LLMs are not suitable for brainstorming

This may be obvious to many people already, but I recently thought about this in a few scenarios and figured it may be valuable to articulate it clearly. One note before the main discussion is we should acknowledge that LLMs do have some sort of independent and creative thinking. … | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 4 months ago

Ways to promote an (indie) business online

Share in your own social network Share on specialized forums Share in twitter Share on XHS Share on Reddit Share on ProductHunt Share on IndieHacker Buy search ads Buy social ads Influencer promotion Cold email Content Marketing and SEO Offline promotion Words of Mouth | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 6 months ago

Things I have tried to make money online

I have always found making money online to be an interesting topic. Practically, it may not provide too much financial gain. But it paves way to earn financial freedom, at least that’s many people who tried it have hoped. This blog lists some of the things I have tried, with my c … | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 6 months ago

12 Ways to Buy Things Cheap

I used to do a lot of online buying. Quite a lot, actually (several million dollars per year at some point). With this experience, I have gained some tips on how to buy things cheap online over the years, and I would like to summarize them in this blog. 1. Buy with a shopping por … | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 6 months ago

How to fix OnePlus Bluetooth connection with Tesla

Spoiler alert: Scroll to the TLDR section below to find the fix right away! I recently bought a OnePlus Open phone. It’s the first foldable phone I have ever got and it’s amazing. There is just one problem – it cannot connect to the Bluetooth of my Tesla Model Y. And it turns out … | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 6 months ago

Writing again in 2024

It has been more than 8 years since I last wrote in this blog. Woo-hoo! A lot has happened. Lately I have been thinking of picking up writing again, and I found this old blog. So here it is – the first blog after 8.66 years. What happened: Also So, probably 100 books and 50 […] | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 6 months ago

好想读《洛丽塔》,又好想读王小波的《黄金时代》(以及时代三部曲!)How long do I still have to wait? | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 9 years ago

开始收看动画版《阿尔斯兰战记》,似乎进度会比漫画单行本快一点的样子? 入新坑《食戟之灵》。 购入当日在力源家看到的Decision Maker……然而并不是很好玩。以及Levitron的Anti-gravity top,目前仍然没有研究出要怎么玩orz。 基本确定六月底去日本玩——希望最后能成行! | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 9 years ago

在Milpitas找到一家不错的书店——有许多漫画!购入了荒川弘X田中芳树的《阿尔斯兰战记》漫画台版前三卷(即目前全部出版的单行本)。题材上毫无新意,但期待剧情上和人物上能有突破。 早先订购的初音未来-Tell Your World(与Chrome合作的广告中出现的形象)手办已到,颇为满意。择日上图。 重温《中国合伙人》。Despite all the controversy, it’s still a memorable movie to me, and probably the best gift of my college graduation, … | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 9 years ago

Hello world!

This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. Happy blogging! | Continue reading

@piaoyang0.wordpress.com | 9 years ago