Hosts file: What is it, why is it useful and how to edit it?

Operating systems like Linux, Windows, and macOS have a so-called 'hosts' file. Let's examine how it can help us in web development! | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Web Development: Overview and Basic Concepts

You want to learn web development? Then let me give you an overview & some pointers on some important basic concepts. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Short historic overview: Building JavaScript apps that receive server events

When building web apps like chats and multiplayer games, you need to receive events from the server. In the past, such "server push" has been quite difficult to implement. I am going to give an overview on techniques that were used, and how WebSockets make everything better. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Steps to Better JavaScript Development

Some advice on how to program (not just) JavaScript in your daily work with less suck. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

My Favorite Shortcuts for JetBrains' IDEs

JetBrains, the makers of the popular IntelliJ IDEA, offer a range of powerful IDEs for all kinds of programming languages. I would like to share my favorite shortcuts for their IDEs. | Continue reading | 4 years ago