Mocking SvelteKit Stores in Storybook

If you’re using SvelteKit with Storybook and the Svelte Story Format addon and need a way to mock built in $app/stores in stories, this post is for you. This was written using the following versions: Svelte 4 SvelteKit 2 Storybook 7 addon-svelte-csf 4 If you’re using newer versio … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Complex MPA View Transitions

Note: At the time of this post, view transitions are still an emerging standard. Examples may not work for you. To use in Chrome or Arc, enable two feature flags: chrome://flags#view-transition and chrome://flags#view-transition-on-navigation In my previous post on the topic, … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

Using ChatGPT to Write CloudFormation

CloudFormation is not fun to write. The documentation is obtuse. There’s 20 different ways to do everything. Time spent on it feels like yak shaving at best and a total waste at worst. Having said that, the infra provisioning setups you can make with it are helpful and, for most … | Continue reading | 11 months ago

The Native Node Test Runner is Great

TL;DR: There’s a native test runner in node. It’s great. You should use it on your next project. Things like this just feel good. Any time you can switch from using an external dependency to something built-in feels like taking off heavy winter boots. If you haven’t used it yet, … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

CSS Trig Functions, CSS Typed OM, and Pulling on Threads

TL;DR: I’m contributing to a CSS Typed OM polyfill for browsers (and maybe jsdom). It started off like it usually does; I had an idea. Dangerous, I know. I’d been learning about, tinkering with CSS Trig functions. They’re very cool. Seems like there’s a lot of potential uses for … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

CSS Scroll-Driven Write-on Text Effect

CSS scroll-driven animations are a new feature that's in early days of rolling out to browsers. In short, they’re everything we love about CSS animations, but with a timeline based on scroll position instead of automatic timeline. This is my first time tinkering with them and so … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

First Experiments with View Transitions for Multi-page Apps

Some great ideas for view transitionts in here! Also: If you look at any of the examples on a browser that does not support them, the pages still function just fine. The transitions are an extra that’s layered on top if and when your browser supports them. Another concrete exam … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Refreshing Colormix

Last summer, I built a tool to help visualize the CSS color-mix function. lets you mix two colors in a given color space and generates the CSS snippet needed to do that with color-mix. For the MVP, I was focused on building the bare minimum to get the idea across. … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Re-encode AVIF images for iOS 16

In late 2022, Apple announced support for AVIF images on iOS 16+. That was welcome news, but did lead to issues. I don't know how wide spread this issue is, but for this site, most AVIF images I had in place stopped working. If you're searching for some version of; "iOS 16 AVIF i … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Visualizing CSS color-mix

TL;DR: and Way back in 2017, I built ColorMe for working with a proposed CSS color function. That proposal didn't end up sticking, so that color function is no longer valid. ColorMe is still a useful color picker though. Now, in 20 … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Realign 2020: Realigned

A year ago today I wrote Realign 2020. A typical designery blog post where I declared my intent to redesign and rebuild my site and write about it along the way. Through 2020 I did that. I did the work. It's live now. I’m super happy with the results. I didn't write all the posts … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

How to Get All Custom Properties on a Page in JavaScript

When I have a question about how to do something with CSS, I often find the answer on CSS-Tricks. I’m guessing that’s true for a lot of you too. It’s been the go-to for CSS knowledge for as long as I can remember. If one day you find yourself searching for help working with CSS c … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Realign 2020: Color

This is part of my “Realign 2020” series. In it, I document my process during a content and design realign of this site. I’ll update the site piece-by-piece as I post. The design and content will evolve through the series and beyond. Going into this, I didn’t know exactly what co … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Flexible Repeating SVG Masks

A CSS technique for using SVG as repeating masks. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

CSS: Flexible Repeating SVG Masks

This is a technique I used recently to create a flexible, repeating pattern using SVG with CSS mask. There are live examples in this post and they’re available as a CodePen. The need came from something I designed at work. I gave the bottom of the header on each page a little squ … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Realign 2020: Logo

This is part of my “Realign 2020” series. In it, I document my process during a content and design realign of this site. I’ll update the site piece-by-piece as I post. The design and content will evolve through the series and beyond. Eight letters form my first and last name. My … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Realign 2020: Typography

