It’s Time to Reconceptualize What “Imposter Syndrome” Means for People of Color

The recent pushback against the imposter phenomenon in the media has largely focused on how and why it’s inappropriate for people of color. In this article, the author argues that, while there is merit to these arguments, getting rid of the idea entirely for Black students and wo … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

What French Bakeries Get Right About Strategy

One would think that if you run a traditional consumer business that can’t compete on costs with more efficient competitors, you would want to avoid them like the plague. But a study of boulangeries in Lyon, France, found that by locating next to more efficient “modernist” rivals … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Harnessing Imagination to Drive Innovation

The decay of rules-based trade means that companies can no longer find growth as easily by expanding to new locations, or expanding demand through low-cost single point sourcing. In this context, companies seeking growth must develop innovative offerings to expand demand. These o … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Lessons from Costco on Sustainable Growth

Few companies succeed in growing at a sustainable rate over time. The reason is that leaders give in to the temptation to grow in ways that overlook the customer or they grow more quickly than their organizational capabilities allow. But the leaders of a handful of companies, inc … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How Organizations Can Encourage Productive Allyship

Many leaders want to be allies for underrepresented groups, but fear their attempts will be awkward or offensive. New research suggests these fears are often unfounded, with acts of allyship generally being appreciated more than anticipated. Organizations can help by educating po … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Research Roundup: How the Pandemic Changed Management

Researchers recently reviewed 69 articles focused on the management implications of the Covid-19 pandemic that were published between March 2020 and July 2023 in top journals in management and applied psychology. The review highlights the numerous ways in which employees, teams, … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Fail Right

Why and how you fail is more important than success. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Become More Persuasive at Work

If you’re a leader, you need to know how to influence people. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Fighting AI-Driven Cybercrime Requires AI-Powered Data Security - SPONSOR CONTENT WEBINAR FROM COMMVAULT

Sponsor Content Webinar from Commvault. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Protect Your Boundaries When Your Company Is Struggling

Working longer hours for a struggling company may make you feel like a hero, but one person’s efforts will not save an at-risk organization. In this article, the author outlines strategies for how to focus your energy so you can have the most significant impact while also conside … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Bring Good Ideas to Life: The Paul English Story

What’s the difference between a good idea and a bad one? And what’s the best way to develop new ideas quickly? | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Use Experimentation to Design Better Health Care Benefits

U.S. employers face enormous challenges in designing their employee health care benefits that effectively address the myriad problems confronting them, including rising health care costs, employee burnout and obesity. At the same time, health and wellness options abound. By apply … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

What Sets Successful Startup Accelerators Apart

What role do business accelerators play in boosting the growth of early-stage companies? Accelerators provide a structured environment of mentorship, education, and resources in exchange for equity. And they work. Research involving numerous accelerator programs and interviews wi … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

What’s Your Interviewing Style?

A conversation with author Anna Papalia on a new way to approach interviews. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

The Essentials: Building and Repairing Trust

How to be candid when you can’t reveal all the facts of a sticky situation. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

The Benefits of Innovation That Isn’t Disruptive

Disruption is not the only path to innovation and growth. Creation without disruption or nondisruptive creation is about creating a new market outside or beyond existing industry boundaries, and has its own organizational and business advantages. In this article, the authors outl … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Getting Along: My New Manager Didn’t Give Me the Promotion I Was Promised

Not getting a promotion you were promised can bring up a whole host of feelings, from frustration to resentment. In this article, HBR’s advice columnist Amy Gallo answers a question from a reader who is facing this situation and offers advice and resources for how to work through … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Small Breaks During a Busy Workday

Many people operate from the belief that there’s too much to do and they can’t afford to pause during their workday. But taking effective breaks is essential to preventing burnout. In this article, the author outlines eight strategies to try to build more breaks into your day. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How Do I Balance My Career Goals with My Company’s Needs?

A leader must figure out how to balance her career goals with the needs of her company. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

To Decide Where to Grow Next, Pinpoint What Makes Your Company Different

In the ever-changing world of corporate growth, the mastery of ‘strategic clarity’ has become a pivotal element for success. Companies like Costco, Salesforce, Amazon, and Patagonia demonstrate the power of understanding and capitalizing on unique market differentiators. Strategi … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

When a New Boss Makes You Hate a Job You Once Loved

You’ve worked at your company for years and always loved your job. But everything changes when a new boss steps in. Feeling annoyed about having to prove yourself again is understandable, but it’s important to move past your resentment. In this article, the author outlines strate … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Why Adopting GenAI Is So Difficult

More than a year after the launch of ChatGPT, companies are still facing the same question when they first considered the technology: How do they actually go about putting it into business use? Many companies have simply discovered that generative AI tools like LLMs, while impres … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

When You Have to Make a Strategic Decision Without Much Data

One big challenge that leaders have when figuring out how or where their companies can grow is that a dearth of data about future problems and opportunities. In these situations, there are three techniques that leaders can employ to develop insights: look at customers and startup … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Integrating Digital Tools into Every Stage of Your Sales Strategy

Digital tools powered by relevant data can help to generate customer insights, better allocate sales resources, facilitate channel interactions, and improve brand value. But, like any tool, digital systems are only as good as their users. It’s not just data, but information relev … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Succeed When You’re Not the Boss’s Favorite

