🟦 The Only Acceptable Price Point

These small models aren't the energy hungry, water guzzling, industrial compute everyone is worried about. The post 🟦 The Only Acceptable Price Point appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 days ago

⬛ Experience.Computer Season 2 | Coming Soon!

The launch trailer for Season 2 experience.computer is now out. The post ⬛ Experience.Computer Season 2 | Coming Soon! appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 days ago

My Little Spot

It's that time in the summer where there's a lot of Birthdays. The post My Little Spot appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 5 days ago

Hole of Tears | 2416

Ivan, lost in the chaos of modern life, takes a walk by the river seeking solace. A modern fairy story. The post Hole of Tears | 2416 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 5 days ago


Paul Czege was kind enough to send me a review copy of his newest zine, Inscapes: How the Worlds We Make Make Us Who We Are. The post Inscapes appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 8 days ago

Every Man For Himself

I'm currently listening to Werner Herzog's memoir Every Man for Himself and God Against All. The post Every Man For Himself appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 12 days ago

First Person Memory | 2415

Due to my SDAM (Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory), I never remember anything in the first person. This is why I keep a diary. The post First Person Memory | 2415 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 13 days ago

Somewhere Inside The Network

The idea is fully expressed somewhere inside the network of links and discussions between people. Not anywhere in particular. The post Somewhere Inside The Network appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 19 days ago

The Origins of Modern Bureaucracy | 2414

| Where did modern bureaucracy come from? Colonel Sylvanus Thayer, the Father of the Military Academy, or the ‘man who made West Point’. Full Show Notes: https://www.thejaymo.net/2024/07/07/2414-the-origins-of-modern-bureaucracy/ Support the show! Subscribe to my zine Watch on Yo … | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 19 days ago

June 2024 | Photo 365

Photo-a-day for the month of June 2024 The post June 2024 | Photo 365 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 24 days ago

Start Select Reset Zine | Something Like This

This issue has an 'aesthetic preview' of a new creative project of mine, and contains a general update on the goings on and future plans brewing at thejaymo industries. The post Start Select Reset Zine | Something Like This appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 25 days ago

A Year of Freedom

Day Ones 'On this Day' feature informs me that it's been a year since I installed the site/app blocker freedom.to. The post A Year of Freedom appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 26 days ago

Conflict of Disinterest | 2413

We should abandon the external 'Battle for Attention' and instead engage in an internal 'Conflict of Disinterest' The post Conflict of Disinterest | 2413 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 27 days ago

Not The Sort Of Person I Want To Be

I don’t want to be part of a negative Internet, so I choose not to add to it. I don't see any value in doing cynicism as a service. The post Not The Sort Of Person I Want To Be appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 1 month ago

Surface Flatness | 2412

Don’t you think that the surface of the Internet feels super flat right now? I don’t just mean it's UX but the whole internet. The post Surface Flatness | 2412 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 1 month ago

Solarpunk Means Dreaming Green | Human Entities 2024

Recording of my talk 'Solarpunk Means Dreaming Green' at Human Entities 2024 in partnership with the Lisbon Architecture Triennale The post Solarpunk Means Dreaming Green | Human Entities 2024 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 1 month ago

Back 2 It

Got back from Portugal late Tuesday and have spent the week getting back into things. Winding back up to full speed this week. Back 2 It I was in Lisbon to speak about Solarpunk at the Architecture Triennale. I put some photos / screenshots of the event on my Tumblr. It was a ful … | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 1 month ago

May 2024 | Photo 365

Photo-a-day for the month of May 2024 The post May 2024 | Photo 365 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 1 month ago

Other Things First

It's been a super busy week for me. Mostly taken up with working on my talk @ Human Entities in Lisbon on Wednesday. The post Other Things First appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 1 month ago

Little Computer People | 2411

Right now AI is the worst it’s ever going to be. It costs about £60 a day to house a little computer person powered by an LLM in a virtual world. What will the world be like when it costs 60p? The post Little Computer People | 2411 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 1 month ago

🟧 Forums Do Need Some Love

I'm all for showing bbPress some love here's a few brief thoughts: The post 🟧 Forums Do Need Some Love appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 1 month ago

Antisocial Network | Weeknotes

This week I watched the 4chan documentary Antisocial Network. I thought it was good. The post Antisocial Network | Weeknotes appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

