Early 2024, my wife Kayo had the brilliant idea to start a movie club with some of our friends. The rules are simple: each month, one of us picks a movie. We all watch it in our own time and, since we’re all located in different locations all over the world, we do a group FaceTim … | Continue reading
The Wire Mad Men The Office Breaking Bad The Sopranos | Continue reading
After I launched How Many Days Until Omloop, I wondered if there was a site that would list all single-serving sites. Did some searching and I came to the conclusion that there are no actively maintained sites for this. Introducing: Single-Serving Sites. My effort to try to list … | Continue reading
After I launched How Many Days Until Omloop, I wondered if there was a site that would list all single-serving sites. Did some searching and I came to the conclusion that there are no actively maintained sites for this. Introducing: Single-Serving Sites. My effort to try to list … | Continue reading
For a new site I’m working on I needed to convert a URL https://howmanydaysuntilomloop.com/ into just the domain name howmanydaysuntilomloop.com. Originally I had a somewhat silly Liquid chain set up: {{ url | remove: "https://" | remove: "http://" | remove: "www." | remove: "/" … | Continue reading
For a new site I’m working on I needed to convert a URL https://howmanydaysuntilomloop.com/ into just the domain name howmanydaysuntilomloop.com. Originally I had a somewhat silly Liquid chain set up: {{ url | remove: "https://" | remove: "http://" | remove: "www." | remove: "/" … | Continue reading
Every true cyclist knows the race season doesn’t start until Omloop Het Volk Nieuwsblad. Yes, there are some early season things happening down under and in other desert like environments, but none of those really count until openingsweekend. In anticipation of Omloop I created o … | Continue reading
Found via a toot by Chris Hoyer, this list of default apps. Started by the folks from the Hemispheric Views podcast in an episode dubbed Duel of the Defaults! to find out which person uses the most default apps. After listening to the episode while Zwifting I decided to jot down … | Continue reading
https://youtu.be/Gu0GkjOpOj0 This aerosol engineer (and bike nerd) Aaron Collins, has been doing mask research and sharing his findings on YouTube. The videos are pretty lengthy, I watched em all, so here’s my incredible dumbed-down synopsis. Cloth masks and surgical masks are go … | Continue reading
Right after we moved into our new house, I took a photo with my iPhone every morning at 8 am. So, 300+ photos later, here’s a timelapse in ~13 seconds: https://youtu.be/kHypqsFAysU The sound is the final track of The KLF’s Chill Out album but reversed (thanks AudioMass) for extra … | Continue reading
Recently I got me one of those bikes with disc brakes. However my Tacx Spider Team Repair Stand (T3050) only came with a quick release fork mount, which doesn’t work with the new disc brake fork (12mm × 100mm). Sure, one could go and buy the updated stand (which comes with all ki … | Continue reading
Acrophobia Misophonia Trypophobia Arachnophobia | Continue reading
My friend Matt Bochneak sent me a link to Hauschka’s Top 5 ’90s Hip-Hop Tracks. He thought the picks weren’t that great. I replied that it’s actually pretty hard to make picks because that era is so good. Which got me thinking, could I pick 5 tracks? Here’s the list of artists I … | Continue reading
Super stoked to officially launch a little side project. It’s called Skate or Bike and will feature people who sometimes ride 4, and sometimes ride 2 wheels. The first interview on the site is with Miki Vuckovich. I emailed him a huge list of questions and the next day, while on … | Continue reading
Amateur cyclist Nicholas Brandt-Sorenson got busted for doping, then got busted again for selling dope. Peter Flax wrote a great article about him on CyclingTips. This and many similar articles got shared and discussed at great length on /r/Velo/. LA Times reporter Paresh Dave co … | Continue reading
Some of us must have done something bad last year, because Santa shut down Rdio right before Xmas. It was one of the better music services with a clean design and amazing comunity with whom I discovered and shared so many great tunes with. After Rdio shut down a lot of people wen … | Continue reading
One of the better Gulp plugins to upload your files to Amazon S3 has to be awspublish. Unfortunately, since I’m not the brightest when it comes to CLI stuff, it took me a while to get it working properly. Here’s a quick tutorial that will hopefully save other developers in spe so … | Continue reading
Yesterday I enjoyed a great lunch with Parra, one of the guys behind Tired Skateboards. While reminiscing about our time skating together, he noted that kids nowadays don’t really understand “skateboard humor” anymore. The comments on this tongue-in-cheek article about Nyjah Hust … | Continue reading
Done drugs Drank coffee Worn a scarf Been camping Watched Titanic Smoked cigarettes Listened to a Drake song (voluntarily) Believed in a higher power (besides my watts) …and most likely never will. | Continue reading
One of my all time top favorite music albums is “Selected Ambient Works 85-92” by the enigmatic Aphex Twin. I purchased it right after it came out (1992) at a small record store in Amsterdam. Had no idea who or what the record was about, I purely bought it for the cover art. Appa … | Continue reading
Download the palette. Unzip, open in Sketch and copy the palette into your own document. Use Control + C to quickly pick a color. Based on these things, originated by Designmodo’s Flat UI. | Continue reading
Back in April I participated in what was labeled The Most Unique Cycling Event in The U.S. aka the SPY Belgian Waffle Ride.. A 217KM long ride/race with over 3450 meters of climbing, dirt sections, water crossing, jerseys, waffles and beer. What more does a bike nerd need?! I had … | Continue reading
10 BIKE 20 EAT 30 WORK 40 EAT 50 SLEEP 60 GOTO 10 Update: SYNTAX ERROR | Continue reading
Strava for flying Strava for tennis Strava for driving Strava for golfing Strava for rapping Strava for beer drinking Strava for sitting (ok, that one failed already) | Continue reading
Life is all about creating memories that you slowly keep forgetting. | Continue reading
Karl Recycling Cat 6 racing Street spam Layer programming | Continue reading
Nutella on sale: 2 for 2.50! — M. Appelman (@huphtur) March 25, 2007 Thanks Topsy for making me realize my life is still much pretty the same as it ever was… | Continue reading
Netsuite is pretty powerful app but the UI and UX are seriously stuck in 1996. Some of their security questions are pretty ridiculous as well… What was your childhood nickname? What is the name of your favorite childhood friend? What street did you live on in third grade? What sc … | Continue reading
Went to the beach and put the iPhone 5 down to film the sand rushing over the beach propelled by the wind. Maybe not the smartest idea as sand got inside the lighting connector… https://youtu.be/GLyl401Y-1M | Continue reading