Testing Backups and Offloading CheckDB

While every DBA knows they need to backup all their databases, not all may realize the importance of testing those backups. Performing backups is pointless, if you’re unable to restore them.I wanted to restore our backups on a regular basis, so I set up a process to test them aut … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 3 years ago

Fighting with Deadlocks

If you follow me on Twitter, then you might have noticed that I’ve been fighting a lot of fires lately. Between high CPU (several times 1, 2), blocking queries, a slow failover, and deadlocks there have been a ton of things that needed attention. Not all of these issues are inter … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 3 years ago

Syncing Logins Between Availability Group Replicas

I mentioned this in a few previous posts, but for for those who may have missed it or forgotten, here’s a quick refresher - we use Always On Availability Groups at Stack Overflow on all of our main production servers running the network of public Q&A sites, Jobs, and Stack Overfl … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 4 years ago

Deploying My SQL Server Maintenance Scripts

In my previous post, I listed out the tools I use with SQL Server. Some of the tools are SQL scripts that need to be deployed to each server. If you have 1-2 SQL Servers, manually deploying scripts might not be bad, but ideally you don’t want to manually deploy anything, so I wro … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 4 years ago

My SQL Server Toolbox

I get asked a lot about the tools I use at Stack Overflow to monitor and work with our SQL Servers. I figured it might be helpful to others to make the list public. I’ll also do my best to keep it updated as things change.The current list of both free and 3rd party paid tools is … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 4 years ago

Migrating a 40TB SQL Server Database

Initially, I wasn’t sure whether to write about this migration project, but when I randomly asked if people would be interested, the response was overwhelming. This was a long, kind of boring, very repetitive, and at times incredibly frustrating project, but I learned a lot, and … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 4 years ago

Migrating a 40TB SQL Server Database

Initially, I wasn’t sure whether to write about this migration project, but when I randomly asked if people would be interested, the response was overwhelming. This was a long, kind of boring, very repetitive, and at times incredibly frustrating project, but I learned a lot, and … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 4 years ago

SQL Server 2019 Tuple Mover Behavior Change

This is a follow-up to my post about an issue with clustered columnstore, when upgrading from SQL Server 2017 to SQL Server 2019. After extensive testing and working with support, I wanted to share some information about a change in SQL Server 2019 that might impact others.Overvi … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 4 years ago

SQL Server 2019 Aggressive Clustered Columnstore Cleanup

In late March 2020, we upgraded our production SQL Servers to SQL Server 2019 with CU3. After finishing the upgrade, we hit an issue with clustered columnstore that we hadn’t experienced in the previous version of SQL, SQL Server 2017. The issue also wasn’t something we encounter … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 4 years ago

A gotcha when upgrading to SQL Server 2019

In my last post, I mentioned that I started the process of upgrading Stack Overflow to SQL Server 2019. This week I tackled our first production servers and after upgrading, we hit a small issue aka a gotcha because we were using an old system view. Below is a recap of what I enc … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 5 years ago

Recovering Lost Linked Servers

Recently, I kicked off a project to start moving us to SQL Server 2019. During my initial review of our servers, I found quite a few (9 total) that were still running on Windows Server 2012 R2. This meant that I would need to upgrade the operating system and move us to SQL Server … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 5 years ago

The Perils of Querying SQL Server Replicas Under Load

Last week at Stack Overflow we had an internal hack-a-thon, or as we call it, a make-a-thon. I was on the bug-bashing team, which is the team that attempts to fix smallish bugs we haven’t gotten around to fixing, due to other time-constraints. I was tagged to investigate a bug ab … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 5 years ago

T-SQL Tuesday #122 - Impostor Syndrome

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Jon Shaulis, who has asked that we talk about impostor syndrome. This subject is close to my heart, as I have dealt with it throughout my career.I didn’t study computer science or engineering in college. I never even took a computer class. … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 5 years ago

