LA's hottest club: A members-only dog park

It's a warm, mid-week spring evening in Los Angeles, and the club is bumping. Not the Hollywood dance club or even the ritzy beach or country club. I'm talking about a Santa Monica, California members-only club that is, primarily, a dog park.( | Continue reading | 2 years ago

15 uplifting movies on Netflix for a feel-good escape

Need to feel better for any reason at all? We've got you covered. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

5 changes Google Maps should make for better driving directions

Some suggestions for when Google Maps tries to send you down a strange road late at night. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Dad jokes, ranked

Needless to say, this was difficult. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Get this beloved backup battery pack on sale for just $20

Heads up: All products featured here are selected by Mashable's commerce team and meet our rigorous standards for awesomeness. If you buy something, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission.Real talk: How did we ever live without cellphones?These days, if you let your battery di … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Instagram has a new feature that adds 'recommended' posts to your feed

What are your friends liking on Instagram? Whatever it is, it's about to land in your feed.Instagram is quietly rolling out a new feature that will recommend posts for you based on the activity of the accounts you follow. "Recommended for You" posts will sit in their own section, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here's how (and why) people are suing Apple for slowing down older iPhones

Every product here is independently selected by Mashable journalists. If you buy something featured, we may earn an affiliate commission which helps support our work.You may have heard: iPhone customers around the U.S. are suing Apple for slowing down their older phones. Class-ac … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Library of Congress admits defeat, accepts the futility of trying to archive all of Twitter

At least you tried.Starting Jan. 1, the Library of Congress will curtail what's been a seven-year effort to collect and archive every single utterance on Twitter. A Tuesday missive from the federal institution notes that, come 2018, "the Library will acquire tweets on a selective … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Snap's 2018 includes 'Stories Everywhere' — not just in Snapchat

Snapchat is focused on taking snaps beyond the app as it tries to fend off the rise of Facebook's Stories knock-offs and Discover competitor, Watch. The latest Snapchat effort? A new initiative called "Stories Everywhere."SEE ALSO: Snapchat just did the most anti-Snapchat thing e … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Snapchat just did the most anti-Snapchat thing ever

Once upon a time, Snapchat was about ephemerality.The origin of Snapchat came from a desire to send nudes and have them disappear. Of course, sexting wasn't its only use case. Middle schoolers also wanted to pass notes in class without getting caught by their teachers, for exampl … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mysterious Pineapple Fund dishes out $1 million to Internet Archive

'Tis the season of giving and extensive web vault The Internet Archive is the latest recipient of cash from an anonymous bitcoin benefactor.A few weeks ago, we talked about the Pineapple Fund, a project established by an anonymous bitcoin millionaire who wanted to give away nearl … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Japanese game developer is making an app to turn your head invisible

If you've ever found yourself just wanting to disappear for a while, there may soon be an app for that. A Japanese developer has announced that he is working on an app that will make your head disappear in photos and videos, in a tweet first spotted by DesignTAXI. The developer, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Stop reading what Facebook tells you to read

An open memo, to all marginally-smart people/consumers of internet "content": Hi. Some questions. Do you...Want the internet to be better in 2018? Want your favorite media outlets to survive 2018? Want the proliferation of "fake news" (both the now-meaningless phrase and actual b … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The smart home is officially here, as proven by popular holiday gifts

Read more...{"player":{"description":"Oh boy. ","image":"","medi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

30 innovations that improved the world in 2017

2017 may have been a rough year, but there were plenty of inventions, innovations, and gadgets that made the world just a slightly better place.From global health to social justice to humanitarian aid, a slew of scientists, technologists, and activists came together this year to … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here's everything you can do with a Bitmoji

You've probably seen a Bitmoji floating around on Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram. You might even have the Bitmoji app. But what are these adorable full-sized avatars for, anyway?As it turns out, a bunch of things. The Bitmoji app opens up a world of possibilities, and we're her … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A charging cable for your iPhone that works just like Apple's MagSafe power adapter

Heads up: All products featured here are selected by Mashable's commerce team and meet our rigorous standards for awesomeness. If you buy something, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission.Apple may have killed the MagSafe in its latest array of MacBooks, but that doesn't mean … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Stick to your New Year's Resolutions with these classes, products, and helpful ideas

