Event-driven architecture on the modern stack of Java technologies

Table of Contents Introduction Microservices implementation Common model Book service User service Notification service Build Infrastructure Persistence layer Kafka Connect and Debezium connectors Kafka Schema registry Reverse proxy Monitoring tools Local launch and CI/CD Testing … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 2 months ago

Building a unified GraphQL API with Apollo Router

Table of Contents Overview Configuration Supergraph schema Router configuration Customization. Implementation of a plugin Launch Testing Possible alternatives Conclusion Useful links Overview In this article, you will see a practical example of building a unified GraphQL API (sup … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 2 years ago

Monitoring Rust web application with Prometheus and Grafana

Table of Contents Overview Exposing Prometheus metrics in a Rust application Metrics definition Counter Gauge Histogram System metrics Endpoint for metrics exposition Prometheus setup for metrics gathering Expression browser and graphing interface Grafana setup for metrics visual … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 2 years ago

Getting started with MongoDB and Redis in Rust

Table of Contents Overview Launch MongoDB and Redis Data initialization Implementation of the application Dependencies Project structure main function Working with MongoDB Working with Redis Web application Launch and testing CI/CD Conclusion Useful links Overview This guide will … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 3 years ago

Introduction to gRPC in Rust

Table of Contents Overview Implementation Service definition and code generation gRPC server gRPC client Launch and testing CI/CD Conclusion Useful links Overview In this article, you will see how to create gRPC server and client in Rust. For visibility purposes, the client will … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 3 years ago

GraphQL in Rust

Table of Contents Introduction Overview Stack of technologies Prerequisites Implementation Dependencies Core functions Query and type definition N+1 problem Interface definition Custom scalar definition Mutation definition Subscription definition Integration tests GraphQL API cli … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 3 years ago

[Tip] How to convert AsciiDoc to Markdown

I write posts on this blog using AsciiDoc, but a couple of resources I repost on support only Markdown, so to convert articles I use the following commands:asciidoctor -b docbook index.adoc pandoc -f docbook -t markdown_mmd -o index.md index.xml --wrap=none The only question that … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 4 years ago

How to GraphQL in Kotlin and Micronaut and create a single endpoint for access to microservices' APIs

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that was developed by Facebook. In today’s article, you will see an example on how to implement a GraphQL API on the JVM, particularly using Kotlin language and Micronaut framework; most of the examples below are reusable on other Java/Kotlin … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 4 years ago

Creating a microservice with Quarkus, Kotlin, and Gradle

This article is also available in Russian.Preface In the previous article, the brief explanations of creating microservices on the modern JVM frameworks and comparison of them were shown. Now it’s time to take a closer look at the most recently appeared framework: Quarkus. I’ll d … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 4 years ago

Not only Spring Boot: a review of alternatives

Table of Contents Preface Prerequisites Creating an application from scratch Helidon service Ktor service Micronaut service Quarkus service Spring Boot service Launch API testing Comparison of application parameters Artifact size Start time Load testing Conclusion Helidon Ktor … | Continue reading

@romankudryashov.com | 4 years ago

About me

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@romankudryashov.com | 2025 years ago