There’s a band I really like that I think more people should know about, and it’s called Valiant Hearts. It’s just two guys, Igor Serokvasha for the instrumentals and Tom Byrne for the vocals. These two guys have made some of my favorite songs of all time, all of which are off th … | Continue reading
The parking lot is nothing to write home about, but Austin generally is lovely and I’m glad to be here. Although I did just troll the Austinites on Bluesky: Spoiler: I did not eat at Chipotle. I ate at a food truck down the road where I got a carnitas/kimchi fusion bowl. It was d … | Continue reading
A little over a year ago, I heard of a bakery in Dayton called Val’s Bakery. All of the local foodie Instagram accounts I follow were raving about how good it was, and I was eager to try it. I finally did this past Sunday, and I can confirm, their ravings were completely warrante … | Continue reading
When trying to reignite your passion for writing, having a sexy fallen angel be a star in your show is a good way to do it. At least, that’s what author Kait Ballenger discovered in the process of writing her newest novel, Original Sinner. Read on to see just how devilishly charm … | Continue reading
I buy a lot of expensive shit. Most of the time, I think it’s worth it, or at least worth it enough that I don’t have to come on the Internet and complain about how not worth it it is. Unfortunately, two weeks ago I bought something that is worth complaining about, and I’m here [ … | Continue reading
Not just one parking lot here. But several. Truly, the motherlode of all “view from a hotel window” photos, parking lot-wise. Tonight! 7 pm! The Clark Family Branch of the St. Louis library! Please come, I woke up at an ungodly hour to be here. Tomorrow! I’m in Saratoga Springs! … | Continue reading
On the other side of tragedy comes inspiration. Such is the case for author Nicholas Binge, who decided to construct his feelings into something tangible. Come along in the Big Idea for his new novel, Dissolution, and see how the core of this novel unfolded for him. NICHOLAS BING … | Continue reading
There we go. I know when you think of my “view from a hotel window” you are thinking of quality parking lot photos, and this one does not disappoint. Not only does it have a parking lot, it also has a very fine back of a grocery store. This photo has everything! Tonight! At 6pm! … | Continue reading
The only thing worse than beasts are man-made monsters. Author Roanne Lau explores the idea of how monstrous humans can truly be in the Big Idea for her newest novel, The Serpent Called Mercy. Follow along as she tells us a bit about the inspiration behind the novel, and she rewo … | Continue reading
For most of these pictures I’m looking down, usually at a parking lot, but today I’m looking up toward the sky. Hello, Louisville, I am in you, and will be at your public library tonight at 7pm. Please come visit me, I drove all the way here to see you. Tomorrow: Knoxville! You h … | Continue reading
First things first: When the Moon Hits Your Eye is now out in North America (Thursday in the UK) and available at your local bookseller and/or favorite online bookstore and/or wherever it is you buy books, with the audiobook version, narrated by Wil Wheaton, available on Audible. … | Continue reading
If there’s two things I love, it’s vampires and cocktails. So when I saw that a performance of Bram Stoker’s Dracula was coming to town, and that it would be accompanied by four themed cocktails, I knew I wanted to attend. I got my mom and I tickets, which were around sixty bucks … | Continue reading
Mary Robinette Kowal and I did a joint appearance today at the Columbus Public Library, she to promote her terrific new book The Martian Contingency and me to get a jump on the release of When the Moon Hits Your Eye this Tuesday. As you can see, it was reasonably well attended; w … | Continue reading
What is that? It’s a well-known science fiction award in Germany, roughly equivalent to a Nebula or Hugo for German-language work and translations. Kaiju (known in Germany as Die Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung der Kaijū-Monster), is a finalist in the “Foreign Novel” category, which c … | Continue reading
Last night, while shopping at Kroger, I came across these oranges: If there’s two words you could use to get me to buy a fruit, it’s sugar and gem. Intrigued, I picked them up and read the side of the container, which says that these oranges were grown in optimal weather conditio … | Continue reading
