A Cassette Audio Control for the Web

Normally I see nothing wrong with skeuomorphism in computer interfaces but even I will admit this is deeply silly even by my standards. The project was born in the depths... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 days ago

Section 230 and Internet Freedom, a Proposal

There has been talk about Section 230 being repealed or replaced. The intent of the law was to protect owners of “Interactive Computer Services” (ie websites, especially those that publish... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 days ago

The Act of Creation

I saw this on mastodon today. It is not often that a pithy sentence encapsulates my feelings on a subject so well. It was a thought like this that led... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 1 month ago

On Micropayments

Micropayments, microbilling, microtransactions, call it what you will; it is one of those ideas people say they want but actually do not. Every once in a while somebody opines that... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 4 months ago

The Anty Boisjoly Mysteries by P.J. Fitzsimmons

This is not a review as such, more a note of appreciation for a fine series of books that have given my wife and I many happy hours. I am... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 4 months ago


After a magnificent summer the days are getting cooler, the leaves are turning and there is a definite autumnal feeling in the air. Perfect weather for long tours on our... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 5 months ago


There is golf at the Olympics. This is a mistake for many reasons but primarily that golf is a bad and very boring game. But what always surprises me is... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 7 months ago

Save the Web by Being Nice

A common complaint amongst the old guard bloggers is that the old web as we knew it is dying. This is false.The old web has actually been dead for many... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 11 months ago

I Made a Game - Voyage of the Marigold

I am happy to announce that I have finally finished my secret project - it's a choice-based text adventure/random exploration game in the fashion of the 80s Fighting Fantasy and... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 11 months ago

RSS is Not Dead

RSS is not dead although sometimes it seems that way. In fact, RSS is so not dead that every few months there are a spate of articles declaring exactly how... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 1 year ago

C++ Pitfall : shared_future

A shared future is a lovely thing to contemplate. A shared_future, on the other hand, is a slippery beast.Promises and Futures are great ways of transferring ownership of objects between... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 1 year ago

A Joke

I haven't blogged in a while, partly because I have been working on a secret project and partly because I haven't been inspired to write anything profound lately. However I... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 1 year ago

Film : Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

A D&D film seems like such a no brainer that I find it hard to believe that it took this long to actually put a decent one together. Fantasy films... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 1 year ago

Book : Moby Dick by Herman Melville

Since moving to the USA I have been attempting to understand the place a little better by reading its literature. I have finally got around to reading the great edifice... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

Improved Web Component for Pixel-Accurate Atkinson Dithered Images

Late last year I released as-dithered-image, a web component that displays images using the famous Atkinson dithering algorithm. There are other web pages that demonstrate Atkinson dithering but I think... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

HTMLImageElement onerror Event Handler is Deprecated

Yep. This surprised me as well but it is all there in black and white on the MDM Article for the element.I've always just plonked a onerror() handler on... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

Pixel Accurate Atkinson Dithering for Images in HTML

This describes the old version of this project, see Improved Web Component for Pixel-Accurate Atkinson Dithered Images for the new version plus an interactive demoI have always liked the look... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

Social Media is Not Dying, Yet

Social Media is still very much alive. But it has reached its peak and the future does not look rosy. No one thing has dealt a fatal blow but circumstances... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

On Twitter and Mastodon

I have been known to say that Twitter is simply the worst social media network apart from all the others. Somehow, despite a lack-luster interface, barely disguised contempt for third-party... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

Four Web Games to Pass the Time

This post is purely for me. Here are four browser games I like to pull up and bash about in for a while when I have nothing better to do.... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

How to Cut Down a Small Tree

There is always time to learn a new skill and I thought the internet could benefit from my experience in this area.In this case - a small fir sapling about... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

Safety and Performance – Threadsafe Datastructures in C++

Multithreading is something that is often misunderstood by even senior programmers. I do a lot of interviewing and I have noticed that a large proportion of candidates have only vague... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 2 years ago

So You Want to Start an Unpopular Blog (2017)

Very occasionally I get asked how to start blogging by people who would like to create exciting and engaging articles that will build a following by delighting an audience hungry... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 4 years ago

Show HN: TV Opening Sequences Quiz

UPDATE This was a popular so I went ahead and added an additional ten shows.I have always been fascinated by the opening sequences of television shows. Somewhat of a dying... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 4 years ago

How You Are Reading This Page (2017)

We use the Internet every day and most of us take it for granted that you click on a link and your computer displays the new page for you to... | Continue reading

@sheep.horse | 5 years ago