Content Chat Recap: Stop. Listen. Then Write.

Think the content creation process starts with writing? think again! Janet Fouts (@jfouts) joined #ContentChat this week to share her thoughts on the importance of listening to your audience before you start creating content. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

April 3 Content Chat Recap: Coaching Executives for Social Media Content Readiness

This week #ContentChat was joined byDeirdre Breakenridge (@dbreakenridge) to discuss coaching executives for social media readiness. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

March 27 Content Chat Recap: How to Build an Engaged Brand Community

How to Build an Engaged Brand Community This week #ContentChat was joined by my friend and community manager extraordinaire Sarah Nagle (@sprout_sarah) to discuss building engaged brand communities. Q1: How do you define a brand community? A1: A brand community is a group of peop … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

March 20 Content Chat Recap: Building a Global Content Marketing Team

#ContentChat was joined by Pam Didner (@PamDidner) who shared her best practices for building a global content marketing team. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

March 13 Content Chat Recap: How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Your Content Marketing

How Artificial Intelligence Will Affect Your Content Marketing This week #ContentChat was joined by Curata CEO Pawan Deshpande (@tweetsfrompawande) to discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) will affect the future of content marketing.   A1: Let’s start with the basics. How do y … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

March 6 Content Chat Recap: How Technology Can Help You Scale Small Content Teams

This week we were joined by Daniel Bliley (@Pharaohbly) to discuss how technology can help small content marketing teams scale. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

February 20 Content Chat Recap: How to Upcycle, Recycle, and Repurpose Your Content

How to Upcycle, Recycle, and Repurpose Your Content This week #ContentChat was joined by my partner in crime at Spin Sucks, Corina Manea, who shared her secrets for repurposing content for social media. Q1: What is meant by upcycling, recycling, or repurposing content? A1 @SFerik … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

February 13 Content Chat Recap: An Introduction to Social Media Growth Hacking

This week #ContentChat was joined by Neal Schaffer (@nealschaffer) who gave us a preview of his new e-book, An Introduction to Social Media Growth Hacking. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

February 6 Content Chat Recap: How to Land an Awesome Content or Community Management Job

During our end of the year wrap-up chat, several regulars said they'd love to have a brainstorming session on how to land your dream job. Chat regular Ken Gordon (@quickmuse) joined us this week to lead that conversation. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

January 30 Content Chat Recap: How to Collaborate with Influencers So Your Next Event is a Raging Success

January 30 Content Chat Recap: How to Collaborate with Influencers So Your Next Event is a Raging Success This week #ContentChat was joined by events PR pro Nicole Rodrigues who shared her experience in working with influencers to amplify live events. Q1: What is the benefit of p … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

January 23 Content Chat Recap: Blogging That Drives Serious Business Results

Blogging That Drives Serious Business Results This week #ContentChat was joined by content marketer and blogging pro Heidi Cohen to discuss how blogging can drive real business results. Q1: What are the biggest benefits of business blogging? Q1] Business blogging = best measurabl … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

January 9 Content Chat Recap: Making Your New Year's Content Resolutions Stick

Making Your New Year’s Content Resolutions Stick We kicked off our 2017 #ContentChat schedule with Laura Petrolino, my Spin Sucks colleague, to talk about making our 2017 content marketing resolutions stick. Before we jump into the Q&A, I wanted to share something that made me sm … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Start the New Year Off Right With an Easy and Doable Weekly Social Media Plan

To unlock social media's potential, you have to set goals for what you want to accomplish and create a plan that aligns tactics to those goals. Here's how. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

December 19 Content Chat Recap: Our Year in Review

We closed out our #ContentChat schedule for 2016 with a holiday GIF party, and sharing some of our favorite content from the past year. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

December 12 Content Chat Recap—Decoding the Top Secret Communications Formula: Content + Conversation = Community

Decoding the Top Secret Communications Formula: Content + Conversation = Community This week #ContentChat was joined by chat regular Ken Gorden (@quickmuse) who shared why content and conversation are the keys to building a vibrant online—and offline—community. Not surprisingly, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

December 5 Content Chat Recap: 2017 Content Planning for Solopreneurs and SMBs

Berrak Sarikaya shares her tips for creating effective content plans for solopreneurs and owners of small and medium-size businesses (SMBs). | Continue reading | 7 years ago

November 28 Content Chat Recap: Taking a Data-driven Approach to Your Content Planning Process

Allen Gannett, CEO of TrackMaven, shares his perspectives on how to use data insights in your content marketing planning process with #ContentChat. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

November 21 Content Chat Recap: Getting Started with Intelligent Content

This week #ContentChat was joined by Carrie Hane (@carriehd) for a conversation around getting started with intelligent content. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

November 14 Content Chat Recap: How to Build Measurement Into Your Content Planning Process

How to Build Measurement Into Your Content Planning Process This week #ContentChat was joined by Shonali Burke (@shonali), who shared her tips for building measurement into your content planning process. We kicked the chat off with a quick poll to see how many of our participants … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Your Lack of Social Media Guidelines is Killing Your Employee Advocacy Program