This is part of my “Realign 2020” series. In it, I document my process during a content and design realign of this site. I’ll update the site piece-by-piece as I post. The design and content will evolve through the series and beyond. The fonts I’ve chosen for this site have run t … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Realign 2020

Like other designers, I enjoy updating my personal site every so often. In my case I do a major iteration every couple years with minor tweaks between. This current incarnation is almost two years old and I’m ready to make major changes. When I launched this design in 2018 I reme … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Using a Custom OAuth Provider with NetlifyCMS

At work, we’re in the middle of a site realign and rebuild. As part of that effort, we’re moving to NetlifyCMS. Implementing NetlifyCMS was eerily easy for me. But, I did hit one snag when it came to OAuthing with GitHub. In this post I explain the problem and what I did to get t … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Good Things

Folks in design and technology have a tendency towards negativity. Any day of the week you can read Twitter, blog posts, and have conversations with co-workers and hear people declare, with self-appointed authority, that anything they don’t find value in is bad. Here’s a non-exha … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

A Library

Update, early 2021: I changed the name and URL to Bookshelf. Just seemed like a better fit. I don’t read enough books. And when I do, I don’t read a wide enough variety of them. I’m working to fix this by doing three things: I’m reading more books Always having a book I want to r … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

No More Google Analytics

This website has had Google Analytics tracking visitors for at a least a decade. I’m not sure of the exact date I added it, but I’d guess 2007-2008. As I published this, I removed the JavaScript for it and deleted the property in the GA dashboard. For this site, the numbers serve … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Designing Anthologies: Initial Concepts

Another day, another side project. My latest is Anthologies. It lets you package links to share stories. Or–more accurate–that’s what it will do when I launch it. I bought the domain name two months ago and now I’m getting to work. I plan to share as much of my design and develop … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Jribbble Three and Helping People OAuth

In December 2017, Dribbble announced version two of their API. In the same post, they set March 26, 2018 as the deprecation date of version one. I’ve maintained Jribbble for almost 8 years now. It’s a JavaScript library to help fetch data from the Dribbble API. In that time it’s … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Dynamic Redux Reducers

This post is specific to a need I had on recent React / Redux project. It’s a common need and one I’d run into before, but this was the first time I needed to come up with a solution for it. This was difficult for me. I had to slow down and take time to internalize what I was try … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Building My First PWA

I’ve been looking for time and a sandbox to sit down and learn how to build offline-capable/first web sites or “Progressive Web Apps” (PWA) for a while. I learn best with a hands-on approach. ColorMe is a site I maintain and a perfect candidate for offline experimentation. This p … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Starting Something New

On December 15, 2016 I became unemployed. This was the first time in my career the unemployment was not my choice. The entirety of the company I worked for was RIF’d. If you’re unfamiliar, RIF stands for “reduction-in-force”. We were out of money to pay salaries and RIF was the b … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Impact of Flash

A short Twitter exchange with Mike made me pause and think about the positive impact Flash has had on me. I felt the need to scribble a few loose thoughts and anecdotes about a technology near its end. I’m thinking about the time between late 2004 to sometime in 2008. That's the … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

New ColorMe Features

Since releasing it two weeks ago, ColorMe has had time to simmer and I’ve gotten a bunch of great feedback. In that time I’ve made improvements and feature additions. New features include; support for hsl(a) and rrggbbaa colors. Red, green, and blue color adjusters. And the optio … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Introducing: ColorMe

ColorMe is a site I built to make working with the CSS Color Function easier. It provides a UI for applying adjusters to a base color and gives a visual of the adjustments. The excellent SassMe was my inspiration. The Color Function is a CSS feature in editor's draft stage of spe … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

From Sass to PostCSS

Sass has been my go-to for years. But for a while now, I've wanted to try a new styling setup with PostCSS and the cssnext plugin. I love the idea of writing future CSS syntax today and using tooling more aligned with other tools I'm used to. This personal site is a perfect test … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Rewriting Day Player for Sketch 40+

At 2 ½ my placeholder image plugin was showing signs of age and side-project neglect. I decided to make it a priority to get Day Player back in working order. In doing so, I would also need to educate myself on the latest in Sketch Plugin development. I didn't know it when I star … | Continue reading | 7 years ago