Tumblr’s moving to Tumblr. | Continue reading
Earlier this afternoon, during alterations to our administrator code, access to certain administrator controls was incorrectly exposed for 40 minutes. This was immediately corrected after coming to our attention, and we proceeded to audit our access logs. 27 registered email … Co … | Continue reading
So sorry for the interruptions over the last few days! A bug surfaced in a new caching library we were using (APC) that was wreaking havoc across our servers. It wound up being extremely tedious to locate. A HUGE thanks … Continue reading → | Continue reading
Over 400 new features, fixes, and improvements. Introducing Tumblr 3.0 Continue reading → | Continue reading
So sorry for the quiet month! We’ve been hard at work on the next iteration of Tumblr, and today we’re ready to pull back the curtain and let you play with some new features we’re totally excited about. Snappy new … Continue reading → | Continue reading
Hi everyone. Unfortunately, yesterday evening the server responsible for our User database suffered a hard drive failure. Database fail-safes kicked in and kept all accounts online and accessible. However, custom themes which are stored as separate meta data needed to … Continue … | Continue reading
I’m afraid our User database has suffered a hard crash and is in the process of being restored. Access was not affected, although custom themes will appear reset until the import is complete. Please avoid editing your theme until then. … Continue reading → | Continue reading
Sorry for the slow week, everyone. We’ve been hard at work finishing updates to Worldwide Fido. We’ve also been polishing up the core Tumblr functionality, so we can spend April focusing on the what I’ll loosely describe as Tumblr’s upcoming … Continue reading → | Continue reading
Totally apropos, within 30 minutes of sitting down to chat with Digg CEO Jay Adelson (who we just learned is a native New Yorker), we hit the Digg front page. The story is actually a link to a very cool … Continue reading → | Continue reading