A recurring argument currently doing the rounds at work and amongst the developer community is whether or not to use JSON or XML when transferring data between systems, web services or databases. N… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 9 years ago

Redundant and unused code? Don’t be afraid to remove it!

As a software developer at some point in your career you will have come across active live and released projects which contain large sections of commented out source code. Why is that code still th… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 9 years ago

Xamarin – Develop An IOS, OS X or Android Application On Windows Using C#!!

Now with all the excitement surrounding SWIFT as a new language, aimed at specifically developing IOS and OS X applications, starting to die down a little we can start to get all excited about a to… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 9 years ago

No SQL? No Problem!

Whilst working on a project recently I took the opportunity to finally delve in to the world of ‘Big Data’ and ‘NoSQL’ databases. This opportunity came around as we wanted to improve a reporting to… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 9 years ago

Test, Test and Test Again! Did I mention you should test your code?

I think that it’s a pretty well-known fact that software developers aren’t the greatest people when it comes to testing software. Programmers tend to focus on testing the new functionality, methods… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 9 years ago

C++ – It’s still here!

With all the new programming languages and frameworks that have become available recently some proven, solid and established languages have tended to be overlooked or dare I say it deemed to be obs… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 10 years ago

.NET developers C# 6 has arrived!

Forget about any other faddy new programming languages, put Swift to the back of your mind, cast Java away out of sight ………C# 6 is here folks!! This will be available and ship with the next version… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 10 years ago

iOS 8 Vs Windows 9

It’s one of those usual times again where two of the globes biggest technology competitors on the planet square up to each other and try to push their latest product as the new ‘technological savio… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 10 years ago

SWIFT 1.0 is Here!

Well it’s finally arrived, the latest programming language to get us all excited has an official, well not 100% official but pretty much there, version number. SWIFT 1.0 is here folks! Swift has be… | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 10 years ago

Quote of the day

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. –Steve Jobs   | Continue reading

@peterwelchsite.wordpress.com | 10 years ago