A Four-Part Rhyme that Reminds You to “Sell” When Writing Copy

This week I was speaking at the Non-profit Innovation and Optimization Summit (NIO Summit) in Fort Worth, Texas. It’s run by the amazing team behind Next After whose aim is to help non-profit… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 7 years ago

Kill Your Ambiguous Copywriting

A critical habit was drummed into me long before I knew I’d use it in pretty much ever aspect of my copywriting career. At school, English was by far my favourite subject, and even though I&#… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 7 years ago

Why I Prefer a Customer Monologue to a Customer Profile

When you struggle to write copy that connects you can feel it. You might not be able to put your finger on what it is, but you know it feels out of sorts. Like wearing ill-fitting clothes. You migh… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 7 years ago

“The Workaround”: An alternative to pushy sales copy

Few people I know enjoy a hard sell. When someone is pushy, it’s easy to zone out because you’re not part of the conversation. There’s no listening, just someone telling you what … | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 7 years ago

Have Your Copywriting ‘Best Practices’ Become Outdated Sneaky Tricks?

Last week I wrote about the customer disconnect, which happens when our copywriting focuses on what we want prospects to do and forgets why they would want to take that action. I want to share with… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 7 years ago

Does Your Copywriting Fail to Engage? Learn from Lego and ‘Camp With Consumers’

Copywriting is only persuasive if it makes a meaningful connection with prospects. This means seeing the world from their point-of-view and writing copy that reflects this. Unfortunately sometimes … | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 7 years ago

Welcome New Customers With Content: How A New Dental Practice Nailed It

Last year I spent a lot of time at events talking about how many businesses forget to put their customer at the heart of their copywriting and content marketing. I notice when the customer perspect… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 7 years ago

How A Pub Uses Content Marketing to Create Hungry (and Thirsty) Customers

Every now and then I book a cottage in the country and head off for a self-imposed, unplugged, mini-retreat. It usually involves lots of walks, reading, writing and a 1,000 piece jigsaw. Rock and r… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

Does Your Copy Show Customer The Path of Least Resistance?

This week I’m in Fort Worth, Texas, after speaking at the NIOSummit: the Non-Profit Innovation and Optimisation Summit. Its purpose is to help non-profits use digital marketing, psychology an… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

Is your copy competitive or a commodity? Take the library book test…

Every now and then I find myself having the same frustration in my local library. I volunteer as part of their home delivery service, taking books to people who are housebound or find it difficult … | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

The Right Tone-of-Voice = Not Sounding Like This Snarky Advert

I don’t know whether the world is getting meaner, or copywriters are looking for new ways to make the target market listen, but I’m noticing more adverts using a little ‘snarkR… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

From Soothing to Insulting – 2 Adverts With Very Different Copywriting Styles

As most people reading magazines, I flip through the adverts to get to the good stuff. In this month’s edition of Glamour I was of course looking for an article that would help me perfect my … | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

Don’t Write Copy by Committee (Unless You WANT to Pay a Lot for Very Little)

I remember being hired a few years ago by a company that wanted copy for their website and various landing pages. The product was good, lots of enthusiasm behind the scenes and even though they wer… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

AmyTV #36: An Introduction to Benefits and Features in Copywriting

There’s a famous saying in marketing (as Veronica Fullovit from Bullspit Marketing tells us in the video): Sell the sizzle, not the steak.  What does this mean? Simply that your copy should l… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

5 Minute Copywriting Hack – How to Make Customers Believe Your Magic Beans

Are you flippin’ kidding me!? May well have been the response when Jack returned to his mum with no cow and no money in exchange for said cow. No it’s okay honest, I’ve got someth… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

AmyTV #35: What Happens When You Use Exclamation Marks in Marketing…

Tempting isn’t it… You’ve written your copy, but feel it needs a little bit more. A bit more passion, enthusiasm… a bit more oomph. There’s a character designed for th… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

AmyTV #34: How “Umbrella Terms” Make Your Marketing Copy Bland and Invisible

In this week’s episode of AmyTV we’re looking at the problem of Umbrella Terms, how they creep into your copy to make your marketing bland and, more importantly, what you can do about i… | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 8 years ago

AmyTV #33 Using Contrast in Your Copywriting

Today we’re talking about the power of contrast in your copywriting. So, painting a bleak picture of what your customer’s life looks like without your product, and the rainbow and unicorn universe … | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 9 years ago

This Event Will Transform Your Digital Marketing in 2016

AmyTV is back… And we’re kicking off this series with a special edition video about the Call to Action Marketing Conference happening in Vancouver, June 19th-21st 2016. I’m going … | Continue reading

@harrisonamy.com | 9 years ago