Technical Meeting at RTVE

On early January the technology VisualMedia partners met at RTVE to upgrade the VisualMedia solution and to check its latest features. The most recent templates were loaded onto the Graphical Engine and were managed by the Social Media Engine satisfactory. The Leap Motion compone … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Hallingdølen – Visit from local Rotary clubs

The members of local rotary clubs are usually very community-centered and have large networks.  Hallingdølen invited 3 local rotary clubs, and had  a Visual Media demonstration for 45 members. With such a large group of people we had to split them in two. While the first group ha … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Open Doors at Hallingdolen

Being a small newspaper that produce most of the TV- and videoproductions inhouse, it was natural to invite the local journalists, editors and collaborators like Filmprodusentane and NRK (Norwegian broadcasting) to this “Open door” session. The CEO of Hallingdølen, Ola Stave, sta … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Open Doors at Setanta Sports

Setanta Sports held an open-doors-day on Tuesday 5th December 2017. The purpose of the open-doors-day was to showcase the Visual Media system to local television industry specialists. We chose these participants based on their knowledge and expertise in their specific fields. Eac … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Open Doors Day at BlueSky TV

Open Doors day was quite a challenge for BlueSky. There were conflicting opinions on who will make the best audience for such an event. Would it be fellow broadcasters active in the periphery or even outside Athens? Maybe producers of shows or even journalists? Who could be the b … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Open Doors Day At RTVE

We made an Open doors days of Visual Media project last 28th and 29th of November (Mondays and Tuesdays is when the El Tiempo studio is less used to produce programs and more convenient for visits, it is reason why we chose those days). Then, 28th we were calibrating the whole sy … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Open Doors Day at TVR

The open doors day started with a tour of our studio, this being also the place where in 1989 the Romanian anti communist revolution was broadcasted. The tour was followed by demo reel about the Visual Media project (VM) and TV shows produced using VM. Our guest were divided in s … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Open Doors Day at Bayerischer Rundfunk

For the Open Door Day at the BR we invited around 100 people mostly from the BR but also from Companies in Munich like Signum. The invited people covered the range from editorial stuff to technicans and producers to designers and planners. A number of 30 people could join the eve … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Brainstorm & Never.No To Release OnMedia At The NAB Show

OnMedia is an end-to-end solution for managing virtual & augmented reality 3D graphics, incorporating live social media moderation & editorial publishing controls. Madrid, January 17th, 2018. Brainstorm, leading manufacturer of real-time 3D graphics and virtual studio solutions, … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

OnMedia Showcase at CVMP

Following a competitive selection process, VisualMedia is invited to showcase OnMedia at the 14th European Conference on Visual Media Production, held in London, at British Film Institute, during 11-12 December 2017. The conference brought together the members of academia and ind … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Testing and Open Doors Day at BR

At the end of the project, the BR team tested the VisualMedia System within its own production system. The team validated all components, not only focussing on the social media integration into the graphics engine but also testing the tracking and gesture recognition system. Test … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Hallingdølen is working alongside European media companies when developing a new way of integrating social media in online-TV

“At Hallingdølen, we have already gained a large audience for our video content. However, I wish to further develop our product for the benefit of both our viewers and our advertisers. The project management at ‘OnMedia’ has underlined the importance of gathering experience throu … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

VisualMedia presented at RTVE Annual Innovation Meeting

Last 14th December took place at RTVE the Annual innovation meeting “II Edición de la Jornada de Innovación y Transformación Digital en RTVE” with the collaboration of Universities, companies and the innovation departments of RTVE. The agenda covered fifteen innovation projects R … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Hallingdolen goes on air with VisualMedia

The last two years Hallingdølen has produced a monthly magazine program called "Videomagasinet". Every month we invite our viewers to send us their favourite photos from which we then select the best shots. This November we used the Visual Media platform for the first time. We fo … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

OnMedia Gesture Control Showcased At CVMP

The latest developments of OnMedia, a product developed from the Horizon 2020 project ‘VisualMedia’ have been showcased at CVMP.The European Conference on Visual Media Production held at the British Film Institute in London brought together production and post-production speciali … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

VisualMedia main contributor to the NEM White Paper on the Future Social Media

VisualMedia is one of the main contributors to the NEM White paper on the future of social media. The issue was discussed in a panel at the recent NEM summit in Madrid ( Andrew Perkis from NTNU represented VisualMedia in the pan … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Setanta Sports trial new cutting-edge social media graphics engine

