TAI Weekly | Let's get radical - Transparency and Accountability Initiative

It’s Open Gov Week! Seemingly every day events reveal a new issue where transparency and accountability are important to securing better outcomes. | Continue reading

@transparency-initiative.org | 3 years ago

18th Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications

CALL FOR PAPERS 18th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications New Regular/Position Paper Submission Deadline: April 01, 2021 http://www.sigmap.org July 06 – 08, 2021 Online Streaming The purpose of SIGMAP 2021, the International Conference on Sign … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 3 years ago

ONLINE EVENT – Rethinking the possibilities of data and technology in the fight against disinformation

ONLINE EVENT | MARCH 26TH To attend, please fill this registration form, where the detailed agenda is included:  https://app.livestorm.co/fandango/fandango-event Agenda 09:00 | Opening remarks 09:15 – 10:15 | The role of the EU’s ICT policies in protecting European values, market … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 3 years ago

Enhancing Awareness on Disinformation: The Role of Fact-checkers, Researchers and Media

This Connect University online session will highlight the importance of supporting various forms of the fight against disinformation and debunking false news, e.g. fact checking, data driven journalism and quality journalism, as well empowering civil society and independent resea … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

CCNC 2021 Call for Workshop Proposals

18th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) Las Vegas, January 9-12, 2021 (Held in conjunction with the International Consumer Electronics Show – CES) https://ccnc2021.ieee-ccnc.org ======================================================================= Impor … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

NEM and 5G Infrastructure Association

NEM signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the 5G Infrastructure Association IVZW (5G-IA). | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

1st NGIatlantic.eu Open Call launched!

We are pleased to announce you that, after the successful Open Call for External Evaluators, we have now launched NGIatlantic.eu’s 1st Open Call! The main goal of the call (the first of a cycle of 5) is to incentivize EU – US NGI teams to carry out experiments using EU and/or US … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

ACM IMX 2020 – 17-19 June 2020: Call for Participation

IMX 2020 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences Barcelona, Spain 17 – 19 June 2020 http://imx.acm.org/2020/ CALL FOR PARTICIPATION The ACM IMX 2020 Conference on Interactive Media Experiences will be held on 17-19 June 2020 at Barcelona’s digital lab Citila … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

5GINFIRE test services offer to the 5G Media Vertical by TNO

The 5G Media Vertical Testbed offers a comprehensive set of functionalities to experimenters to enable deployment, management and monitoring of 5G-enhanced media services. Specifically, the testbed comes with two classes of applications ready for use (VR streaming and live uplink … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

Fed4FIRE+ Porto Roadshow on 18 February 2020

Fed4FIRE+ project is organising a 1-day event dedicated to present and explain how to get free and open access to experimental testbeds on big data, cloud computing, wireless networks, wired networks, IoT and 5G facilities in the Next Generation Internet ecosystem. The first even … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

Online survey on XR technologies and applications: challenges and vision

One of the major goals of the European Horizon 2020 project “Extended Reality for All” (www.xr4all.eu) includes determining the state of European research in XR technologies and developing a strategic short- and long-term research agenda to guide future research in the European U … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

The 5G-MEDIA consortium is organising a Coding Event on September 26 and 27 in Madrid

This event aims to present the functionalities and to allow the participants to play with the platform with some guided exercises. The participants will learn about some concepts like FaaS (Function as a Service) paradigm, intelligent and automatic network management, unikernel p … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 4 years ago

The Single Open Intermediate Language Initiative

Heathrow is one of the world’s busiest airports. And that’s an exactly why climate activists plan to shut it down by flying drones next month. | Continue reading

@soil-initiative.org | 4 years ago

26th NEM General Assembly, Zagreb, 22 May 2019

26th NEM General Assembly Zagreb, 22 May 2019  VENUE:   Mimara Museum, Zagreb, Croatia TIME:          22 May 2018, 09:00 – 13:00   AGENDA AND BRIEF SUMMARIES OF PRESENTATIONS Welcome, Morgan Bouchet (Orange, NEM Chairman)   Mr Jean- Morgan Bouchet welcomed participants of the 26t … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

26thga-minutes-v1-0 | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

XR4ALL Open Calls

XR4ALL Open Calls – first submission deadline is on 31 October 2019 followed by further submission opportunities – to provide financial support to third parties to develop new XR solutions. More information is available at http://xr4all.eu/opencall/. | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago


ABOUT CROATIA By visiting Croatia You will encounter beauty in every corner from the Mediterranean, and the Alps to the Pannonian plain. Croatia is home to some fascinating historical sites that range from intact old medieval towns to gorgeously preserved roman ruins, and it has … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

TVX2018 Workshop on Interactive Radio Experiences

Call for Papers   Nowadays radio shows are much more than a linear broadcast feed — they’re all about user engagement. At the same time, many users are no longer only connected to a radio station brand through the linear broadcast channel, but also through digital platforms, and … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

CONTENT 2019 || May 5 – 9, 2019 – Venice, Italy

INVITATION: =================Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to: – CONTENT 2019, The Eleventh International Conference on Creative Content Technologies We are ent … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

VITAL MEDIA – Result in Brief article now published – European Commission CORDIS website

A “Results in Brief” article on the VITAL MEDIA project has been published on the CORDIS website in six languages at:  https://cordis.europa.eu/result/rcn/241186_en.html?WT.mc_id=exp Project Name: VITAL MEDIA Project ID: 688310 Funded under: H2020-EU.2.1.1. Country: Germany Domai … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

Media Fast Forward on 14 December 2018

NEM member VRT is organising a media innovation event on 14 December 2018 in Brussels. For more information follow this link. | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

New NEM chairs – autumn 2018

The NEM Steering Board elected by means of evoting the following NEM officers: 1) NEM Chairperson: Morgan Bouchet (Orange) 2) NEM Vice-chair for Strategy: Sergi Fernandez Langa (i2cat) 3) NEM Vice-chair for Relation with Public Authorities: Silvia Boi (Engineering) 4) NEM Vice ch … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

NGI @ Web Summit 2018

NGI activities at the Web Summit 2018 NGI workshop: Building together the Next Generation Internet (NGI), funding opportunities for internet innovators 6th November | 15:00-16:00 | Startup workshop area | FIL1. Description: NGI is a new initiative launched by the European Commiss … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago


WEDNESDAY 14.11.2018, 15:00 CET The European society is based on diversity and only by giving a broad and flexible response, with the assistance of the hyper-personalization paradigm, will this diversity be a resource and not a restriction. The global trend towards the extreme di … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

Institutional invitation from the European Alliance for Innovation

Dear Sir/Madame, I am writing on behalf of European Alliance for Innovation. Some time ago, your organisation has joined EAI as an associate member. https://eai.eu/#!/about/partners As you may know, EAI is the largest European Umbrella Organisation for research and innovation pro … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago


NEM members are invited to present their innovation projects at the upcoming SMARTCITY360 Summit. http://smartcity360.org/2018/ European Alliance for Innovation | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

NEM Newsletter #4

Editorial from Jean-Dominique Meunier, NEM President Dear NEM members, As explained and discussed during our last General Assembly in Brussels, 2018 will be a year of transition for NEM. A year of transition as we have launched several initiatives that the new elected Steering bo … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

NEM Newsletter #4

Editorial from Jean-Dominique Meunier, NEM President Dear NEM members, As explained and discussed during our last General Assembly in Brussels, 2018 will be a year of transition for NEM. A year of transition as we have launched several initiatives that the new elected Steering bo … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

CfP: CONTENT 2019 || May 5 – 9, 2019 – Venice, Italy

INVITATION: ================= Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to: CONTENT 2019, The Eleventh International Conference on Creative Content Technologies The submiss … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

MMEDIA 2019 | Call for Papers

INVITATION: ================= Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to: MMEDIA 2019, The Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Multimedia The submission dead … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 5 years ago

What you missed on the debate with the EC about NGI and calls for proposals

Futur.e.s in Paris festival hosted an NGI/NEM event organized by Cap Digital and supported by the Vital Media project. The purpose of this event was to address different points raised by the NGI initiative while keeping in mind the various perspectives of the Futur.e.s festival. … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

Elections of the new NEM Steering Board (2018-2020)

The NEM Steering Board for the term in office from spring 2018 until spring 2020 was elected on 29th may 2018 in Brussels, a day before the NEM GA. As the number of candidates for the new Steering Board was not higher than the number of open positions in the Steering Board, all p … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

James Clarke, NEM Steering Board member from Waterford Institute of Technology, is involved in the organization of a breakout session at the NGI Forum being held on 13 sept. 2018 in Porto, Portugal. https://www.ngi.eu/event/ngi-forum-2018/?instance_id=88 The scope of the session … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

