Marginal vs. average: which one to use in practice?

Imagine you're building a system that can decide the optimal time to charge electric vehicles or the optimal time to run hydrogen electrolyzers. If your goal is to decarbonize the grid, which signal do you base your decision on? | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Estimating the marginal carbon intensity of electricity with machine learning

How do you know where your electricity comes from? The answer, in its simplest form, is given by the electricityMap. However, when consumers are faced with a decision — for example deciding when to charge an electric vehicle — things get more subtle. So why shouldn’t you charge y … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Live electricity production/consumption CO2 map

electricityMap is a live visualization of where your electricity comes from and how much CO2 was emitted to produce it. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Live CO₂ emissions of electricity consumption

electricityMap is a live visualization of where your electricity comes from and how much CO2 was emitted to produce it. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Live CO2 emissions of worldwide electricity consumption and production

electricityMap is a live visualization of where your electricity comes from and how much CO2 was emitted to produce it. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Electricity Map

electricityMap is a live visualization of where your electricity comes from and how much CO2 was emitted to produce it. | Continue reading | 5 years ago