Setanta Sports is a premium subscription sports broadcaster based in Dublin, Ireland. Setanta Sports is taking-part in the Horizon 20:20 Visual Media Project consortium, contributing as a Broadcast Partner. Since taking delivery of the software and hardware in August, we have ins … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

VisualMedia Consortium Launches OnMedia Brand

Ever since the start of the EU-funded VisualMedia project in 2015, its project partners have been fully aware that ‘VisualMedia’ is a great acronym for a project but not for a commercial product. In the first year of the project, our priority was to design and develop the integra … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

VisualMedia’s Prototype at RTVE Torrespaña

In October, we set up and tested VisualMedia's prototype in our A3 Studio at RTVE Torrespaña. To start with, we configured each of the sub-systems separately: application for mobiles and tablets, Social Media Engine, Graphics Engine, tracking and gestures recognition engines. All … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

First successful testing at TVR

The TVR team is delighted with the outcome and deliverable of the VisualMedia project. The entire team worked hard to install all the equipment and this challenge was finished successfully. After the physical installation, the next step was the set-up of the graphics engine. The … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

BlueSky production team proudly presents…

We did it! Finally, after time spend on installation, set up and most important of all tests and extra tests, we have our first semi-final video, showcasing VisualMedia’s capabilities. Our first option was to record a mock-up of the show “Paremvaseis” on which we intend to go liv … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Signum presents VisualMedia at the IBC2017 in Amsterdam

During IBC, Signum Bildtechnik showcased the VisualMedia Project to the broadcast world. Signum designed a dedicated area for the VisualMedia prototype within the Signum booth to showcase the working system in its full beauty. Harald Renz, responsible for the development of the V … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Bayerischer Rundfunk Higher Attractiveness of TV Shows with the Help of Social Media

Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) is the public broadcaster in Bavaria/Germany. BR produces and broadcasts two 24-hour television channels “BR Fernsehen” and “ARD alpha”. Furthermore, BR manages ten analogue and digital radio channels. The Internet platform supports the TV and radi … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

VisualMedia at I3 Investor Meeting for New Media Technologies

"I3: Impact, Innovate, Invest", a H2020 coordination action, organised a meeting in London, bringing together SMEs, representatives from H2020-funded projects, and investors. The meeting, held at F6S' offices at Hackney Wick,  provided an excellent overview of the European innova … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

VisualMedia presented as a success story

Yesterday, Ametic and Enem Platform hosted a conference to shed light on the new funding opportunities addressed to the Creative sector that European Commission plans to launch within the next two years. Javier Montesa, on behalf of VisualMedia project, participated in the event … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

VisualMedia at the IBC Show

Attendees of this year’s IBC Show in Amsterdam had the opportunity to see the latest developments of VisualMedia, an integrated ‘end to end’ solution for realtime 3D visualisation of social content with augmented gesture control. Brainstorm and showcased the preliminary … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

VisualMedia, an innovative way to manage live audience engagement

Brainstorm and are proud to showcase VisualMedia at IBC 2017, a jointly developed, integrated solution to create visually engaging Social TV content based on social media feeds. This solution is one of the developments resulting from both companies’ partnership as leader … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Second-screen application entering validation phase

The second-screen application for the use-case of the Spanish broadcaster RTVE is ready for the validation in field trials in line with the overall project schedule. It provides an image gallery complementing a selection of images shown on live TV. In addition, the application al … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

VisualMedia ready for the IBC show!!

The VisualMedia project and the social graphics prototype will be presented at the next IBC event taking place in September. On this occasion, Brainstorm has reserved dedicated space in its booth for promoting VisualMedia and running demos for relevant professionals in the broadc … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

University of Surrey hosts the consortium meeting of VisualMedia

Last 27 and 28th June, the University of Surrey held the six-monthly consortium meeting of VisualMedia project, the event counted with the presence of representatives from all the participating organisations. The occasion served for checking the current state of VisualMedia appli … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

TVR Case: Enhancing the Sports News Show

Nowadays, Romanian Television is a public institution that broadcasts on six different channels: TVR 1, TVR 2, TVR 3, TVR Moldova, TVR International and TVR Sport HD (channel that broadcasts in High Definition). TVR covers the most important news events nationwide through its fiv … | Continue reading | 7 years ago