When the sun sets the light returns to the lamp

The title of this entry is a quote from a four-year-old boy. Because he is my grandson, I allow myself to call him ‘Mr. Little’ and he agrees. He has another one, “There’s water in the ice and they come out of the holes.” It joins another his mother said when she was his age, “My … | Continue reading

@limorshiponi.com | 6 years ago

What happens when we tell stories and why it is so powerful

Today, I understand the tears were more about storytelling than stories. What happens when we tell stories and why it is so poerful. | Continue reading

@limorshiponi.com | 7 years ago

Trying to hack storytelling is another way of avoiding storytelling

After observing the buzz through the past years, reading everything between the tacky copy-paste “tell a story” and elaborate dissecting concepts, I have a few simple conclusions: It’s about trying to force existentialism into the scientific method and it’s not working. It’s all … | Continue reading

@limorshiponi.com | 7 years ago

Storytelling performance indicators | Two feedback questions that help us realize what they can improve on

While genuine feedback is not always available, you can learn how to evaluate skill. Reveal storytelling performance indicators with two simple questions. | Continue reading

@limorshiponi.com | 7 years ago

A great few lines from Seinfeld worth sitting with

I just came across ‘Stopping and starting with success’ – a Harvard Business Review podcast with Dan McGinn and Jerry Seinfeld. You’ll find the download and full transcripts here. It’s worth listening to in full, but one excerpt made me laugh so hard I had to share it with my sto … | Continue reading

@limorshiponi.com | 7 years ago

Can I use your personal story?

Lately I’ve heard of several incidents, where people found out their personal stories are shared by others in front of an audience. This was done without permission. Even more annoying – when confronted, the people performing the breach willingly embarked on lengthy, pseudo-schol … | Continue reading

@limorshiponi.com | 7 years ago

Observing our storytelling work – what are we looking for?

If you paint or sketch regularly, you know the habit of backing off for observation. After working for an hour or two you take a break, go make some coffee or brew tea, and come back to take a seat and watch what you’ve done. This habit of backing off and observing for ten or … O … | Continue reading

@limorshiponi.com | 7 years ago