Observability on Unstructured Logs

Software used to be simple enough so that one could monitor its state in order to know if something was wrong and to immediately know why it was broken. One could create a set of alerts based on some known errors or known metrics and immediately react appropriately when one of th … | Continue reading

@unomaly.com | 4 years ago

Observing Google Cloud Platform Services

Google Cloud Platform offers a basic set of monitoring capabilities baked into the platform. Virtually anything that runs on top of GCP will get basic monitoring through health checks, basic alerting and basic log management. | Continue reading

@unomaly.com | 4 years ago

Mining execution patterns from streaming log data

Workflows answer the simple question, “what are my systems doing?” by providing you with a simple way to gain a deeper understanding of your infrastructure. | Continue reading

@unomaly.com | 4 years ago

Have Zero Bugs in Production

Where there is code, there will be bugs. Where there is change, there will be new bugs. And there is a limit to how much time that can be spent making sure code is bug free. It’s impossible to completely prevent them. | Continue reading

@unomaly.com | 5 years ago

Building a query AST using Google protobuf

How we've enhanced our search functionality by building a query AST using Google protobuf. | Continue reading

@unomaly.com | 5 years ago

Unomaly now lists raw anomalies from all your logs

Launch annoucement for Unomaly 3.0 including new anomalies page and tools for better investigation. | Continue reading

@unomaly.com | 5 years ago

Uno: a uniq like CLI tool for log data

We showcase a small CLI tool we built to filter out normal things from log data - a lot like uniq, but for logs. With the normal logs suppressed, amounting t... | Continue reading

@unomaly.com | 5 years ago