It’s been cloudy all day and I didn’t suspect I would actually get a shot of the first sunset of Spring, but then, at the last moment, there was a break in the clouds, conveniently at the horizon. And here we are. Welcome to Spring, northern hemisphere! — JS | Continue reading
There is something about me that I have always known, but especially in recent years have found to be even more true than before. First, I am materialistic. Second, I am an extremely sentimental person. These two things are certainly correlated. I have the issue of holding object … | Continue reading
Sometimes, as Lif Strand learned in the writing of Stolen Sisters, writing “The End” is actually the beginning. The beginning of what? Stand explains it all in this Big Idea. LIF STRAND: Stolen Sisters, the second book in my Mangas County Mysteries series, was one tough haul. My … | Continue reading
A couple of weeks back I chatted with the folks at SFF Addicts about writing humor in science fiction, and the conversation on the topic went on for more than an hour, in no small part because once you wind me up on a subject, I just don’t stop talking. Nevertheless, over the cou … | Continue reading
I got on my laptop to get down to some serious work today, and opened Chrome. Upon opening Chrome I saw a very intriguing Google Doodle, and to see what it was for, I clicked on it. I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be a game. After playing said game, I am […] | Continue reading
On Friday, I went to see Mickey 17 in theaters. Unlike most movies I’ve seen in theaters recently, I actually saw a ton of marketing for Mickey 17. This was one movie I wasn’t going into completely blind, which I generally try to do. If you have yet to see one of its trailers, Mi … | Continue reading
A few weeks ago I inaugurated my work desk at the church, but there were still a couple of things missing, namely a full-sized keyboard and monitor. The MacBook is nice and all, but I notice getting a crick in my neck after a while. The monitor and keyboard (and mouse) are nothin … | Continue reading
Tomorrow is the Ides of March, and here at the Scalzi Compound we have a whole stack of new books and ARCs to peruse. Which of these books would you like to take a stab at? Share in the comments! — JS | Continue reading
Hey, everyone! I’m back today with another AppyHour Box. I wasn’t sure if I was going to make these a regular thing, but it seemed like you guys enjoyed the first one I did, so I figured we’d keep it goin’ until y’all tell me you’re sick of them. And thank you to everyone who […] | Continue reading
A few years ago, we bought a church building. Since then, every time I mention it online and/or on social media, someone always responds, “wait, you bought a church, what” and then asks some standard questions. At this point it makes good sense to offer up a Church FAQ to answer … | Continue reading
I started playing Fortnite in November of 2023. I had never played before, and really had no interest in it, as I was sure I didn’t like the whole “battle royale online” type of games. But, my friends convinced me to try it out, and I figured why not since it’s a free game. No [… … | Continue reading
Over on Bluesky, where I spend quite a lot of time these days, because it’s an instance of social media not owned by a billionaire and/or ruled by algorithms intended to push vaguely-to-explicitly fascist thoughts and memes into my face every time I look at it, there’s a continge … | Continue reading
When I was in high school and college, I was totally straight edge. I didn’t drink, and I didn’t smoke. Not because the D.A.R.E. people got to me, or because of Jesus, but because I thought it was stupid. Why would I ever knowingly consume poison? And on top of that, why would I … | Continue reading
Because I thought you might like to see them, and I just remembered, a few minutes before midnight, that I hadn’t posted anything today: Paul and Storm looking very enthusiastic, and Jim Boggia looking slightly dubious; Mega Ran, belting out; Daphne Always, laughing; Aimee Mann, … | Continue reading
And what a delight it was this year. More pictures and thoughts coming later in the week. But first, sleep after 13 hours of travel. — JS | Continue reading
Every year on the JoCo Cruise I host and DJ a “nerd prom,” in which all the JoCo Cruisers can dance their brains out for three hours straight. This year’s seemed especially successful — the dance floor was packed the entire evening. I love to dance (I started DJing so I would alw … | Continue reading
Still on the sea. Still enjoying the respite from the world. Tonight I host my “Nerd Prom” dance party. Three hours of hopping about! And then ibuprofen. I’ve managed to largely avoid news while I’m here but bits and drabs sneak past me, enough to know that my plan to avoid the n … | Continue reading
