Everyone needs a break sometimes.You need a day off. In fact, I think I need one right now. Then again, I thin I’ve told you about the song from Bill Joel called Vienna. Right?This world is a crazy place. We are a special breed, you and I.And I mean this with the best intentions. … | Continue reading
Good morning, Sunday.This more than a letter. At least, I hope so.This is more like an extension of say, myself or the hopes to lay down the weapons, and perhaps this way, we can find a moment of peace.I am told that my letters cannot reach you where you are now. I am told that [ … | Continue reading
I can tell you that there’s nothing like a breath of fresh air.There’s nothing like being able to breathe when the air was nothing else, but stagnant and thick, and somehow, or perhaps, finally, a gust of wind blows passed your face and lifts your hair back.And then it’s like, ah … | Continue reading
I recall a morning, cold as ever, bright and beautiful and the world around me was still new. I was still young. The world was changing, and my life was about to take on a brand-new look.I was on a farm. I was living in the middle of a time that I never thought that […] | Continue reading
It is mild today, and still warm, and yet, this is more like a testament or a qualifying moment, as if to be an elegy or serious reflection of say, the tiny bits of mercury that rise and fall like the seasons and the tide, which range from warm to cool—and still, another year has … | Continue reading
I understand when you tell me how you’ve waited for so long, or how you’ve waited for tomorrow to come, but then you woke up, just to realize that tomorrow never showed up. At least, not the way you thought it would.I understand what it means to make plans. I suppose we all do. E … | Continue reading
I have been coming here for years now. Then again, you already know this, at least that’s what I assume.I come here to sit with you, like this, quietly. But more than anything, I come here to motivate myself. I do this so I can start my day. Sometimes, I come here to expose mysel … | Continue reading
Life is happening. All the time.The question about this is simple. Even when the answers are unfriendly or when the answers are unlikeable, the answers are simple too. There will always be a choice. We might not like the choices. We might not favor either of them and sometimes, t … | Continue reading
I am not fit to judge. I am not better or worse than you are anyone else. I have no right to point fingers and nor am I fit to say who is righteous and who should be saved, who could be fixed, and who will always be broken.I have no time for talks like […] | Continue reading
I am writing this as note to you. Then again, all of my notes are to you.So, I’m not sure if this is a note or if this is a moment of clarity or a moment of awareness, or maybe this is a mission statement.yes. That’s it. This is all of the above. There are […] | Continue reading
I suppose the future can start once the past is gone. So, what does that mean?I suppose that means this moment is more important than we think.So, here I am world, just waiting for the next big thing to come along and grab me by the hand, and off we can go at the drop […] | Continue reading
Maybe this is just me rambling. Or maybe this is a rant.Or maybe I’ve been inspired to get back to my hopes and dreams and perhaps this is a call for me to get back to the work I love. I used to tell people that I have two jobs.One job pays my bills.The other […] | Continue reading
Waves come in to hit the shore.I love it this way, the beach in the wintertime, and the cold air, the blue sky and the bright sun, which is high and full but the winds are cold—but not to me. No, I suppose this is the warmest place I can think of.The beach in wintertime […] | Continue reading
I call this journal Random, Aimless and Unplanned because I have no agenda. I just write what on my mind or from the gut, so they say.My entries are more of a subconscious flow. This means I’m not thinking about what I’m saying. I’m not worrying about the critics or their meaning … | Continue reading
The bottom line is you have to live. There really is no secret.You have to do this because there really is no other choice. Well, maybe there is another choice but what kind of life is that? There are two kind of lives–the life you want and the life you have.I know what I want. [ … | Continue reading
First light appears in the Sunday morning sky, and I am new again. I am brand new in fact. Nothing about me is the same as yesterday.Or perhaps I should say that in the hands of the Universe, nothing about today is the same as it was. The winds do not blow from the same […] | Continue reading
There is a dream I have that has been reoccurring since my early youth. The dream itself is neither odd nor haunting but more, this dream occurs whenever change is on the way.I am a boy in this dream and as small as I was when this dream happened for the first time, which, in […] | Continue reading
Who would have thought that I would be here, as in where I am now, or more to the point, who would have thought that I would make it this far?Go figure . . .But I have to say itAge—It’s a funny thing.I think about the stories from my youth. I thing about the authority […] | Continue reading
It’s been a while since I opened up to you like this. Or perhaps I should explain this to you differently. I understand that letters from me to you, as in myself, do not come the same as they used to. Then again, nothing is the same as it used to be.This is me. Just […] | Continue reading
It is far from me now, the times of tomorrow, and the dreams or the wheels that are in motion and yes, I am far from where I had hoped to be. But I’m on my way.I know I am. It’s far now, as far as physical distance may be. Or perhaps the distance between […] | Continue reading
Not everything was so bad.You know? I think about the association of smell and the times from say, when I was younger and the springtime came around. I remember the smell from a honeysuckle bush in the yard of someone from the neighborhood. And yes, maybe I could have called this … | Continue reading
I’m not sure why people mistake honesty, as if to mean that something is wrong or that when someone speaks from the heart, people assume something is ripping them apart. No.Sometimes, you need to say what’s on your mind.You need to vent.You need to let off steam, and yes, the ide … | Continue reading
In all fairness,I don’t believe that anyonecan pass their own test.What I mean is,I think it’s easy to point fingersor to assign blameand come up with excusesor rationalize your actswith ideas to justify the things we sayor do— But in all fairnessno one can pass their own test. L … | Continue reading
And then there is music. There has always been music, always playing and always singing to the heart in which, at some point, I rise and fall and find myself situated like a kid in the hallway, (remember?) waiting for the bell to ring and explode through the double-doors of some … | Continue reading
