Next Generation Internet Experimentation – NGI-EXP

FIRE – Future Internet Research and Experimentation – has been an important initiative financed by the European Commission to promote and support experimentally-driven research to develop the Internet of the... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Digital Innovation Networks – DIN Forum 2017 report and presentations published

The Digital Innovation Networks Forum 2017 (DIN Forum) was organised by the FIRE STUDY and the HUB4NGI projects as a pre-event of the Net Futures 2017 in Brussels on June 27th afternoon. The... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Building the Future Internet through FIRE – The FIRE Book published and available at NetFutures 2017

2016 FIRE Book: a Research and Experimentation based Approach The 2016 FIRE book is around 400 pages and with very high quality content, from Research, Deployments to Best Practices and first... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Digital Innovation Networks Forum – also LIVE webinar!

Digital Innovation Networks are multi-disciplinary and multi-sector networks of people, technologies and enterprises aiming to advance Internet technology and innovation processes to address key socio-economic challenges and opportunities. The Digital... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The eWINE Grand Challenge results

The eWINE Grand Challenge ended at the University of  Oulu, Finland, on June 12th 2017, during the EuCNC . Seven teams participated to the final phase, showing exciting demonstrations on... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Winners of the SELECT for Cities Internet-of-Everything PCP Announced

SELECT for Cities has announced the first phase winners from its call for tenders to design and develop a city-wide Internet-of-Everything (IoE) platform for smart city innovation. SELECT for Cities... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Find the most appropriate TESTBED for your EXPERIMENTATION – EaaS!

In the context of the Next Generation Internet initiative (NGI), the XiPi+ testbed repository enables Experimentation-as-a-Service (EaaS) functionality. With that, XiPi+ provides a communication bridge between experimenters and infrastructure owners in... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Organicity’s 2nd Experimentation-as-a-Service (EaaS) Open Call launched

OrganiCity is developing a prototype service to support people in experimentation with urban data and the Internet of Things to improve their cities. OrganiCity is now open for applications to... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

FIRE Newsletter Nr. 33: Digital Innovation Networks White Paper and the Forum 2017

FIRE Newsletter Nr. 33 is a special edition about the Digital Innovation Networks Forum 2017 and about the just published Digital Innovation Networks White Paper The Digital Innovation Networks Forum,... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Digital Innovation Networks White Paper published

Exploring how digitisation and Internet connectivity influence networks of innovation for the Next Generation Internet The progressive digitisation and Internet connectivity of people, products and processes is a transformational and powerful trend... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

eWINE – The best paper award at European Wireless 2017

The paper “WiPLUS: Towards LTE-U Interference Detection, Assessment and Mitigation in 802.11 Networks” presented by our partners from the Technische Universität Berlin, received the best paper award at European Wireless... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

TRIANGLE Newsletter #5 published

In this newsletter, the TRIANGLE project talks about the diverse range of applications for 5G benchmarking received on its recent Open Call funding for 5G developers, makers and operators below. The newsletter follows with a... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The FIESTA-IoT second Open Call Results published

FIESTA-IoT has announced the winners of funding from the second open call! This open call provided funding for IoT testbeds to join and integrate with the FIESTA-IoT platform. Proposals were... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

FIRE Newsletter Nr. 32: Digital Innovation Networks Forum 2017

FIRE Newsletter Nr. 32 is a special edition about the Digital Innovation Networks Forum 2017 The Digital Innovation Networks Forum, organized by the FIRE STUDY, aims to create a strongly... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

FESTIVAL Call for Experimenters’ Webinar video published

FESTIVAL Call for Experimenters Webinar took place on 10th of May 2017. Its recording is now available on the FESTIVAL website! FESTIVAL Call for Experimenters’ webinar addressed technical & practical... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Third FIESTA-IoT Competitive Call for Experiments announced

The FIESTA-IoT Project has announced its third Open Call for Experimenters. They target to advanced and innovative developments, leveraging FIESTA-IoT’s novel Experimentation as a Service (Eaas) platform built a top... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

SoftFIRE has launched the Second Open Call for Experimenters

SoftFIRE launched its Second Open Call for Experimenters interested in SDN and NFV technologies for experimenting with: Programmability; Security; and Interoperability aspects on the federated testbeds. Experimenters interested in submitting a... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Digital Innovation Networks Forum – Registration Open!

Exploring NGI priorities and innovation approaches for a more human Internet The Digital Innovation Networks Forum, organized by the FIRE STUDY SMART, aims to create a strongly connected pan-European ecosystem... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

“Cooperation in Neighbor Discovery” won the best paper award in the Wireless Days 2017 conference!

The scientific publication  “Cooperation in Neighbor Discovery” by N. Karowski,  A. Willig and A. Wolisz, won the best paper award in the Wireless Days 2017 conference that took place in Porto... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The FIRE STUDY Next Generation Internet (NGI) White Paper Survey Results

This White Paper shows the results collected from the FIRE community on the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Experimentation white paper that was produced and published in Q2 2016. The white paper... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

First SoftFIRE Hackathon on May 4-5 in Berlin – Apply now!

