No company wants to enter a market thinking they are going to fail. But what happens were they to fail might have a bearing on whether they succeed in the first place. It was with this in mind that I read this morning that Virgin Trains is looking for money partners. […] The post … | Continue reading
I have just been in a focus group for an academic project about cross border railways in Europe, and ticketing was one of the aspects of it. Some of the others in the discussion were ticketing people from state owned railways, some from rivals to state incumbents, and some from [ … | Continue reading
For three weeks in late March and early April I am running a project called #CrossChannelRail that is looking at the future of long distance high speed train services through the Channel Tunnel. The future of Eurostar and any of its potential rivals if you like. A whole lot of [… … | Continue reading
Geopolitics had the Schleswig Holstein Question. Machine intelligence has the Turing Test. Jumble those up, throw in a little extra European Union complexity, and I am proud to present you the railway equivalent: the Valence-Armentières Problem. At one level the theoretical solut … | Continue reading
It’s a common question I receive on social media, and from friends offline too: “can you recommend me a platform to book rail tickets Europe wide?” And the answer is, no, I cannot. Not universally. The answer to the question is normally: “can you tell me roughly where you’re goin … | Continue reading
A train trip between small or medium sized towns at opposite ends of France by train normally works like this: TER regional train to the nearest city, TGV at high speed across the country, and then a TER for the last leg. So let’s take a worked example – Haguenau […] The post Bun … | Continue reading
“EU High Speed Network Plan Announced” screamed the headline on the Community of European Railways (CER) LinkedIn page this week. It caused me to scratch my head a bit, as there is no such plan yet – this was CER getting a bit carried away with one line in the […] The post What s … | Continue reading
I’ve been struggling quite a lot recently with negative reactions to what I write about railways, but not in the “you’re wrong” sort of way, but a more insidious kind of casting doubt about my ability, my motivation or my knowledge. So here I am going to lay out some […] The post … | Continue reading
Sometimes ideas are borne from frustration. After reading for the umpteenth time on LinkedIn that Portugal will relaunch night trains to Spain in 2025 (it likely won’t), I snapped. I have hence come up with a simple system to call out bullshit stories about railways – the Rail St … | Continue reading
A story entitled “I love to travel Europe by train. But here’s what a joined-up 21st-century network needs” by María Ramírez was published by The Guardian yesterday. ‘I don’t disagree with the piece’ was the gist of my answer when asked about it on social media, but the piece doe … | Continue reading
When – from a passenger point of view – I make the case why the EU ought to pass a Regulation to fix cross border railway ticketing, the reaction from the railway industry (especially state owned railway firms) is essentially “why should we make booking easier, because our cross … | Continue reading
Bruxelles-Paris by Eurostar (ex-Thalys) 300km/h high speed train takes just 1 hour 22 minutes, but as anyone who has taken it in recent years can testify, the prices can be horribly high, mostly because capacity is not adequate and no one has yet entered the market against the in … | Continue reading
A message from a friend this morning: “Have you seen that piece in The Guardian saying Eurostar is the worst performing train service in Europe?” Oh what now, my heart sinking as I waited for her to send me the link. This is The Guardian’s piece, and it relates to […] | Continue reading
It’s a pretty obvious point if you think about it. If all of Ryanair’s planes were all running full, all the time, what would Michael O’Leary (CEO of Ryanair) do? He’d order more planes. And yes, that’d mean more maintenance facilities and more staff and more costs. But it would … | Continue reading
French state owned rail operator SNCF will not sell me tickets for Italian state owned rail operator Trenitalia’s trains. Trenitalia will not sell me tickets for SNCF’s trains. But in Brussels both Trenitalia and SNCF want to have you believe that a rail industry initiative calle … | Continue reading
When Ursula von der Leyen’s released her political guidelines for her second term as President of the European Commission, there it was – a commitment to fix railway ticketing in the EU, including passenger rights: “Cross-border train travel is still too difficult for many citize … | Continue reading
