‘Shake’ Design Documents

Okay, this will be of interest to a VERY SMALL number of people. But over on LinkedIn, someone with a perverse interest in ancient history (hi Tim) asked if I still had copies of some UI design documents that I did for the now-defunct compositing package Shake. So, see below for … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 1 month ago

Apple Vision Pro – What About Comic Books?

Obviously the Vision Pro isn’t the first VR/AR/whatever device, but it’s the first one that’s got enough resolution to prevent me from getting pissed off as soon as I stick it to my face. And while there have already been reams of articles published about other aspects of using t … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 5 months ago

Camera Viruses!!! OMG!!! (Fear-mongering)

Now that we’re finally starting to see some mainstream cameras that can run apps (see previous discussion here) I suppose it’s time to talk a little bit about one of the potential downsides of such a scenario. Because as soon as you allow people to download and run third-party so … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

Using Faceship the Way it Wasn’t Intended

So we’ve got this fun little app called Faceship out there – www.appstore.com/faceship. It is, as the name would imply, very face-centric in the sense that it provides a bunch of effects that are intended to be applied to people’s faces. Stuff like this: (These were all done by o … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

Viral Videos, iPhone Apps… and Politicians with a Tiny Face

I’ve got a longer post coming about this but just wanted to let everybody know that we’ve got a new iPhone app out! It’s called ‘Faceship’ and for this version 1.0 release its one and only purpose in life is to give people Tiny Faces. Why Tinyfaces? Well, I did this quick video o … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

Lifelogging – is it time?

I’ve done a bunch of talks lately, in places ranging from Hong Kong to Costa Rica, about the future of cameras and photography. (Here’s one) And one of the things I discuss is this concept of ‘Lifelogging‘ – the idea of wearing an always-on camera constantly, capturing everything … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

…Because their Lips are Moving

One of the earliest posts I did on this blog related to new technologies in truth-detection and as the political season is heating up again I thought it would be worthwhile to revisit some of those points. (Here’s the original post) In particular, I’m interested in the variety of … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

Watching Movies on the iPhone 5

I’ll admit it… I have, on occasion, actually watched a movie or two on my iPhone. Forgive me David Lynch (Hell, I’ll even condemn myself to a deeper circle of hell by admitting that I actually watched one of the most glorious wide-screen movies ever – Lawrence of Arabia* – on an … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

Apple Tablet Prototype

Just saw this article on AppleInsider where a photo of one of the original apple tablets prototypes is shown. Quick story about my very brief interaction with this thing. Although the article says that it may have been developed sometime between 2002 and 2004, I’m almost positive … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

CAMERA FEATURES I WANT (And that really really shouldn’t be all that hard to implement)

Since camera manufacturers continue to annoy me with their unwillingness to add the features I want (yes, I’m taking this personally) I guess I’m about due for another blogpost ranting/whining about it. I’ve covered some of these things before in this blog (and quite often on the … | Continue reading

@digitalcomposting.wordpress.com | 12 years ago