FPGA design flow summary

Are you going to make an FPGA design? Are you asking yourself where to start, how to continue, and finish? These are the basic steps of an FPGA design flow: | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

Xeon processor with FPGA accelerator – now shipping

There have been many announcements about what would be the next generation Intel Xeon platform with integrated FPGA, also on this blog. Now Intel has finally announced that they are shipping their … | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

FPGA prototyping, legally free book

“Making FPGA prototyping part of the design process early means actually thinking about how the design will be prototyped via an FPGA”. In Prototypical – The Emergence of FPGA pro… | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

VHDL – signed, unsigned, and std_logic_vector

VHDL is a strong typed language. It is also a language which has quite a long history. These two facts together make handling of signed and unsigned numbers quite confusing. Even today I see lots o… | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

Show HN: VHDL Modulo counter

A modulo counter is a counter that wraps around when it reaches a certain value. For example, a counter modulo 5 will count 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, … ; namely, after 4 it will wrap around to 0. The re… | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

Show HN: MIF-Gen–Intel FPGA Memory Init with Matlab

Many times I find myself in the need of generating data for testing. We need data for verification, either done on simulation or on the real target. One easy way to test our system is to generate d… | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

FPGA internal tristate buses

For me, and for many other designers, the first time we saw the internal memory blocks in an FPGA came as a little shock. Some of us were used to RAM devices used in Board Design. These devices use… | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

Can AI be Conscious?

by Bernard Murphy (*) I found a recent Wired article based on a TED talk on consciousness. The speaker drew a conclusion that consciousness was not something that could ever be captured in a machin… | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

Understanding Machine Learning – free book

Machine learning is one of the fastest growing areas of computer science, with far-reaching applications. The aim of the textbook is to introduce machine learning, and the algorithmic paradigms it … | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago

VHDL or Verilog? (2017)

This question gets asked again and again, by beginners and experienced designers alike. When I saw it posted on the FPGA group at reddit, I liked the answer from user fft32, so with his permission,… | Continue reading

@fpgaer.wordpress.com | 6 years ago