Lots of talk in the AI space about moats. Does any model have such an outsized advantage that it just can’t be beat, protecting the business from competition? But the best moat is a great product. OpenAI still has a technical and UX lead across their suite of products. Might not … | Continue reading
You know what was great last night? Spurs vs. Hawks, first game with De’Aaron Fox in the lineup. I missed some of it and rewatched the last 5 minutes on tape delay. 🏀 | Continue reading
I wrote a script last night that can take any missing photos on a blog and restore them from the Wayback Machine. Feels like it should be tucked away somewhere as a Micro.blog feature, but not sure where yet. | Continue reading
Simple goals for today: Meet with the gutter guy about installing gutters for the roof. Answer emails. Support email feels manageable for the first time in a year. Find some small thing I can deploy to Micro.blog, a fix or feature, to make life a tiny bit better. | Continue reading
Tonight Adam Newbold posted about receiving a cease and desist. Some people assumed it was from me, but I had never heard of it. Micro.blog has not sent anyone a cease and desist. I have been focused on making Micro.blog better and hiring Sven to help answer customer questions, n … | Continue reading
New home internet update: Verizon 5G router arrived and it’s… alright. 100 Mbps if the wind is blowing the right direction. 🤪 Trying to be patient until fiber is ready. | Continue reading
Today we’re rolling out two plug-in changes to Micro.blog. The first is that for new users, the Sumo theme by Matt Langford is now the default theme. This is a great theme that I think will serve new users better than our previous default theme Marfa. Sumo is better maintained an … | Continue reading
Federico Viticci blogging about timeline apps: My problem with timeline apps is that I struggle to understand their pitch as alternatives to browsing Mastodon and Bluesky (supported by both Tapestry and Reeder) when they don’t support key functionalities of those services such as … | Continue reading
Amazon’s Kindle Vella is shutting down with only a few weeks notice. I never read any stories but I thought it was an interesting idea — serialized novels delivered in short episodes like a chapter at a time, mostly fantasy and romance. Perhaps should’ve been more integrated with … | Continue reading
Tapestry from the Iconfactory is out! Of course I love that it supports Micro.blog. And it makes me happy just seeing developers experiment with new ways to mix open social platforms together. | Continue reading
We’re a few days in to not having internet at the house, which means no YouTube TV, Max, Netflix, Prime, Disney+, Apple TV+, FanDuel Sports, and Hulu. Our over-the-air antenna reception looks amazing, though. Sort of want to cancel everything and start over with local TV. | Continue reading
When you’re late to the game, do less, better. Apple used to know this. When the original iPod arrived at my house, I could tell it was a breakthrough. Famously less space than a Nomad, but an innovative UI, great design, and fast FireWire. It was so good it set in motion everyth … | Continue reading
Jason Snell wonders if AltStore should’ve poked the bear. He covers both sides well: Is notarization a tool Apple can use to bypass all of Europe’s regulations of Apple whenever it feels like preventing users from running MacPaint on an iPad? Or is it something out of Apple’s han … | Continue reading
Finished reading: Wind and Truth by Brandon Sanderson. Not even sure what to say. Still letting the end of the first arc sink in. 📚 | Continue reading
This interview with Bookshop CEO Andy Hunter on Decoder is excellent. Andy seems like the kind of person who will change things. I can’t believe he wasn’t on my radar even though we’ve linked to Bookshop in Micro.blog bookshelves for a few years. | Continue reading
Me complaining a year ago: No, I don’t want to rate the app, or the Skype call, or the mechanic, or the quality of a support email, or a song, or my doctor’s appointment, or whether the web page answered my question… I don’t really want to rate anything ever again! If I actually … | Continue reading
A small, pointless Apple Intelligence chat completion failure as I’m chatting with Verizon support… It thinks I’m talking to myself? I know it’s a cheap shot to gripe about AI, but this is really basic stuff. | Continue reading
Trying to get internet at the new place. AT&T will only talk on the phone and they make everything complicated. Google Fiber is in the neighborhood but not on our street. Verizon was supposed to overnight a 5G router a few days ago, it hasn’t shipped. Trying to avoid cable if fib … | Continue reading
There are so many great quotes in the Six Colors report card for 2024. Hardware is good, the Mac is good, but Apple has run their relationship with developers into the ground, and most people think Apple Intelligence is a miss. | Continue reading
Bayou is a new theme for Micro.blog that prioritizes long-form content. Looks great! Thanks @Mtt. | Continue reading
Parker Ortolani blogs about Bluesky clients: I want Tweetbot or Twitterrific, but for Bluesky. I’m not seeing that yet. The opportunity is clearly there, it has tens of millions of users making it three times the size of Mastodon. John Gruber adds a note on Daring Fireball about … | Continue reading
I don’t see myself using Bookshop.org’s new e-books until there’s Kindle support, but now that I’ve read this article on Wired, I’m convinced they’re on the right track. From CEO Andy Hunter: The first step is to launch the platform. Our second step is to make it popular, so we h … | Continue reading
