Understanding the Brain with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

How does consciousness arise? Researchers suspect that the answer to this question lies in the connections between neurons. Unfortunately, however, little is known about the wiring of the brain. This... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Stable Perception in the Adult Brain

The adult brain has learned to calculate an image of its environment from sensory information. If the input signals change, however, even the adult brain is able to adapt −... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Surprising Network Activity in the Immature Brain

One of the outstanding mysteries of the cerebral cortex is how individual neurons develop the proper synaptic connections to form large-scale, distributed networks. Now, an international team of scientists have... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Architecture of Odor Perception

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, have now quantified and mapped the functional units of the olfactory center in the brains of vinegar flies... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Orientation Without a Master Plan

Spatial memory is something we use and need in our everyday lives. Time for morning coffee? We head straight to the kitchen and know where to find the coffee machine... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Elucidating Cuttlefish Camouflage

The unique ability of cuttlefish, squid,and octopuses to hide by imitating the colors and texture of their environment has fascinated natural scientists since the time of Aristotle. Uniquely among all... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Gene Editing in the Brain Gets a Major Upgrade

Genome editing technologies have revolutionized biomedical science, providing a fast and easy way to modify genes. However, the technique allowing scientists to carry out the most precise edits doesn’t work in... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

New Neurons for the Brain

When it comes to recovering from insult, the adult human brain has very little ability to compensate for nerve-cell loss. Biomedical researchers and clinicians are therefore exploring the possibility of... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Brain on Autopilot

The structure of the human brain is complex, reminiscent of a circuit diagram with countless connections. But what role does this architecture play in the functioning of the brain? To... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Why Do We Get Cyber-Sick?

Motion sickness is an ancient phenomenon, which also occurs in modern virtual reality environments. However, it is still relatively unknown what causes this physical reaction. Suzanne Nooij and her colleagues... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

From a Baby’s Cry to Goethe’s Faust

Speech is generally believed to start with our very first cry at the moment we enter the world. In fact, however, it begins much earlier. We can already understand individual... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Brainwaves Encode the Grammar of Human Language

Every day you hear at least some utterances you’ve never heard before. That you can understand them is partly due to the fact that they are structured according to grammatical... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Pregnancy Changes Perception of Odors and Tastes

The perception and reactions to odors and tastes can change in pregnancy, sometimes dramatically. This is also true for flies. The mechanisms, however, that trigger these changes are not understood... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Learning to Read in Your 30s Profoundly Transforms the Brain

Reading is such a new ability in human evolutionary history that the existence of a “reading area” could not be specified in our genes. A kind of recycling process has to... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

We Need to Save Ignorance from AI

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, East German citizens were offered the chance to read the files kept on them by the Stasi, the much-feared Communist-era secret police service.... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Blame It on the Bossa Nova: How Music Changes Our Perception of Touch

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) have found that touch is perceived differently, depending on the music being played. The sexier we... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

No Cable Spaghetti in the Brain

Our brain is a mysterious machine. Billions of nerve cells are connected such that they store information as efficiently as books are stored in a well-organized library. To this date,... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

How We Decide Where to Go

Route planning is a key element for spatial navigation. Neurons in the hippocampus and surrounding structures, such as place cells or grid cells, become active depending on the animal’s instantaneous... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

Seeing Sounds

One in 25 people have synesthesia, perceiving the world in unusual ways. An experience with one sense automatically leads to perception in another sense: for example, seeing colors when listening... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago

First Evidence of Sleep in Flight

For the first time, researchers have discovered that birds can sleep in flight. Together with an international team of colleagues, Niels Rattenborg from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in... | Continue reading

@maxplanck.nautil.us | 5 years ago