Rust for Java developers, part 2

Where did we get so far? In the first installment of this now series of Rust for Java developers, we saw some basic syntax, some pattern matching, briefly touched on enum and, most importantly, tried to reason about where the data in our programs resides.When we quickly tried to … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Rust for Java developers, an introduction

Get ready to get started…​ So you’ve heard about Rust and are a Java developer? You want to give Rust a try? This article will try to get you started, with the basics… The basic differences between Java and Rust and try to avoid you falling into some of pitfalls, and fight the bo … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Moving on...

After almost seven years at Terracotta, I’ve decided to move on to other adventures. I joined the company, as it was still a start-up, in early 2009. Prior it acquiring Ehcache later that same year and then, itself, being acquired by Software AG in 2011. Those have been crazy yea … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Ehcache3's templates

Earlier this month, a week ago more precisely, we’ve released the first alpha of the new development line of Ehcache. The target of the alpha release was to provide a JSR-107, the javax.cache API for java, compliant implementation of using the new API and features as we plan to h … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Ehcache powered JSR-107 provider

I’ve put a quick note together on the Ehcache-JCache module release. As well as a link and some explanation on the tutorials on the new javax.cache API I’m putting together on github. You can read it here: Ehcache powered JSR-107 provider | Continue reading | 10 years ago

SizeOf Java library

That’s it! We’ve finally done it… Or almost done it. We’ve extracted the SizeOf code from the Ehcache library in it’s own library.Release 0.2.0 The first release of the lib was just pushed to maven central and available by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml:org.ehcac … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Starting with Ehcache 3.0

It’s been 4 years since we released Ehcache 2.0. While it was the second major release in almost 6 years, it didn’t break backward compatibility, but was “simply” the first release with a tight integration with the Terracotta stack, just 6 months after the acquisition. With JSR-1 … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Choosing Hibernate's caching strategy

One, if the not the, most common use case for Ehcache out there is using it with Hibernate. With only a little configuration, you can speed up your application drastically and reduce the load on your database significantly. Who wouldn’t want that? So off you go: you add the coupl … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Users do not read warn or error messages! So comments ?! Forget it!

As an engineer working on libraries and being someone carrying about APIs in general, I always struggle with writing proper error messages. Worse than these are actual warnings: how do you best convey to someone using your library that he might be doing something “suboptimal”. It … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Measuring Java Object Sizes

Probably pure coincidence, but I stumbled upon this Estimating Java Object Sizes with Instrumentation blog. Given we just had released Ehcache 2.5 with Automatic Resource Control, aka ARC, I had to read through this. We do, amongst other, use an instance of java.lang.instrument.I … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Asynchronous Job Execution in the Cloud @ JavaOne

I’ll be presenting “Asynchronous Job Execution in the Cloud” (Session ID: 24301) later this week at JavaOne in San Francisco. The session will be held in the Hotel Nikko (Carmel I/II) on Wednesday Oct. 5, at 1pm. I will cover how deployment topologies requires us to rethink how w … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Quartz Where Screencast

Here is a small introduction to the new Quartz Where feature that was just released as part of the Terracotta 3.5 Enterprise Edition. I’ll be posting another screencast with some demo application benefiting from the feature, including the couple of steps required to migrate the a … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Ehcache BeJUG session

The presentation I gave at the BeJUG a couple of weeks back is now available on Here is part 1: You can also find the code to the Raffle application I used to demo a couple features on For more information, downloads and full documentation on ehcache plea … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Ehcache's Writer API Screencast

A common pattern to offloading the database is to use a cache in front of it. Yet, generally, it’s still application code that goes to the underlying system of records for writes. It also then becomes responsible for invalidating or updating cached entries.Using cache writers can … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

To be relational or not to be relational, that's not the question

Sergio Bossa and myself gave this presentation at jFokus (Stockholm, Sweden) and Codemotion (Rome, Italy). Here’s the slidedeck For more information: | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Quartz Where!

One week ago we released the first beta of our Fremantle release, which includes Ehcache 2.4, Terracotta Enterprise Suite 3.5 and at last but not least Quartz 2.0. You have been able to cluster your Quartz Scheduler instances using Terracotta for a while already. Yet, as with a J … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Not quite dead yet...

Despite not having posted here for almost two years now, I’m not dead yet…It’s been a year now, I joined Terracotta to work on their Hibernate second level cache implementation. A lot as happened since: Terracotta acquired Ehcache and Quartz, which gave the transparency team I jo … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Jazoon Presentation on Distributed Client/Server Persistence

I’ve presented at this year’s Jazoon conference on Hölchoko, a framework for distributing the persistence of your JPA domain models to multiple clients. While the project itself is not where I would have expected it to be by now, I’ve finished enough of the demos to show what the … | Continue reading | 16 years ago

Hudson continuous build full screen monitoring

I’ve just quickly hacked a fullscreen monitor for our continuous integration server at work. As for my personal projects, we use Hudson, which has a nice restful xml API.This small utility asks for the url of your Hudson server and retrieves all the jobs and their status. You can … | Continue reading | 16 years ago

On testing...

Earlier this week I’ve received the Javalobby newsletter featuring an article by Antonio Goncalves on Why are we not using Java EE 5? While there is much to be discussed on the subject, I’ve been thinking about his statement on testing :Testing a Java EE 5 application is definite … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

Beans Binding & JPA

I have been continuing my work on integrating Beans Binding (JSR 295) and the Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) with the work I have been doing on providing a JPA enabled HMVC framework for Swing developers. I must already say that getting to the information on how to exactly … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

JavaPolis, NetBeans 6 & Season's coding...

That’s it JavaPolis is over. It was a great success again and completely sold out weeks before it actually began… It was a great opportunity for me to catch up with old friends and time to make some new. The French speaking community was pretty present and I was really pleased to … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

Java 6 on OS X Leopard

Just downloading developer preview 8 from the ADC Member Site. Apple just made my day! | Continue reading | 17 years ago

JavaZone 2007: Java Persistence on the Client

I am back from my Oslo trip. JavaZone 2007 was again a great success! The exhibition hall was much bigger than the hotel lobby last year, much more decorated and with even more people attending! Still it remained a very enjoyable event… I had a really great time and many possibil … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

Hello world!

That’s finally it I’m slowly moving my blog away from I’ve had enough of all the troubles. Besides this website will also host a few projects I’m currently working on… Still need some time to get everything done: migrating my jroller content to this blog, importing t … | Continue reading | 17 years ago