EUscreen Symposium December 2024: Responsible Use of AI in Audiovisual Archives

Join us for the annual EUscreen Symposium on 9 and 10 December in Barcelona, Spain! This year’s symposium is co-hosted by EUscreen and 3Cat. Register for the Symposium now! EUscreen Symposium 2024 The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence technologies has opened new horizo … | Continue reading | 4 hours ago

To a more cohesive, data-rich European future: EUscreen Symposium 2023

The annual EUscreen Symposium “Reimagining the Future of Data Flows: A European Digital Public Space” took place on 4th and 5th December 2023, this year in Athens. The event was open to anyone interested in data policy, digital public spaces, archiving, audiovisual heritage, cult … | Continue reading | 7 months ago

Inspiring the next generation: empowering young journalists by exploring the world of data

In a world flooded with information and data, the ability to navigate and make sense of it all has become increasingly vital. Jacqueline Pietsch, journalist at Agence France-Presse (AFP) and partner of the MediaNumeric Programme, shares her thoughts on the importance of data lite … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Don’t let data kill a good story: the importance of statistical literacy and identifying data biases

In this extensive interview, Weronika Zaręba, an industry manager at Google, shares her experiences and insights on data analysis and its importance to journalism. Her role at Google involves a combination of sales, project management, and consulting. However, she spent several y … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

New Board Member and Chair of the Participant’s Council announced!

The EUscreen Foundation is delighted to announce that it has elected a new member of the Board and a new Chair of the Participant’s Council. Bartolomeo Meletti from Learning on Screen will take his seat on the Board following Alessandra Luciano. Laura Schotte from The Netherlands … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

A look back at the final MediaNumeric week in Warsaw

The week of 20 February 2023 was the third and final time that MediaNumeric hosted it’s in-person course on data-driven journalism, creative storytelling and fact-checking. SWPS University in the beautiful city of Warsaw, Poland was the students, teachers and the MediaNumeric tea … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Call for applications: Become the new Chair of the EUscreen Participants’ Council

We’re looking for a new Chair of the EUscreen Participant’s Council! Would you like to act as a representative of all the institutions gathered in Europe’s largest audiovisual archives network? With Nicole Emmenegger leaving her position at the EUscreen Foundation, we are looking … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Evaluation Report Second Training Programme

This deliverable presents the evaluation report of the MediaNumeric second training session,which took place at Inholland’s University campus in The Hague (The Netherlands), from 27th Juneto 2nd July, 2022. This document describes the two main steps of the evaluation: The assessm … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Archival data as the source for media research: interpretation, presentation and manipulation

Mari Wigham is a data engineer at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, working on innovative ways of helping researchers to work with the archive. She combines her experience in the media with her knowledge of semantic technology, to unlock media archives for researchers … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Call for applications: Join the EUscreen Foundation Board

The post Call for applications: Join the EUscreen Foundation Board appeared first on EUscreen. | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Telling stories with data: How data designers can ignite a fire within society

Julie Brunet is an independent information and data designer known as Datacitron and a two-time lecturer for the MediaNumeric programme. During the winter school in Paris, and more recently, the summer school in The Hague in June 2022 Julie gave her hands-on lectures on the panor … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Publication Report on Training and Coaching Workshop with Stakeholder Board Members

This report is a presentation and synthesis of the “Training and Coaching Workshop” (WP6 – D6.3) that was organised in Paris on September 5 and 6, 2022, at the headquarters of Agence France-Presse. After two on-site training sessions with students in Paris and The Hague, and a th … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The EUscreen Foundation stands in solidarity with Ukraine and firmly supports cultural heritage professionals and journalists [EN & UKR]

The EUscreen Foundation stands in solidarity with Ukraine and firmly supports cultural heritage professionals and journalists The post The EUscreen Foundation stands in solidarity with Ukraine and firmly supports cultural heritage professionals and journalists [EN & UKR] appeared … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

EUscreen’s New European Bauhaus Partnership

EUscreen is selected as an official partner of the New European Bauhaus – a creative and interdisciplinary initiative of the European Commission aimed at designing new ways of living to build a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future for all.  The post EUscreen’s New European … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Broadcasting Europe: Europeana Subtitled

The CEF funded project gathers seven major national broadcasters and audiovisual archives from seven European countries, to provide more than 6,000 high-quality audiovisual materials to Europeana around the theme of broadcasting Europe. Today, the average Internet user spends 84 … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Education Powered by audiovisual archives

EUscreen celebrates UNESCO’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage by promoting the use of audiovisual archives for education with a dedicated page to Education Resources. The post Education Powered by audiovisual archives appeared first on EUscreen. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Sound and Vision, Europeana XX en Europeana Sport present the Pop-up Exhibition ‘Olympia on the North Sea: 125 years of Olympic Games‘

The pop-up exhibition “Olympia on the North Sea: 125 years of Olympic Games”, offers a unique way to discover and experience the 20th-century European sports heritage by exploring the fascinating legacy of the Olympic Games. The post Sound and Vision, Europeana XX en Europeana Sp … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Tvélargie: Swiss Television History from the Margins

The Ongoing Transformation of TV The arrival of digital television continues to be described as a “revolution”, which has radically changed the TV we once knew. The so-called “third” age of television, which followed the ages of “Paleotelevision” and “Neotelevision” (Casetti and … | Continue reading | 3 years ago