaming architecture. In this post, we will explain why serializable ACID transactions are an … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Serializable ACID Transactions on Streaming Data

We are excited to announce the general availability of data Artisans Streaming Ledger, an exciting new technology that brings serializable ACID transactions to applications built on a streaming architecture. In this post, we will explain why serializable ACID transactions are an … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

How to implement dynamic rule evaluation on event streams with Apache Flink

Since version 1.5.0, Apache FlinkⓇ features a new type of state which is called Broadcast State. In this post, we explain what Broadcast State is, and show an example of how it can be applied to an application that evaluates dynamic patterns on an event stream. We walk you throug … | Continue reading | 6 years ago