Micro.blog iOS folks on the TestFlight beta, the latest build fixes an issue editing longer blog posts. If anyone sees any new problems, please let me know. We’ll do the App Store release this week. | Continue reading
Just reading more about the Luka Dončić trade to the Lakers. Can still hardly believe it. I thought Luka might be the kind of player would stay in Dallas forever. 🏀 | Continue reading
Dave Winer writes about links on the social web: Support for links is the basic requirement of the web, the same way we say feeds are required to be a podcast. If you don’t support links not only aren’t you the web, you’re anti-web. | Continue reading
Yesterday Sam Altman and a few other folks from OpenAI did an ask me anything on Reddit. Some interesting answers about upcoming models, showing more thinking like R1, and this comment on open weights from Sam: i personally think we have been on the wrong side of history here and … | Continue reading
Very nice video preview of smart replies in @gregmorris’s app Micro Social. I think a lot of people on Micro.blog are going to like this. | Continue reading
Oops, while testing something I accidentally sent out another random post (that I didn’t write!) to my blog and other services. Time to step away from the keyboard. | Continue reading
Nice simple teaser site for Tapestry, shipping next week. It combines a bunch of sources into a single timeline, extensible with JavaScript. | Continue reading
Playing with private note tags in the latest update to Lillihub. It is based on the Micro.blog API but adds its own features and user experience. This is what is possible when there’s an API that developers can just run with. | Continue reading
When I read the tech news or listen to podcasts, my mind sometimes wanders into how I would talk about this with @danielpunkass on Core Int. It’s going to be hard to break the habit. But I packed up my microphone and threw away the mic stand. “Let the past die. Kill it if you hav … | Continue reading
In the context of Apple services revenue, I want to mention something I noticed yesterday. I opened the App Store to check something, and staring me in the face right on the home page was an ad for Truth Social. Between that and search ads clutter, ads only make the App Store wor … | Continue reading
For the first time in over a week, today I felt like I could catch my breath. There has been a lot going on. | Continue reading
Tragic what happened with the crash in DC. I’m sure the next time we watch a figure skating competition, even years from now, it will be hard to shake the memory. Every day, every minute, small and big events rewrite the future. | Continue reading
Commuter train heading downtown. From the other side of the fence at Cosmic. | Continue reading
Now that Core Intuition is over, we need to give a little thought to the permanent archive of MP3s. Unfortunately the files are spread across our own servers, S3, and Libsyn. It’s probably about 15 GB and sort of difficult to move around. | Continue reading
Great points in this conversation about how Micro.blog handles longer blog posts with titles. Maybe the time has come for a change here. I’ve never wanted Micro.blog’s timeline to be a bunch of summaries and “read more” links, but right now we should be encouraging longer posts, … | Continue reading
Pouring down rain this morning, so maybe not a good time for that walk I was planning. Today is the first day in a week that I don’t have anything on my calendar. That means coding and email progress. | Continue reading
Another upcoming theme from @Mtt! This looks great. It solves a problem that many people ask about: In my opinion, longform content should have higher visibility than microposts. Unfortunately, that content is often lost in the constant stream of thoughts we push out. As a remedy … | Continue reading
Pika Pulse is shutting down: We’re a small team and we want the bulk of our time and energy to be spent building the best software we can. It’s not possible for us to read everything… I wondered how they handled it and now we know it was a random selection of posts. I wanted Micr … | Continue reading
Looking out over the trees and mist from the parking garage at the title company. Just signed our life away for the next 30 years. | Continue reading
Recently there have been some sporadic problems with custom CSS and themes in Micro.blog — basically a glitch when I rolled out an optimization to make Hugo static files faster. I’ve made more improvements today. Please reach out if your blog is hosed in any way. | Continue reading
Still digging through support email. Happy to announce that starting next week, @sod will also be joining on a very part-time basis to help answer email questions. We worked with him a year ago on Micro.blog templates too. I’m inspired and thankful for the help! | Continue reading
While I don’t think it’s likely, if in the future, the only EV allowed to be sold in the United States is a Tesla, as Elon Musk has an office in the White House, that won’t be the most ridiculous thing to happen in Trump’s term. Not even close. From the Verge: Volkswagen cancels … | Continue reading
Batch, a new favorite. I can’t believe I’ve been living within walking distance to this place for over a year and never tried it before this week. A misty, gray morning. | Continue reading
Seth Godin as usual has the perspective I need to hear, about prioritizing the important things instead of the urgent: Waiting for trouble means that you’re going to spend your days dealing with trouble. Over the weekend, I made a few pretty big, probably overdue changes. A coupl … | Continue reading