Misleading Container Queries

CSS container queries are spectacular! And I keep being mislead by the same mistake. It’s starting to irritate me! In this blog post I document a bad code pattern to avoid. The Mistake Consider this example with a and two elements inside: With the CSS below I’ve made box a […] | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 3 hours ago

Dumb Home

My “smart home” has gotten progressively dumber. Can you remember a time before the AI-pocalypse? The tech trend of yesteryear was to give everything with a digital pulse an IP address and a dubious 2.4GHz radio. The “Internet of Things” is what they called it. What a heap of gar … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 4 days ago

Is the Tailscale Magic Fading?

The Tailscale magic ✨ is starting to wear off. I gave positive opinions on Tailscale back in August 2022: “Basically Tailscale does one thing extremely well and the accompanying features aren’t bad either. The free tier suits me very well too! […] | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 14 days ago


I rolled my own Markdown library! It’s called Hmmarkdown on GitHub. It’s published on both JSR and NPM too. I’m testing in production on my own website! That might be a mistake but it’s too late now. ⚠️ Work in progress! ⚠️ Hmmarkdown is bad code and full of bugs. Okay, well it d … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 22 days ago

Docker Network Bugs and Fixes

Docker is great! Docker networks are grand. I know, controversial opinions! Docker and Docker networks are not easy to understand and often table-flippin-infuriating for newcomers. Trouble is they don’t get much easier for experienced users either. I’m by no means a Docker expert … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 1 month ago

JSR and Deno: Final Review 🚮

With my first impressions and second look of JSR (the JavaScript Registry) I tried to be positive and optimistic. I saw the potential that JSR could offer something more than NPM. Half a year after public launch, how is JSR looking now? Well… not good. But let’s start on a high n … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 1 month ago

The Deno Package Paradox

Deno packaging is now a fragmented mess. It didn’t start that way. This is what Ryan Dahl — creator of Deno and Node — is now saying. Contrast this to Dahl’s 2018 JSConf talk in which NPM and package.json were regrettable mistakes. To fix this Deno would use ESM imports with URLs … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 1 month ago

Summer 2024: Self-Hosted Update

Back in March I shared my spring self-hosted update. I had a new ZimaBlade to play with. I bought a cheap GeForce GT 710 just to try the PCIe. It worked. That graphics card is terrible (more on that later). The ZimaBlade is also, frankly, terrible. The CPU thermal throttles itsel … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 1 month ago

Git Granary

Captain’s log: it’s been 10 days since I entered the Git LFS rabbit hole. Following an emergency in-prod GitHub replacement I got nerd sniped by the Git Large File Storage API. Git Granary 🌾 Git Granary is the end result. I coded my own LFS server! I plan to self-host Gra … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 2 months ago

Private Submodules

For years now both my website source code and content have lived side by side in harmony within a public GitHub repository. This was convenient for the various build and deploy scripts I’ve monkeyed with. Fast-forward to July 2024 where I was forced to replace GitHub LFS with alt … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 2 months ago

Replacing GitHub LFS

GitHub sent me a scary email notification: 80% only one week into a monthly quota — oh dear! You might have seen my microblog note — this is the full article I promised. Basically GitHub’s free LFS is trash and you can do much better using any S3-like storage. Reminder that Git a … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 2 months ago

Notes – David Bushell

David is on board. Who else? adactio.com/links/21280 | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 2 months ago


I stealth launched a new microblog on this here website last week. You can subscribe to my microblog RSS feed — do it! My main blog is for longer, more considered content. I don’t want to drown the good stuff in mid takes, so to speak. That’s not to say my microblog isn’t worth f … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 2 months ago

Cloudflare AI Block

Yesterday I blogged about how Google and others ruined email. They act as gatekeeper, hamstring smaller email providers, and make self-hosting practically impossible. Email is not the only slice of the internet Google want control over. They’re after the web too using their searc … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 2 months ago

Google Spam

I listened to Mostly Technical episode 42 — great podcast btw — Aaron Francis talks about the struggles of sending an email newsletter. Google are quick to rate limit new domains to prevent spam. Spam sucks, but it concerns me just how much authority big players like Google and M … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 2 months ago

Twitter is Dead 🦤

It’s quite amazing just how dead Twitter is in my follows. It’s a real ghost town over there. Now I get more engagement from a few on Mastodon and nothing from thousands on Twitter. Twitter is dead. Like super dead. I joined Mastodon with uncertainty last April. It’s taken me a w … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 2 months ago

No No-JavaScript

I’m blogging this quick tip because the old technique is so ingrained I keep forgetting there is a new way. You ever used that no-js class? The one that gets replaced by js as early as possible? Maybe not, it seems like few do nowadays. Maybe it’s just assumed that JavaScript is … | Continue reading

@dbushell.com | 3 months ago