Elon Musk doesn't care about kids. He cares about demographics.

The billionaire CEO told Jordan Peterson his trans daughter is “dead” to him because she can no longer reproduce | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 days ago

Roundup: NYT's SpaceX stenography

Read to the end for a furry ally in the Luddite resistance | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 5 days ago

Silicon Valley’s dangerous plan for a second Trump term

The Little Tech Agenda was crafted to defend the power of tech billionaires | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 7 days ago

Roundup: Elon Musk endorses Donald Trump

Read to the end for an old graphic making fun of Steve Jobs’ ideology of the Mac | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 12 days ago

Roundup: The data workers whose labor powers AI

Read to the end for a video to share with your friends to understand AI | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 19 days ago

Generative AI is a climate disaster

Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 21 days ago

Roundup: Uber's war on workers' rights continues

Read to the end for wild AI statements by tech’s thought leaders | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 26 days ago

Amazon's disastrous plan to emulate Temu

The ecommerce giant is continuing a race to the bottom for workers and the environment | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 28 days ago

Roundup: OpenAI says some artistic jobs shouldn’t exist

Read to the end for a good overview of failing social media platforms | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 1 month ago

Roundup: Elon gets the green light to loot Tesla

Read to the end for a video game finding getting rid of landlords solves the rent crisis | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 1 month ago

Silicon Valley’s unlikely ally to defend generative AI

Anti-copyright activists fought the film and music industries. Now they’re fighting artists who want to stop generative AI. | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 1 month ago

Apple hopes AI will make you buy a new iPhone

The company’s mundane features confirm the generative AI hype is rapidly waning | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 1 month ago

Roundup: Is this peak AI hype?

Read to the end for Elon Musk admitting he’s a fascist | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 1 month ago

Roundup: Elon Musk’s naive plan to end global water shortages

Read to the end for a fun AI meme | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 1 month ago

Kara Swisher's story about Sam Altman is falling apart

The supposed hard-hitting journalist was peddling Altman’s narrative during his ouster from OpenAI | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 1 month ago

Roundup: Pronatalists who defend hitting kids

Read to the end for Elon Musk potentially revealing another of his burner accounts on Twitter | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

Scarlett Johansson can’t escape tech exploitation

OpenAI grabbing her voice is just the latest scandal that demands a regulatory response | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

Roundup: Apple wants to hike iPhone prices again

Read to the end for an important statement about X… or Twitter? | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

AI hype is over. AI exhaustion is setting in.

Google and OpenAI’s latest showcases suggest the AI bubble’s days are numbered | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

Roundup: Apple delivers an insult to life itself

Read to the end for Sam Bankman-Fried’s new prison financial scheme | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

Phil Spencer isn’t your friend

The Xbox head uses his gamer image to sell terrible corporate decisions | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

A critical tech reading list for mid-2024

13 book recommendations to get you through the next few months | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

Roundup: How bias can creep into tech coverage

Read to the end for a perfect example of worst person you know just made a great point | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

Embrace the splinternet

We’re being told to pick between US and Chinese tech. What if we don’t choose either? | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

Roundup: Should we ditch smartphones?

Read to the end for Ridley Scott not doing a George Lucas | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 2 months ago

The Vision Pro is a big flop

The product’s failure should further dispel the myth of tech inevitability | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Hollywood is reviving its war on piracy

As the streaming deal gets worse, people are going back to piracy. The industry wants to stop them. | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Roundup: Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover team

Read to the end for a video of Musk proving he may be a simulation after all | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Elon Musk is using Twitter to defend Brazil’s fascists

The fight shows countries will no longer put up with the drawbacks of unregulated social media | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Roundup: Elon meets Javier

Read to the end for a one-of-a-kind Cybertruck | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Tesla is in serious trouble

Elon Musk spent years pushing self-driving fantasies, now that’s all the company has left | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Roundup: How is the media still doing this?

Read to the end for an update on the road safety crisis in the US | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Elon Musk is elevating the global extreme right

The billionaire wants to advance his political program while preserving his power and wealth | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Roundup: Sam Bankman-Fraud

Read to the end for a fun game about New York Times headlines | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

What if we never live on Mars?

Tech billionaires sell us the dream of realizing sci-fi fantasies, but that distracts us from building a better society on Earth | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 3 months ago

Roundup: Apple in the DoJ’s crosshairs

Read to the end for a comic about a mindless Elon Musk | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 4 months ago

Roundup: Smashing Teslas with stone heads

Read for a roundup of recent critical work on data centers and the resource demands of AI | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 4 months ago

The TikTok ban is all about preserving US power

The platform isn’t a national security threat, but a challenge to Silicon Valley’s dominance | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 4 months ago

Why is it so hard to buy a Blu-ray?

Retailers are dropping physical media as streaming dominates, and that’s a real problem | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 4 months ago

Roundup: Tech worker opposition to AI

Read to the end for the latest party Elon Musk killed just by showing up | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 4 months ago

The digital revolution has failed

The benefits of the internet are eroding. The AI boom is only accelerating their demise. | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 4 months ago

How I became a tech critic

Paris Marx’s journey from tech optimist to committed Luddite | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 4 months ago

Roundup: Apple Car is (finally) dead

Read to the end for a more evidence of an access journalist’s close ties to tech CEOs | Continue reading

@disconnect.blog | 4 months ago