Heads up: All products featured here are selected by Mashable's commerce team and meet our rigorous standards for awesomeness. If you buy something, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission.January is a great time for a fresh start. Not matter what you're planning this year — fr … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Facebook tool lets you see if you followed the Russians

Facebook released a previously promised tool that lets you see if you've followed any of the fake pages meant to help Russia influence the 2016 presidential election. SEE ALSO: Oh joy! Soon, Facebook will reveal what Russian propaganda you 'liked'The tool, which you can check her … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Russian hacking group Fancy Bear targets hundreds of journalists

The Russian hackers behind Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails are still at it. This time, Fancy Bear is being accused of targeting hundreds of journalistsThe Associated Press found at least 200 journalists have been part of a long-term attack dating back to at least mid-2014. The mo … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Uber messes up Facebook ad by confusing Puerto Rican and Cuban flags

Uber may operate in more than 80 countries, but it still had a difficult time understanding the nuances of country flags. SEE ALSO: Flying taxis could be here by 2020 thanks to UberIn what appeared to be an attempt to recognize and celebrate the anniversary of Puerto Rico's flag … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This AI tried to write Christmas carols, and the results are hilarious

Elon Musk is terrified that artificial intelligence might spell the end of humanity.Thankfully, it looks like we're not quite there yet. Colorado-based research scientist Janelle Shane has trained a neural network (a type of machine-learning algorithm) to write its own Christmas … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Largest U.S. Bitcoin exchange halts trading as cryptocurrencies plummet

Coinbase — the largest Bitcoin market in the U.S. — has disabled all buying and selling as the digital currency Bitcoin dramatically loses value. At 11:11 a.m. EST, Coinbase posted that it had temporarally disabled trading:About 25 minutes later, at 11:35 a.m. EST, the company sa … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Cybersecurity researchers breach Windows 10 facial recognition with a photo

Researchers at the German IT Security company SySS GmbH successfully fooled the Windows 10 facial recognition system by using a printed photo of the user's face.Their spoofing efforts were published on the cybersecurity site Seclists on Dec. 18. The cybersecurity experts bypassed … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Amazon just acquired smart home startup Blink

Amazon wants to be inside your home, not just dropping off packages at your door. Now, the book-seller-turned-retail-giant is acquiring home security camera startup, Blink. The companies announced the deal on Friday. SEE ALSO: A new 'Lord of the Rings' series is coming to AmazonB … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Is your iPhone battery dying? Here's how to replace it

Every product here is independently selected by Mashable journalists. If you buy something featured, we may earn an affiliate commission which helps support our work.If you're an iPhone user, you've probably heard the news by now: In some circumstances, Apple is slowing down olde … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

When you absolutely should not upgrade your iPhone

In the past few months, Apple has released frequent updates to iOS 11. Should you upgrade? For most people, it's a personal preference, but there are some people who should definitely steer clear. I've owned an iPhone 6 for the past two years. When Apple released iOS 11 in early … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The OnePlus 6 might be coming in March

Every product here is independently selected by Mashable journalists. If you buy something featured, we may earn an affiliate commission which helps support our work.Chinese smartphone manufacturer OnePlus made a huge splash with the release of the OnePlus 5T last month. In March … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Most-Googled Tech Terms of 2017

Read more...More about Mashable Reels, Tech, Consumer Tech, and Big Tech Companies | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This shapeshifting furniture puts a new spin on interior design

Ian Stell, a New-York based designer, is creating incredible pieces of functional furniture that are able to transform their shapes. Although most of his pieces require precise engineering in order to become kinetic, Stell himself is not an engineer, but he rather studied Fine Ar … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This secret HQ trivia cheat will earn you one extra life

HQ trivia isn't easy to win, but we just uncovered a secret that might help. A tipster sent us instructions to a hidden cheat this morning, and it's really simple. Like, really, really simple. Here's how to do it:SEE ALSO: Our office played HQ Trivia together. Here's what we thin … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here come the first Apple lawsuits over the slowing down of iPhones

It's only been a few days since the world learned Apple was purposely slowing down older iPhones in an effort, as they say, to save battery life. And already we have our first series of class-action lawsuits against the tech giant. While some have suggested it's not a big deal, o … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

CNN pulls the plug on its daily Snapchat show

CNN is canceling The Update, a daily show on Snapchat that premiered in August and covered hard news with breaking updates throughout the day.  SEE ALSO: CNN fiasco reveals heated battle between AT&T and TrumpThe decision to pull away from Snapchat, whose parent company Snap Inc. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Build a computer from scratch and learn how to fix them for everyone else