It is a pernicious combination. Parking on the street is free in most of Berlin, and the city’s administration deficient – there is even a lack of clarity as to who is supposed to clear such wrecks. So that means Berlin is extremely slow to deal with cars dumped and […] The post … | Continue reading
Justin Scholz, a thoughtful friend of mine, sent me a link to this post by Anil Dash, entitled “Systems: The Purpose of a System is What It Does” – do read it in full. Let’s have a go applying this to international railway ticketing, and use one what – superficially […] The post … | Continue reading
Harrachov, Czechia Adorf (Vogtland), Germany Černousy, Czechia Selb-Plößberg, Germany Holzhau, Germany Bayerisch Eisenstein, Germany On the smallest branch lines in Germany and Czechia (and even just into Poland on one line) you will find them – Stadler RS1 railbuses, with their … | Continue reading
While clearing old belongings here (pre-move to France) I stumbled across a 2003 Interrail diary of mine, and in it were timetables for trains in Italy and Romania printed out from the website of Deutsche Bahn. Today, 21 years on, I am still using Deutsche Bahn’s website to plan … | Continue reading
SNCF – for all TGV and TER trains – introduced new luggage rules in February 2024, with a transition period up until mid September 2024 for their introduction, although it seems that even at the time of writing (August 2024) some SNCF staff are getting a bit over zealous in […] T … | Continue reading
Another day, and another stream of railway news pops up in my social media feed. On the hell side – unsurprisingly from Germany – comes news that the situation for passengers at München Hbf continues to worsen, while DB has closed the Hamburg-Berlin line for 4 months for works, s … | Continue reading
For the past few years the state owned railways in Europe – represented in Brussels by Community of European Railways (CER) – have been working on their “Ticketing Roadmap” (yes, don’t laugh, railway companies really have a roadmap). This roadmap is the railways’ response to cust … | Continue reading
On 27th September, a removal truck will pull up outside the building in Berlin Neukölln I currently call home, and into it will go my belongings. My time in Berlin will be over. I’ll race ahead of the truck in a train, and from that evening Ravières (population: 719) in […] The p … | Continue reading
Dear 2024 nominee for European Commissioner for Transport, Congratulations on your nomination. Being Transport Commissioner is a massive challenge, and an enormous privilege. As pretty much all of living in the EU use some sort of transport every day, what you do is going to have … | Continue reading
“Schlimmer geht immer” the Germans say. “It can always get worse” As regular readers of this blog know, I am not the biggest fan of current European Commissioner for Transport, Adina-Ioana Vălean. But her term is ending later this year, and while she might be re-nominated as a Co … | Continue reading
If you want to travel on 22nd May 2024 from Paris to Berlin (Germany), Verviers (Belgium) or Luzern (Switzerland), the app and website for SNCF ticketing, SNCF Connect, will show you prices and sell you a ticket. Try the same on 24th May 2024 and it will not. Here are […] The pos … | Continue reading
Former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta has been spending months preparing a report on the future of the EU’s Single Market. The report will be presented to Heads of State and Government this week, and was published yesterday – you can find the PDF here. A couple of well conne … | Continue reading
I was commissioned by Jakop Dalunde, MEP from Miljöpartiet de gröna (Greens/EFA), to write a report about the ongoing challenges to fix multimodal and especially railway ticketing problems EU-wide. The report – entitled “Simplifying European Ticketing – A chance for a green trans … | Continue reading
Once – in all my years travelling by rail – I left a bag on a train by mistake. It was sometime between 2005 and 2007 when I was working in both London and Sunningdale (50 mins west of London), and unusually I had a bag with a suit in […] The post Abandoned luggage on trains, and … | Continue reading
Wolfgang Cramer is a long time connection of mine on social media. He is obsessed about reducing his carbon footprint, and travels pretty much everywhere by train and bike, so you can see why I get along with him. He has thousands of kilometres of rail travel, Europe-wide, behind … | Continue reading
Transport & Environment, Allrail, Trainline and some private railway companies and ticket sellers have released a letter (PDF here) to the European Commission calling for a reduction in track access charges for passenger trains. They specifically mention “trains with high capacit … | Continue reading
