The Software Architecture Chronicles (2017)

This post is the first of a series of posts about Software Architecture. In them, I write about what I’ve learned on Software Architecture, how I think of it, and how I use that knowledge. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

DDD, Hexagonal, Onion, Clean, CQRS, … How I put it all together

In my last posts I’ve been writing about many of the concepts and principles that I’ve learned and a bit about how I reason about them. But I see these as just pieces of big a puzzle. … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

More than concentric layers

In my previous post in this series, I published an infographic that reflects the mental map I use to figure out the relationships between the code units types.However, there was something that I a… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Deployments with containers

Now that we have the project integrated with a Continuous Integration server, where we run the tests and report back to GitHub pull requests with the results of the test run and the coverage, we ca… | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Continuous Integration with containers

Integrate with Scrutinizer CI: Now that we have some containers in place for dev, prd and tst, we can integrate with a CI. I chose for Scrutinizer CI because of the code analysis it makes, the fact… | Continue reading | 6 years ago