Hitting Parallel_Redo_Flow_Control waits with Availability Groups

In late June 2019, June 26th to be exact, we experienced an outage on Stack Overflow for about 11 minutes. It’s not unusual that we had an outage. They happen. Not often, but they do still happen. This one, however, was a little different because it was caused by a maintenance jo … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 5 years ago

Finally, My first PASS Summit

I’ve been working with SQL Server for a long time, and have always wanted to attend PASS. For one reason of another, with numerous employers, I hadn’t been able to go. The answer was always no. The biggest blocker was always the cost.The conference is expensive.Seattle is expensi … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 5 years ago

Stack Overflow Upgraded from Windows Server 2012

Warning: This post is long. While working through this massive server upgrade/migration process, tears were shed, many cuss words were said, along with a general feeling of frustration, which ultimately culminated into extreme happiness once the migration was completed. The scale … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 5 years ago

How Stack Overflow upgraded from Windows Server 2012

Warning: This post is long. While working through this massive server upgrade/migration process, tears were shed, many cuss words were said, along with a general feeling of frustration, which ultimately culminated into extreme happiness once the migration was completed. The scale … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 5 years ago

How We Upgraded Stack Overflow to SQL Server 2017

This post has been rattling around in my head for months, and with SQL Server 2019 on the horizon, I figured I’d finally put my thoughts down, especially since I know we might hit some of the same issues when we upgrade.A quick background, when I became the DBA at Stack Overflow, … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 6 years ago

How we upgraded Stack Overflow to SQL Server 2017

This post has been rattling around in my head for months, and with SQL Server 2019 on the horizon, I figured I’d finally put my thoughts down, especially since I know we might hit some of the same issues when we upgrade.A quick background, when I became the DBA at Stack Overflow, … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 6 years ago

Pivoting yet again - New blog and domain

Almost a year ago, in November 2017, I moved back into a more technical role at Stack Overflow and became a Database Administrator. During this time, I have wanted to relaunch my blog, as it’s been over three years since I really wrote anything (yes, I’m terrible).Well, that time … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 6 years ago

Ch Ch Ch Changes are afoot

Well it’s been an interesting couple months and there are quite a few changes going on in my life, but before I get into what’s coming up, I feel that I need to give a bit of an overview of my journey thus far.I never thought about becoming a developer. When I was growing up, I l … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 9 years ago

Using powershell to fix server space issues

A few weeks ago, we were running into severe disk space and memory issues on our development servers at work. Our set-up is a bit odd, we have 3 servers - one for the transactions, one for the web interface, and the final one for reporting. Using transactional replication we have … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 9 years ago

SQL Saturday Adventures

A few weeks bit over a month ago, I took the plunge and attended my very first SQL Saturday, SQL Saturday #370 in Phoenix. I’ve never had a chance to go to any of the local user group events or another SQL Saturday due to scheduling issues, etc. but this year I reshuffled things … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 9 years ago

How to rotate rows into columns in MySQL

I have answered a lot of MySQL pivot questions over on Stack Overflow and a few over on Database Administrators and have learned some things about how to transform data in MySQL.Unfortunately, MySQL does not have PIVOT function, so in order to rotate data from rows into columns y … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 10 years ago

Did somebody say pivot?

Paging bluefeet, there is a PIVOT question to be answered.While that might seem like a joke, it has really happened, especially over on Stack Overflow. If you have seen any of my posts, then the chances are that I was answering a PIVOT question (or something similar). At this tim … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 11 years ago

Late to the party

Boy, I am sure behind the times with having a tech type of blog, but being late is better than never. I am going to try to use this platform to discuss some of my tech journeys while I delve into my new job as a DBA developer. I have worked on SQL Server in the past, but I will b … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 11 years ago


Just a little blurb…I’m a former web and application developer, and Community Manager who is currently working as a Database Administrator at Stack Overflow. When I’m not at my desk, I’m probably running or pretending to be a woodworker. I can be reached via email at taryn.e.prat … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 11 years ago