The next chapter in this website's history of overengineering, from static HTML with Hugo to React everywhere with Next.js. | Continue reading
Simple dark mode switching using local storage, OS preference detection, and minimal JavaScript. | Continue reading
Some of the most popular open-source projects are renaming their default branch from "master" on GitHub. Here's how to do so, and safely. | Continue reading
Introducing the Y2K Sandbox: fully featured, fully isolated, on-demand Windows Millennium Edition® virtual machines. | Continue reading
The open source community is rallying together like no other to provide coronavirus information to the public in innovative ways. | Continue reading
The open source community is rallying together like no other to provide coronavirus information to the public in innovative ways. | Continue reading
I'm finally canceling my Dropbox Pro account and moving to iCloud Drive for synchronized cloud storage. | Continue reading
Netlify has released Netlify Analytics, a tracking tool that's the only one of its kind, prioritizing privacy and speed. | Continue reading
Each of the 2020 presidential candidates's 404 Not Found pages, ranked. | Continue reading
I've found a new hobby of making cool GitHub Actions, the latest tool in the CI world. Here's why. | Continue reading
My first full coding project ever: a PHP bulletin board creatively titled Jake's Bulletin Board, circa 2003. | Continue reading
I've collected some interesting and scary search queries for Shodan, the internet-of-things search engine. Some return fun results, while others return serious vulnerabilities. | Continue reading
A walkthrough for backing up a Linux server to an external storage provider like Amazon S3 automatically. | Continue reading
The team behind Bernie's campaign has a new app named BERN. It's undoubtedly a smart move, but also a concerning one for privacy advocates. | Continue reading
Short answer: no. Quite the opposite, actually — is intentionally blocking users. Here's why. | Continue reading
How to make the 👋 waving hand emoji actually wave using pure CSS animation! | Continue reading
Walkthrough of forking a GitHub repository, cloning it, committing your changes to a new branch, and pushing it back upstream. | Continue reading
A subdomain takeover occurs when a subdomain points to a shared hosting account that is abandoned by its owner, leaving the endpoint available to claim for yourself. | Continue reading
How to add important security headers to your website using Cloudflare Workers before delivering the response to the user. | Continue reading
Bashfiles usually contain shortcuts compatible with Bash terminals to automate convoluted commands. Here's a summary of the ones I find most helpful that you can add to your own .bash_profile or .bashrc file. | Continue reading
VMware is bad at shrinking Linux VMs when space is freed up. How to optimize and shrink virtual disks. | Continue reading
I am a 24-year-old "millennial" and I passionately support Hillary Clinton for the 45th President of the United States. Yes, we exist. | Continue reading