Flutter Random Color Generator

A flutter package for generating attractive random colors. it can be used for data visualization, generative and lot more. | Continue reading

@pub.dev | 3 years ago

A flexible and lightweight flutter canvas graphic animation library

Zerker is a flexible and lightweight flutter canvas graphic animation library. | Continue reading

@pub.dev | 3 years ago

I have published my package to HTTP://pub.dev

Dart client for the www.omdbapi.com API . it will return movie detials like year,IMDB Rating, actors,directors,poster and much more | Continue reading

@pub.dev | 3 years ago

Generate beautiful blob shapes for flutter apps

Create beautiful blobs - fixed/random blob generation, animations, svgs and more | Continue reading

@pub.dev | 3 years ago

Powerflutter wants to be what Rails is for Ruby

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@pub.dev | 4 years ago