Would You Buy an Automobile Designed by a Woke Engineer?

“Sometimes 2+2 could equal 5. You know, just like a born male can sometimes suffer menstrual cramps.” Perhaps the greatest tragedy of the leftwing cancel… | Continue reading

@strategic-culture.org | 3 years ago

The Secret Logistics of America’s Global Deep State

Eric ZUESSE: The most corrupt parts of the US Government are usually in the military, because the entire Defense Department isn’t audited. It is instead financially an enormous dark hole, Eric Zuesse writes. | Continue reading

@strategic-culture.org | 5 years ago

Revolving Door:How Security Clearances Perpetuate Top-Level Corruption in the US

Philip M. GIRALDI: People like former CIA Director John Brennan are using their security clearances to enhance their incomes, monetizing their access to classified information to enhance their value. | Continue reading

@strategic-culture.org | 5 years ago

U.S. Intelligence Is Actually Bad. Very Bad

Patrick ARMSTRONG: "Shallow bench"? More of an echo chamber in which people at the top expect to hear what they want to hear and are told it; reinforced by a news media full of people paid to believe what they believe to be paid. | Continue reading

@strategic-culture.org | 5 years ago

Russia sells off record amount of US treasury bonds

Arkady SAVITSKY: The worse the US relations with other countries become, the more likely are other nations to reconsider their reliance on the dollar. | Continue reading

@strategic-culture.org | 5 years ago