Interested in “challenging” a federated Testbed? The Hackathon will consist of two parts: An interactive training session with the SoftFIRE team A contest focused on Open Baton and NFV This event... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The 4th Newsletter of the WAZIUP project: Building Innovation Community and start-up in Africa

After the first hackathon experience in Dakar Senegal back in December 2016, The WAZIUP partners WOELAB and ISPACE hosted Wazihacks #2 and #3 in Togo and Ghana respectively to identify... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The 2nd Newsletter of the FUTEBOL Project published

The FUTEBOL Project is entering its second year, and now they have published their second Newsletter. The Newsletter includes the News, Achievements and Headlights from the first year of the project!... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

WiSHFUL 4th Open Call for Experiments announced

The WiSHFUL project’s fourth Open Call for Experiments, targets to advanced solutions for controlling wireless networks using the WiSHFUL software platform and unified programming interfaces (UPIs), and using the facilities and... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

New ICT-13-2016 Call projects started!

The new ICT-13-2016 Call projects have started in the beginning of this year! The projects include: Coordination and Support Action project – HUB4NGI – to transform the current NGI initiative... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The ceFIMS-CONNECT project’s 5th Newsletter published

The 5th edition for February, 2017 Newsletter of the ceFIMS-CONNECT project has been published. In this final ceFIMS-CONNECT Newsletter, you can find a summary of the first two H2020 Future... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Latest News from FIRE – Next Generation Internet Experimentation – Newsletter Nr. 31 published!

The FIRE Newsletter Nr. 31 includes: – The eWINE Grand Challenge – The NGI Consultation report published – FLAME at the Mobile World Congress 2017 – eWINE Showcases – ORCA published its... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Final Report of the Next Generation Internet public Consultation published

The open consultation for the Next Generation Initiative (NGI) was held between 10th November 2016 and 9th January 2017. 449 people took part and provided their views both on technologies... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Flame project at the MWC 2017 – Reinventing media ecosystems

Visit the InterDigital booth (Hall 7, Booth C61) at the Mobile World Congress 2017, Barcelona, 27 February – 2 March. You will have the chance to experience the demo of... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

TRIANGLE 5G Benchmarking project funds diverse range of applications

The TRIANGLE project has published the 4th newsletter! In this newsletter, the TRIANGLE project talks about the diverse range of applications for 5G benchmarking received on its recent Open Call... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

FESTIVAL Call for Experimenters is now open!

Create your Experiments through FESTIVAL Portal! FESTIVAL (FEderated interoperable SmarT ICT services deVelopment And testing pLatforms) project provides an homogeneous access to a federated testbed platform between Europe and Japan.... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

SELECT for Cities launched its Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) competition

Call for Tenders Open! SELECT for Cities has officially launched its Request for Tenders to create a city-wide Internet-of-Everything platform for open innovation in Europe. Selected organisations will receive support and... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

eWINE Project Newsletter #3 published

  The eWine Newsletter #3 has been published incl. news as follows: The eWINE Grand Challenge eWINE at the IEEE Globecom 2016 conference eWINE at the 2nd 5G Global event in... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

New RECOMMENDER -feature added to the XiPi+ testbed repository enabling EaaS

In the context of the Next Generation Internet initiative (NGI), the XiPi+ testbed repository offers a new feature called Recommender for enabling Experimentation-as-a-Service (EaaS) functionality. With that, XiPi+ provides a communication... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

1st Fed4FIRE+ Competitive Call for Experimenters announced

CALL INFORMATION Project full name: Fed4FIRE+: Federation for FIRE Project grant agreement number: 732638 Call identifier: F4Fp-01 Call title: 1st Fed4FIRE Competitive Call – Innovative Experiments Category “Small experiments” & “Large... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The 2nd IoT Open Call announced by the FIESTA-IoT project

The FIESTA‐IoT Project has announced the 2nd Open Call for experiments and extensions. The FIESTA‐IoT is targeting to advanced and innovative IoT testbeds that federate within the FIESTA-IoT platform for extending and... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Latest News from FIRE – Next Generation Internet Experimentation – Newsletter Nr. 30 published!

The FIRE Newsletter Nr. 30 includes: – The eWINE Grand Challenge – The NGI Consultation process – RAWFIE and F-INTEROP Open Calls – EMBERS Challenge a big success at Junction – Open... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Announcement of the 2nd RAWFIE Open Call

RAWFIE  is a project in the FIRE initiative aiming to provide research and experimentation facilities through the growing domain of unmanned networked devices. RAWFIE considers three kinds of vehicles; –... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Next Generation Internet (NGI) Consultation process – closing 9th January 2016

The vision The Internet of the future should be more open, provide better services, more intelligence, greater involvement and participation. It needs to reflect the European social and ethical values:... | Continue reading | 7 years ago