Well-defined social media guidelines plus social media training in new employee onboarding can encourage your employees to share brand content. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

November 7 Content Chat Recap: Writing Audience-Friendly Content to Boost Your Online Engagement

Writing Audience-Friendly Content to Boost Your Online Engagement This week #ContentChat was joined byRachel Moffett  (@redheadrachel) from Express Writers who shared her tips for creating audience-friendly content. Q1: How do you define audience-friendly content, and why is it i … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

October 31 Content Chat Recap: Removing the Fear From Community-Crowdsourced Content

Experienced community manager Brandie McCallum joined #ContentChat for a lively discussion on removing the fear from community-crowdsourced content. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How to Create a Content Distribution Process to Improve Your Content Marketing Results

A good content distribution plan is the way content finds its ideal audience and delivers on its intended business results. Here's how to define yours. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

October 24 Content Chat Recap: "I'm a marketer, not a lawyer!" Avoiding common content pitfalls

This week #ContentChat was joined by Kerry O'Shea Gorgone (@kerrygorgone) to discuss how to avoid common legal and ethical content missteps. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

October 17 Content Chat Recap: Building Your Audience with Influencer Content

#ContentChat shares POVS on influencer content creation from the social media and content marketing owners at influencer marketing platofrm Traackr. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

October 10 Content Chat Recap: Buyer Personas + Journey Maps: B2B Marketing Gets Personal

Ardath Albee (@ardath421) shares her POV on how buyer personas and customer journey maps can help marketers create better marketing experiences. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

October 3 Content Chat Recap: Slow Marketing: How to Deliver Faster Results by Slowing Down

Ann Handley shares the idea of slow marketing with the #ContentChat community. Learn how to deliver faster marketing results by slowing down. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Kicking off Q4 2016 with a Bang!

A Q4 career update from Erika Heald. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

6 Steps to Develop a Style Guide to Create Consistency in Your Content Marketing Messaging

Creating your own editorial style guide can seem intimidating.Here are the steps to take when creating a new brand style guide from scratch. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

September 12 Content Chat Recap: Using Content to Improve SEO

SEO expert Andy Crestodina shares his expertise on how to improve your SEO through content optimization. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

September 29 Content Chat Recap: The PESO Model and the Importance of Content in PR

This week, #ContentChat was joined by Gini Dietrich who discussed the PESO model and the importance of content in public relations. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

August 22 Content Chat Recap: How to create account based marketing content that drives revenue growth

Matt Benati, CEO of Lead Gnome, joined #ContentChat to talk about how to create account based marketing (ABM) content that drives revenue growth. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

August 15 Content Chat Recap: Content creation tips and resources

August 15 #ContentChat Recap: Content creation tips and resources This week, #ContentChat was joined by chat regular Maureen Jann (@Maureenonpoint) who shared her tips for creative content creation. Q1: What is your biggest roadblock when it comes to creative content creation? A1 … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

August 8 Content Chat Recap: Encouraging Employee Brand Advocates

Hannah Kovacs (@hkovs) from Post Beyond joined #ContentChat to share her tips for encouraging employee brand advocacy. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

August 1 Content Chat Recap: Using the Content Inc. model for SMBs and Start-ups

Joe Pulizzi joined #ContentChat to talk about how his Content Inc. model can turbocharge SMB and start-up growth. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

July 25 Content Chat Recap: Global Content Marketing

#ContentChat went global with special guest Troy Sandidge (@Troy_Sandidge) sharing his tips for effective content marketing across a global organization. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Building Your Content Curation Road Map: 5 Steps to a More Efficient Content Curation Process

Don't let content curation become a time suck. Here's how to create a content creation road map to ensure it helps drive business results. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

July 18 Content Chat Recap: Making the Case for Content Marketing Innovation

Amy Higgins shared her tips for getting executive buy-in for your content marketing innovation efforts with the #ContentChat community. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

July 11 Content Chat Recap: Marketing Your Content and Your Brand to Employees

July 11 Content Chat Recap: Marketing Your Content and Your Brand to Employees #ContentChat regular Wayne Hendry aka @ideakid88 was in the hot seat this week, sharing his thoughts on how to best market your brand and your content to employees. Note: this recap was originally publ … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sharing My Passion for Baking Through Erika's Gluten-free Kitchen

A few months ago, I ran into the ever-inspiring Joe Pulizzi at a conference. After our conversation, I reflected on the fact that I’d spent the past two years incredibly focused on creating awesome content for my in-house and external clients at the expense of writing for myself. … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

June 20 Content Chat Recap: Editorial Calendars and Content Workflow Best Practices

Recap of the June 20 #ContentChat twitter chat on best practices for editorial workflow management. Participants shared how they've implemented editorial calendars as a key way to keep their content on-topic and on-schedule. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Making the Most out of Social Media Marketing World

As a former San Diegan, and a previous Social Media Marketing World attendee, I share 9 tips for making the most of this year's event. | Continue reading | 8 years ago