No one said this would be an easy task. Then again, no one ever told me that anything worthwhile would be easy.Nothing is ever easy. Or maybe there is no easy or hard—there just “is.” I don’t know why we can’t be honest. I don’t know why we have to hide what we think or […] | Continue reading
This is how life can be when we look or see ourselves as unworthy, or less-than.And I say this openly because I offer this as a means to expose how insecurity can destroy our ability to be happy. And who doesn’t want to be happy?Who doesn’t want to feel content?Who wants the worl … | Continue reading
America, I have not forgotten you. I have not forgotten what you mean to me, who you are, or how I feel when I hear them sing to you. I have not forgotten the rights and the wrongs or the mistakes from our past. I have not forgotten the people who have poisoned you and […] | Continue reading
It is beyond me. The world, I mean. People, places, and things are all beyond my control. No matter what I say or do, or no matter how I try, I have to learn that this is a fact.Even if it pains me, even if this breaks my heart, and even if I hate what […] | Continue reading
Am I afraid?Sure, I’m afraid.I’m afraid of a lot of things.But who says fear is such a bad thing? Fear tells us, “Hey, we have to be careful,” or “hey, something doesn’t seem right.” Above all things, fear is an excellent motivator. Fear can lead us to the breaking point, and fea … | Continue reading
I admit it.Sure, it’s easy for me to get in touch with “the other side” or the dark side, so-to-speak. And yes, I admit to my understanding of outrage and hatred. In fact, I understand jealousy, rage, contempt, fury, and wrath and revenge.I know all of these things, and I know th … | Continue reading
Keep in mind, this is part of a dreamwhich, in fairness, I have to say that my dreams are beyond me. But this one . . .This one was beautiful (to me) I want to embody more than just me.You know?No, I want to be more than who I am and more than just myself.I […] | Continue reading
I know we talk about things all the time—you and I . . .At the same time, there are days when I am alone and times when I am thinking, of course, and of course, I’m thinking all too much and all too often. And often enough, my thinking can become unfair or turn to […] | Continue reading
Before I go onward or forward in any direction, I have to say that I come here with no intention. I am not thinking when I write. I just write.I move. I let the words go and I pay attention to the keys as I type. I let the sound of my fingers poking the […] | Continue reading
These are just thoughts. That’s all.They are written in random order and without thought, without plan, without direction, and most times, I swear, I have no idea which way this will go.But I know where I want to go. I want to pull in close and feel the music, which is like somet … | Continue reading
Come to think of it . . .I think I’ll take a page out of your playbook.And so . . .Please, let me begin It was cold this morning. I suppose this is nothing more than a preface of what’s to come. And who knows what’s in store? Another chapter in a lifelong book? Another […] | Continue reading
I am thinking of the days of old, or the days of my yesteryear, only the years are decades ago. And there I was, alive and well, and crazy a young man on the prowl. I remember as if it were yesterday and yet, I remember this as if it were something that happened to […] | Continue reading
Here I go again, dreaming out loud with hopes that the words leave my heart and reach an altar peace somewhere, or somehow find my intended destination of something we’ve called happily ever after.I am not here to ask for immunity and nor am I expecting all to be healed or forgot … | Continue reading
Labor Day Weekend, 2024 Sunrise came later this morning. Your early resurrection was put on hold, at least briefly, or perhaps this is just for now. It is early but not as early as life allows. Time is ticking and life can be escaping us, right now; unless, of course, we choose t … | Continue reading
1) Ah. The beach . . .I have somewhere deep within my heart.I have the memories of my yesteryearand memories of old driftwoodwashed upon the shore,like a remnant of some past constructionor a sentimentof what it means to be alive onceand then forgotten. But me . . .I have not for … | Continue reading
Ah, just skip it.What a great idea this would be, to just skip it, or walk away, or to “cut out,” like we did when we were kids, remember?Skipping school, or cutting classes, and maybe finding ourselves in a group somewhere, like on some class trip of our own—only, there was no c … | Continue reading
There is, of course, the outstanding balance, which is something that I believe we should talk about.What I mean is I believe in the debts of the heart and equally, I believe in the “give and take” and the rise and fall of the tides, and further, I believe that not all that glitt … | Continue reading
Last ride on the ghost machine, this morning.Then again, or as the saying goes, there are last rides, and then, there’s the last and final ride,no thanks, or thanks to youFentanyl . . .Oftentimes, nobody knows which is whichor what comes next. Either way,the white train boarded t … | Continue reading
I can’t say that I know for sure about what’s out there. I don’t know if there’s an Old Man in the sky with a long gray beard or if there is a loving mother, as in Mother Earth, or as it is depicted in pictures, the Loving Mother, as in Hail Mary (full of […] | Continue reading
This has become something that I have to do. Writing, I mean. This is my daily choice. I have to start here because the alternative seems unlikable to me.My ideas to write are as important to me as breathing or eating and drinking. This is how I live. This is how I survive.This i … | Continue reading
Today is a good day. I know it is.Today stands for something. This means something to which I understand if the meaning is not the same to you as it is for me. But regardless of what this day means to you or to anyone else, still, I know that today is a good day. […] | Continue reading
Fear. . . I think that this is a good topic to discuss before I close this journal and move on to the next. Fear. I know that fear is an excellent motivator. Fear can make us run. Fear can make move or hide or at some point, fear can drive us to the understanding […] | Continue reading
I remember when there was a time when is was good to be wild. Do you? I remember a time when it was fine to risk everything and not care about what came next. And I swear, a World War could’ve taken place and I might not have noticed. A storm could have passed, a […] | Continue reading
Are you ready for a little dose of honesty?I am sending this out to with hopes to open the lines of communication, or better yet, I am offering this as a means to humanize that fact that yes, it’s okay to not be okay and above all things, I want to normalize that fact that […] | Continue reading