Heads up: All products featured here are selected by Mashable's commerce team and meet our rigorous standards for awesomeness. If you buy something, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission.A lot has changed since Charles Babbage first conceptualized the computer in the early 19 … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ultra fast Yukuma portable charger is on sale for only $70

Heads up: All products featured here are selected by Mashable's commerce team and meet our rigorous standards for awesomeness. If you buy something, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission.Portable chargers and power banks are lifesavers. At this point, they're just as importan … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bitcoin price dives below $13,000, down 35% from last week's highs

Well, it can't just go up all the time. After an incredible rally in the first part of December, which saw Bitcoin's price nearly double from $10,240 to $19,994, the popular cryptocurrency is losing value, fast. The price dropped by a quarter in the last 24 hours alone, and Bitco … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Zuckerberg-backed Congress failed Dreamers

Congress passed a stopgap measure on Thursday that will prevent a government shutdown, at least until January. But, the organization founded by such tech titans as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, isn't happy about one thing the spending bill is missing: protection for Drea … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

CarWink is a Kickstarter project that basically lets you send emojis to other drivers

Heads up: All products featured here are selected by Mashable's commerce team and meet our rigorous standards for awesomeness. If you buy something, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission.CarWink is a solar-powered LED device that sticks right onto the back of your car. Simila … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Eric Schmidt steps down as chairman of Alphabet

One of the longest-running Google executives is stepping away from the tech giant. Eric Schmidt, who joined Google in 2001 as CEO and served as executive chairman of Google's parent company Alphabet, is stepping aside from his current role. He will stay involved as a technical ad … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This build-it-yourself Bluetooth speaker is technically for kids, but we know you totally want one too

Heads up: All products featured here are selected by Mashable's commerce team and meet our rigorous standards for awesomeness. If you buy something, Mashable may earn an affiliate commission.Bluetooth speakers and STEM toys: two items that we can almost guarantee are on every kid … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Apple's latest iPhone battery fiasco is a betrayal inside of a betrayal

Every product here is independently selected by Mashable journalists. If you buy something featured, we may earn an affiliate commission which helps support our work.Conspiracy theorists, rejoice: For once, you were rightApple confessed this week that, yes, it slows down old iPho … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Help your kid build their own Bose Bluetooth speaker

Read more...{"player":{"description":null,"image":"","mediaid": … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

It looks like North Korea just stole even more bitcoins

Because ransomware and playing a game of nuclear chicken aren't enough for Kim Jong-un, it now looks like North Korea is behind a recent bitcoin theft as the cryptocurrency's value continues to skyrocket. SEE ALSO: People are not buying Trump's reassurance on North Korea's latest … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Instagram has a cool new feature that only appears after you wait 5 seconds

Instagram loves to secretly test new features on some of its users and get feedback before deciding on whether it should roll them out for everyone.But over the last few weeks, the company added a new commenting feature that you won't see unless you look at a post for more than f … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Tesla had a rocky year, but owners are still extremely satisfied with their cars

Tesla is currently mired in "production hell," but owners are still extremely satisfied with their brand new all-electric vehicles.In Consumer Reports' 2017 Annual Owner Satisfaction Survey, the popular review publication found Tesla topped the vehicle satisfaction survey — for t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Walmart continues to gird itself for the battle against Amazon

As Amazon's plan for world domination has swallowed Whole Foods, competing supermegachain Walmart is rolling out more plans to fight back in an ongoing battle of David Goliath versus Goliath.SEE ALSO: Kindles and quinoa: Amazon to sell more gadgets in Whole Foods storesThe latest … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Facebook signs first-ever music deal with a record label

Facebook is getting more musical. In what's been quite the long-time coming for the social network, Facebook has signed its first-ever deal for music rights with a record label. Universal Music Group and Facebook agreed on a multi-year deal that lets Facebook host content with th … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Everyone thinks the Magic Leap One headset is ugly as sin

Magic Leap's first mixed reality headset, the Leap One, is coming in early 2018. It looks pretty damn neat, assuming it delivers on everything it's promising — and as long as you can get over its weird design.Reactions to the headset have been split down the middle with some peop … | Continue reading | 7 years ago