Visualize Monthly Goals With The Gap Goal

Sometimes it’s rough to visualize your monthly goal. Think about it, 3500 WAUs for a goal in one month might have been difficult to hit, but with 20% MoM growth, that jumps to 4200 in the second month. However, if you are using a blueprint for growth you are building marketing as … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Plan Monthly Growth Success With A Marketing Calendar

As we know, growth doesn’t just happen on its own. Sure, some companies hit the lottery but you can’t leave your success up to the fates by waiting for that to happen. So you have to plan, week by week, month by month, to achieve steady, scalable growth. Set Your Goals The first … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

4 Fast Acting Tactics To Meet Your Growth Goals Every Month

Want to make sure you never miss a monthly growth goal? Perhaps you need a boost right now to get the month moving in the right direction? Then you’ve come to the right place. Big companies like Facebook and HubSpot have lofty growth goals and continue to meet them every month. B … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Growth Roadblocks Preventing You From Hitting Goals

Continue reading | 7 years ago

50 Guides, Calculators, & Resources for SaaS Companies

The post 50 Guides, Calculators, & Resources for SaaS Companies appeared first on Mary Green. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Flexbooker Onboarding SaaS Analysis

The post Flexbooker Onboarding SaaS Analysis appeared first on Mary Green. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Tips To Build A Successful Marketplace Startup

The post Tips To Build A Successful Marketplace Startup appeared first on Mary Green. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Ways Content Brings In Paid Users

The post 5 Ways Content Brings In Paid Users appeared first on Mary Green. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Conversion Analysis To Increase Leads- Up Automation

The post Conversion Analysis To Increase Leads- Up Automation appeared first on Mary Green. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

29 Marketing Lessons from Drift

The post 29 Marketing Lessons from Drift appeared first on Mary Green. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Tools I Use As A Freelance Marketer

Every now and then I like to put out a post of my favorite tools. It gives me a place to reference tools if I change devices or want to share with others. Enjoy! Paid Tools I Use Buffer $- I happily pay for Buffer every […]The post Tools I Use As A Freelance Marketer appeared fir … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Choosing Marketing Activities for Your Startup

Have your startup been focused on sales? Is it time to jump into marketing, but you aren’t sure where to start? This post is for you… How Do I Begin Marketing My Startup? Secretly, for most companies, the answer is this: The founder(s) liked something they’ve […]The post Choosing … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Simple Homepage Tweaks for 20% More Conversions

It doesn’t have to be difficult to squeeze more revenue and marketing qualified leads out of your business. In fact, several changes can be made quickly, don’t require a lot of energy, and make a big difference. I consider the following tweaks easy wins that add up to major resul … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

SalsaLabs Teardown

I was invited to do a teardown of Salsa Labs, a marketing software option for nonprofits. Please keep in mind… | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Contentools SaaS Homepage Teardown

Contentools recently redesigned their website and I was invited to tear it up!! If you haven’t heard of Contentools, it is a platform for managing content marketing. It’s pretty nice, you can collaborate, track ideas, write, publish and share- just about everything you’d need to … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

9 Things I Expect As Your SaaS Customer

Over the years I’ve signed up for a couple hundred digital tools. With that experience, I’ve come to expect certain things from your tool/site especially if I become a customer. I’m hoping you’ll see this from a customer’s point of view and it will help you preemptively reduce ch … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

25 Crucial Elements for Your SaaS Homepage [Checklist]

After 2 Teardowns of SaaS homepages ( and Contactually) and their marketing, I wanted to share a checklist for SaaS homepages. What’s the purpose of your SaaS homepage? Front App says that “SaaS products have in common the fact that they must convince potential customers … | Continue reading | 8 years ago