Where does content strategy fit in to a website design process?

The 12 steps in a website redesign process, and how content strategy fits in overall. Plus, a handy content strategy worksheet and checklist! | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 7 years ago

What’s so wrong with FAQs? (And six ways to improve them)

Is your website’s FAQ page working hard to sabotage you? Here are some FAQ best practices that show when and how to effectively use FAQs for the best user experience (and SEO!) | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 7 years ago

How much content is too much?

Content consistency is an important element of your content strategy, especially with regard to content frequency, quality, and customer service. Here's why. | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 7 years ago

How do we create an SEO-first content strategy?

How do you go about creating an SEO-first content strategy? Hmm, let’s think about this one. Audience-First or SEO-First Content Strategy? We recently developed a content strategy proposal for a software company, and it included a basic level of SEO research, which we include whe … | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 7 years ago

2017 content strategy conferences: which ones are best?

Which conferences are best for content strategists? The best content strategy conferences in 2017 will focus on the things you want to learn … and the people you want to meet. There are hands-on how-to conferences, marketing-focused conferences, inspirational and ideation confere … | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 7 years ago

Are content strategists responsible for content in motion?

Content in Motion Is Still Content, Right? Designers and developers have been playing with content in motion for years. User experience designers consider it an imperative tool. But content strategists? Largely, we’ve been paying attention only after it’s created and presented to … | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 7 years ago

Why aren’t my leads converting?

Are you driving traffic to your website, but it's not capturing qualified leads? Here are 9 common lead conversion mistakes organizations make ... | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 7 years ago

The power of story: how do we get the CEO to believe?

Your team knows content strategy and a good old fashioned brand narrative will support the business and audience goals — and help differentiate you. But the CEO and executive team are not convinced. What do you do? Here’s a place to start. Five Ways to Begin to Build an Exception … | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 8 years ago

How do we establish (or re-establish) audience trust with content?

Inspire and engage your audience with trust! Here's a video and 10 tips to build audience trust with content strategy. | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 8 years ago

Email frequency: how often should we email leads?

One of the best ways to collect quality email addresses from your target audience is to promise something of value. What email frequency is best for ... | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 8 years ago

Can content strategy help with inbound marketing?

It’s easier to close a client who finds you than one you go out and find. For sure. So how can we help them find us? Inbound marketing. Thought leadership. And first impressions. Think about becoming a magnet for the right audience. Become easily findable, irresistible, and belie … | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 8 years ago

I’ve got a new website … why isn’t business better?

What Makes People Care? What do you do when you’ve just spent a bunch of time and money redesigning your whole web experience, paid money to direct traffic to it, and then … nothing? No one calls, clicks, shares, sticks around, signs up, or buys? I’m hearing that question a lot f … | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 8 years ago

Can a content marketing strategy help increase qualified leads?

Here’s the big question: When your digital content marketing efforts aren’t driving the leads, sales, or revenue that they used to, can content strategy help? Absolutely. Here’s how. How to Use Content Marketing Strategy Tactics to Improve Lead Generation Do a little research exp … | Continue reading

@pybop.com | 8 years ago