The 6th International workshop on Big Data and Social Networking Management and Security (BDSN 2016)

Event website: http://emergingtechnet.org/BDSN2018/ in conjunction with The Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security(SNAMS-2018) Valencia, Spain, October 15-18, 2018 Data has always been recognized as an important asset for driving value … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

SNAMS 2018 – The Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security

Call for Papers  We are pleased to invite you to submit original contributions to SNAMS 2018 via the official submission system at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=snams2018. This can include, technical and experimental, theoretical, conceptual, or a survey. All submission … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

Future Social Media: enhancing cohesion through advanced digital technology, an event by Digital Catapult

In April 2018, Digital Catapult, in collaboration with Technology Ireland Innovation Forum, Trinity College and ADAPT Centre Dublin, designed and delivered an Open Call and workshop on the theme of ‘future social media’ as part of the Vital Media project. During the project durat … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

Debate with the EC about Next Generation Internet hot topics and calls for proposals (Paris, 21 June)

Futur.e.s in Paris is the biggest innovation and digital European festival, organized by Cap Digital, the largest cluster in Europe with more than 1,000 members. It showcases the latest French and international cutting-edge technologies to 22.000 professionals and the general pub … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

DEADLINE EXTENSION: Call for Workshop Proposals CCNC 2019

The IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, the ComSoc major conference on Consumer-related communications,  as each year will be held in conjunction with the CES in Las Vegas 2019. The Call for Workshop Proposals has been extended to May 31st, 20018. The call is on … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

Open Call and aligned workshop by Digital Catapult

In partnership with the Technology Ireland Innovation Forum and Trinity College, Dublin, Digital Catapult is inviting startups and SMEs across Europe to apply to this Open Call designed to identify and showcase some of the most innovative future social media solutions across Euro … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

Elections for Members of NEM Steering Board

–  at the 25th NEM General Assembly in Brussels on 30 May 2018 – Call for Nomination of Candidates In accordance with Governance Model of the NEM Initiative, members of NEM Steering Board are elected for a two-year term. The term begins at the General Assembly where they are elec … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

25th NEM General Assembly – registration is now open

The 25th NEM General Assembly will be held in Brussels on 30 May 2018! Venue: Crowne Plaza Le Palace, Rue Gineste 3, Brussels – Meeting room KLIMT Registration is now open. Please follow this link. Program of the 25th edition of the NEM General Assembly will include the following … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

NEM Event – Nantes

13 December 2017, Nantes NEM Event: “Creativity and emotion at the time of the artificial intelligence” “How the artificial intelligence transforms the cultural and creative industries ?” was the   topic of this conference / workshop. The event was divided in two parts, in a morn … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

NEM Newsletter #3

Editorial from Jean-Dominique Meunier, NEM President Dear NEM members, dear future NEM members, 2018 will be again a challenging year for our sector. New comers and new paradigms are jostling established businesses but are opening new opportunities and are questioning the current … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

Interview with Soundcool – NEM ART Competition Award Winner

Soundcool is an innovative system for music education and collaborative creation using smartphones, tablets, Kinect, Open Sound Control (OSC) and MAX / MSP / Jitter created at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) by the Performing Arts and Technology research group (Perf … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

25th NEM General Assembly will be held in Brussels on 30 May 2018

Save the date! The 25th NEM General Assembly will be held in Brussels on 30 May 2018. | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

NEM White Paper on the Future of Social Media has been published

The NEM White Paper on the Future of Social Media has been published and can be downloaded here. For information, as announced at the NEM General Assembly last week, the NEM Secretariat with support of the Vital Media project established a portal for publication of the NEM Member … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago


The closure of the NEM Summit 2017 came with the announcement of the Award Winners. In total there were three different awards to be given. The best paper award has been awarded to Adan Garriga from Eurecat for his paper on Binaural tools for 3D audio production at home, while th … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago

Public consultation on Europeana, Europe’s platform for digital cultural heritage

The Commission has launched a public consultation on Europeana, Europe’s Digital Platform for Cultural Heritage (www.europeana.eu) that DG CNECT is funding. Europeana currently provides access to over 53 million items, (including image, text, sound, video and 3D material) from th … | Continue reading

@nem-initiative.org | 6 years ago