It was in the news this week that night train startup European Sleeper has contacted the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartel Office) in Germany over Deutsche Bahn’s refusal to sell its tickets on and in its DB Navigator app. I can see European Sleeper’s point of view very cl … | Continue reading
Is taking a train something you do every day, rivaling a car? Something flexible, you just get on and go? Or is it something you do less regularly? Something where you plan, that you know long ahead where and when you will travel? More similar to how most people take […] The post … | Continue reading
Since embarking on my first #CrossBorderRail tour in the summer of 2022 and follow up smaller tours in 2023, internal railway borders of the European Union have been my prime focus – and so far I have been to exactly 200 borders (you can see them all mapped here – […] The post #C … | Continue reading
On 3rd March the documentary “Europa spoort niet” aired on NPO2, the Dutch public state broadcaster’s TV channel. It is in the documentary series Tegenlicht, produced by vpro. You can watch the whole thing (50 mins) with Dutch subtitles here, and there is a version for Youtube ed … | Continue reading
This morning I was meant to take Flixbus 1324 from Amsterdam Sloterdijk to Berlin ZOB, booked because Deutsche Bahn train drivers are striking today. Needs must and all that. The timetable for the service is departing Sloterdijk at 06:10 and arriving ZOB at 16:20, before the bus … | Continue reading
At one level the answer to the question posed in the title of this tweet is obvious: very green. This 2020 report (PDF) by the European Environment Agency puts some numbers on it, summarised in this graph: I might quibble with some of the numbers here, but the overall picture […] … | Continue reading
It’s one of the many joys of my #CrossBorderRail project – it takes me to these amazing and sometimes slightly odd border places, and I never know quite what I am going to find when I get there. This was the case when I went to Bad Muskau – Łęknica […] The post Bad Muskau – Łękni … | Continue reading
I stumbled across this little gem on Facebook – posted by Peter Osten (one of my predecessors as President of JEF Europe) and reproduced here with his permission. It is a rail ticket from April 1972 Mannheim Hbf – Bruxelles return, and it cost DM 95.20. Look at it closely […] The … | Continue reading
“What ticketing platform can you recommend for cross-border railway bookings, Jon?” is a question I receive quite often. And the answer, rather disappointingly, is “It depends where you’re going.” Or – put that another way – I can give none of the third party privately owned book … | Continue reading
“Görlitz bekommt die erste Wasserstoff-Straßenbahn Europas” – “Görlitz will get the first hydrogen tram in Europe” the article claims. It might as well be entitled “Görlitz has decided to go for the most stupid public transport idea imaginable” It’s not only that a hydrogen tram … | Continue reading
Cycling activism is not really my thing – I am a regular cyclist in cities in Germany, know plenty of people who campaign for better cycling infrastructure, and follow a bunch of activists on social media. But I’ve never been more than a participant in Critical Mass or other prot … | Continue reading
It’s my enduring memory of European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean. I was a passenger on the EU Year of Rail publicity train – the Connecting Europe Express – between Kraków and Ljubljana. And who was there to greet the train’s arrival at Ljubljana station – none other t … | Continue reading
Writing a detailed explainer about Channel Tunnel through services was an idea I have had for a while. But that a 10000 word piece would be one of my most-read blog posts ever comes as a positive surprise! So that then leads me to wonder: what further Analysis pieces would […] Th … | Continue reading
In the course of my #CrossBorderRail project I have learned a fair bit about how to use Interrail passes in a bunch of different countries. While this is far from a complete guide, here are a bunch of tips and tricks I have picked up. All are correct as of […] The post Interrail … | Continue reading
Warum Bahnfahren in Europa oft so kompliziert ist Mal eben schnell mit ein paar Klicks buchen, das funktioniert nicht. Aber ein paar Tricks gibt es doch, um schneller oder zumindest maximal günstig an eine Fahrkarte zu kommen. “Man sollte die Planung von der Buchung trennen”, sag … | Continue reading
TL;DR – whatever you read in the press about future long distance train services through the Channel Tunnel is at best only part of the truth, because the reality is complicated Periodically stories appear in newspapers, on radio and television, and also in the dedicated railway … | Continue reading