Staying positive and motivated is tough when your boss has a clear favorite. When you feel like you’re not favored, you may hesitate to proactively communicate with your boss, worrying that you might be a bother and worsen your relationship or that your attempts will be futile. H … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Build a Broader Network within Your Company

Professional relationships, like all interpersonal connections, tend to form between individuals who are similar to each other. And having a fixed belief that relationships tend to develop spontaneously can inhibit one from reaching out and building diverse relationships. A study … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Put Marketing at the Core of Your Growth Strategy

Companies that make the decision to put marketing at the core of their growth strategy outperform the competition, according to McKinsey research. Specifically, both B2C and B2B companies who view branding and advertising as a top two growth strategy are twice as likely to see re … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

An Introvert’s Guide to Visibility in the Workplace

Visibility in the workplace isn’t nice to have, it’s a necessity. Being seen and recognized for your work can open doors to new opportunities and propel your career forward. But that doesn’t have to come at the cost of becoming someone you’re not. Even as an introvert, you can fi … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How 8 Successful CEOs Allocated Capital to Build Durable Businesses

Learn how they differed from their peers to drive exceptional value. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Lead Great Conversations with Your Team

If you’re trying to build stronger relationships with your employees, this episode is for you. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

An Employer’s Guide to Supporting Workers with Autism

Technology and consulting companies have discovered the talents of high-functioning workers with autism spectrum disorder. But there are others with this condition who also have much to contribute. They are the missing middle, the pool of talent between autistic individuals with … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

After a Merger, These 3 Inefficiencies Can Actually Be Assets

Strategic inefficiencies play a surprising role in the success of technology acquisitions. Research involving hundreds of organizations and interviews with executives reveals that certain inefficiencies in post-merger integration (PMI) can actually propel growth. Key inefficienci … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How Cloud-Based Digital Technology Can Help Companies Achieve Sustainability Goals - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM ALIBABA

Sponsor content from Alibaba. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

When New Hires Get Paid More, Top Performers Resign First

To attract new talent, employers often offer new hires higher wages than existing employees. But today, a combination of regulatory changes and technological advances have dramatically increased pay transparency in many sectors, making employees increasingly aware of these pay di … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

To Negotiate Better, Start with Yourself

A conversation with expert mediator William Ury on overcoming your biggest obstacle. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

From Alpha to Adaptive: A New Breed of Leaders is Helping Organizations Navigate an Uncertain World - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM WIPRO

Sponsor content from Wipro. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How an Automation Platform Can Help Banks Streamline Digital Customer Journeys - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM NEWGEN

Sponsor content from Newgen. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

The Paradox of Growing as a Values-Driven Company

From organic farming to microbreweries, fair trade, and other sustainability-oriented movements, innovators are increasingly turning to market alternatives that explicitly prioritize social responsibility. But as these movements grow, they often face a catch-22: To maximize impac … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

The Essentials: Executive Presence

How to develop it, even if you’re never in the office. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

3 Ways Humility Can Undermine Your Leadership

Humble leadership is characterized by a willingness to admit a mistake or when you don’t know something, a tendency to share credit for successes, and an appreciation for others’ contributions. This leadership style is built on self-awareness, respect for others, and a focus on c … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Interview a Candidate You Don’t Immediately Click With

It’s often easier for interviewers to connect with candidates who have similar backgrounds, pedigrees, credentials, or perspectives. In fact, research shows that implicit bias shapes hiring managers’ perceptions of candidates in profound ways. At the same time, research also atte … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Coming Soon: Season 7

Listen to the new season of Coaching Real Leaders, where executive coach Muriel Wilkins helps leaders discover unexpected insights about themselves and find new paths forward. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

What Successful Purpose Statements Do Differently

Sadly, purpose statements at all too many organizations are just empty words. The companies that issue them don’t live up to their lofty promises. But research by Bain & Company identified some companies that are the exceptions. They employ four methods to turn their statements i … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

How to Actually Execute Change at a Company

The author analyze project teams across 257 firms to identify why only 60% of planned value is typically realized in change initiatives, focusing on four key factors: effective initial communication (“ACE the Memo”), ensuring resource accessibility and autonomy (“Master the Means … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Adapt Your Strategy to Higher Interest Rates

While many executives and investors were thrown by last year’s interest rate increases, the cost of capital needn’t be a threat. Companies that integrate the cost of capital into their strategy and planning reap real benefits. When something is cheap, people waste it. With the co … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Companies Need to Focus More on Cash Flow and Return on Capital - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM EY

Sponsor content from EY. | Continue reading | 4 months ago

5 Ways to Deal with the Microstresses Draining Your Energy

Microstresses are the accumulation of unnoticed small stresses from routine interactions, and often are so brief that we barely register them. Individually, these microstresses might seem manageable, but cumulatively they take an enormous toll. How can you identify and reduce the … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Internal Buy-In Will Make or Break Your Growth Strategy

Too often, organizations bring in outside firms to develop their growth strategies — resulting in a smart plan without the motivation, skills, and resources to get it done. Instead, the author argues, organizations should involve all stakeholders — including those who will need t … | Continue reading | 4 months ago