Algorithmic Pressure | 2410

People I hang out with online all at once seem to have begun questioning the necessity of weekly creative production. The post Algorithmic Pressure | 2410 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

One D&D’s New Covers

The two images illustrate the fundamental split over what players think Dungeons & Dragons is for The post One D&D’s New Covers appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

🟧 Default Apps 2024

My 'Default Apps' as of Summer 2024 The post 🟧 Default Apps 2024 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

Entity Not A Person

REINCANTAMENTO over at DROPS newsletter wrote a great post on the Kendrick Lamar - Drake beef and its wider implications for cultural production in our age The post Entity Not A Person appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

Short Term Thinking | 2409

I propose that everything that occurs between the decision to plant a tree and the full expression of its canopy is short-term thinking. The post Short Term Thinking | 2409 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

GPT-4o Must Die?

It’s worth exploring whether a Tamagotchi style lifecycle design pattern could be applied to AI assistants to help users maintain healthy emotional distance. The post GPT-4o Must Die? appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

Settling In | Weeknotes

The idea that a new work must come out, be consumed, burn bright before we all collectively move on to the next thing is a crazy one. It's rotting peoples brains, its rotting culture. The post Settling In | Weeknotes appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

React + Re-Consume | 2408

Reaction videos were (and still) are considered ‘low effort’. At worst a parasitic grift. Leveraging the creative work of others for social clout The post React + Re-Consume | 2408 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

April 2024 | Photo 365

Photo-a-day for the month of April 2024 The post April 2024 | Photo 365 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

TABlog 1

How many tabs do you have open right now? What are they? And why do you have them open? The post TABlog 1 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

Going Deep | 2407

Tetris players have gone so deep, and become such powerful wizards, that they can avoid the end of the world. The post Going Deep | 2407 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

🟧 MagLite Solitaire LED Upgrade

A few years ago Eve got me a MagLite Solitaire AAA torch for Christmas. I recently came across an LED conversion kit for it. The post 🟧 MagLite Solitaire LED Upgrade appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

What About This Excites You?

When you are reading a tweet, watching youtube video, or looking at an Instagram post, ask yourself: "What About This Excites Me?" The post What About This Excites You? appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 2 months ago

My Todolist Over Time | 2406

The moment I finished editing this week’s show about Cal Newports Slow Productivity, I realised to my horror that I’d made it before. The post My Todolist Over Time | 2406 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

Welcome to RSS Club 🟧

I just wanna post more. So some posts are gonna flow out into your RSS readers, and not into your email. The post Welcome to RSS Club 🟧 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

Where Interests Take You

I've been thinking about how the longer I go from spending time on social media, the more wide open my media diet is becoming. The post Where Interests Take You appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

Little Wars of the Worlds | 2405

A review of HG Wells’ Little Wars. The book that changed the way tabletop wargames were played, and paved the way for the development of role-playing The post Little Wars of the Worlds | 2405 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

Row It Back

The other week in my review of Day One app I said that I was a bit of an Automattic fan boy. This week I’m going to row that back. The post Row It Back appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

AI Agent Metaphors | 2404

Like the Metaverse, history is repeating itself with zero contact with the last time a lot of smart people had conversations about AI Agents. The post AI Agent Metaphors | 2404 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

Where is the Time? | 2403

I like many millennials, believed I didn’t need a watch because since the year 2000 I always had a mobile phone with me. The post Where is the Time? | 2403 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

The Dread

On Thursday I got 'The Dread'. The post The Dread appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

March 2024 | Photo 365

Photo-a-day for the month of March 2024 The post March 2024 | Photo 365 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

Day One

After using it for a year I thought I'd write about Day One App, as it's some of best money I've ever spent on software. The post Day One appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

Internet Escape Velocity | 2402

You know how in the Persona games the main characters get sucked into the television? Internet Escape Velocity is the opposite. The post Internet Escape Velocity | 2402 appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 3 months ago

Floating Worlds

Earlier this month I spoke at 'Open Croissant' a fringe event coinciding with ETHGlobal. What is interesting was how the event came to be. The post Floating Worlds appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 4 months ago

Start Select Reset Zine | The Hows & The Whys

Issue #009 of Start Select Reset Zine went out today via snail mail to supporters subscribed at £5 a Month or above! The post Start Select Reset Zine | The Hows & The Whys appeared first on thejaymo. | Continue reading

@thejaymo.net | 4 months ago