Oh, hello there. It is day three here upon the sea and while I don’t know how things are out there in the world — nor do I wish to know! The sea has claimed me! — here on the boat all is well. We wander the Caribbean, if not aimlessly then at least without […] | Continue reading
Oh, don’t look so surprised, Smudge. You know that the JoCo Cruise is always around this time of year! And anyway, the housesitter knows to give you treats, and Charlie walks. You’ll be fed and happy, and based on previous years, will hardly miss us at all. As for Whatever, well. … | Continue reading
Author Gourav Mohanty is here today not only to tell you about his newest novel, but also to let you in on some of India’s most interesting mythology. Take a look at the Big Idea for Dance of Shadows, and see what these forgotten legends are all about. GOURAV MOHANTY: When I glan … | Continue reading
Jason Sandford reports that the magazines Analog, Asimov’s and Fantasy and Science Fiction, collectively known as the “Big Three” of science fiction print magazines, have been purchased by a new owner, with a more formal announcement of this news coming soon. Which led me to comm … | Continue reading
Sometimes you aim to write a novel, and sometimes you don’t but end up doing exactly that anyways. Such is the case with author A. T. Sayre, who wound up with a novel on accident. Follow along in his Big Idea to see just how The Last Days of Good People came to be. A. T. […] | Continue reading
I’m sure that much like me, you’ve seen a ton of posts on social media lately telling you that continuing to create art through these troubling times is important, neigh, imperative. And I agree completely with them! I fully believe that through all the bad things happening, it i … | Continue reading
Over the weekend an unnamed person (not me, although it could just as easily have been me) misjudged where the snow-covered driveway was, turned a little too sharply into where the driveway was not, and snapped our mailbox off at the base, sending it sprawling into the snow. It i … | Continue reading
It’s deepest February, with cold in the air and snow on the ground, but here is a stack of new books and ARCs to keep you warm. What here is catching your eye? Share in the comments! — JS | Continue reading
While I was away from home for a couple of days, my author copies of When the Moon Hits Your Eye arrived, and here is one of them, with cat for scale. The cover looks absolutely fantastic in person, which is a fact you’ll see for yourself in just a smidge over a month from […] | Continue reading
Putting yourself out there isn’t easy, but it certainly is necessary. Author and life coach Shari Leid explores this idea in the Big Idea for her newest book, Table for 51. Follow along on her journey not just through the US, but her journey through connecting with others. SHARI … | Continue reading
First, look, here’s the cover to the UK edition of The Shattering Peace, the seventh book in the Old Man’s War series. The UK cover is very orange! And why not. I like it. Second, if you are interested in a signed/personalized copy of the US version of The Shattering Peace, Subte … | Continue reading
Sequels, prequels and other-quels (which is not a real word but you get the idea): When it comes to “-quels,” James L. Cambias has given them considerable thought, especially for his “Billion Worlds” series. In this Big Idea for The Miranda Conspiracy, Cambias delves into what ki … | Continue reading
Author Cory Doctorow is here to tell us a bit of interesting history behind one of the most well-known places in the US: Silicon Valley. Read on to see how the laws of the land played a role in his newest story, Picks & Shovels. CORY DOCTOROW: Why Massachusetts Isn’t California Y … | Continue reading
“Love to Be Loved” has been one of my favorite deep cut Peter Gabriel songs for a while now, so I thought I would give it a swing and see what it sounds like coming out of me. The answer: Well, Peter Gabriel has nothing to worry about, but I don’t hate it! I sung […] | Continue reading
I can’t help but think that snow plow drivers just really dig their jobs. You get to drive around all day and shove snow with a huge metal plow! And maybe drop dirt off the back of your truck! And then you get nine months off! All right, I imagine that the snow plow drivers […] | Continue reading
Specifically, the latest COVID vaccine, and the first half of the two-part shingles vaccine. Both in the same arm, which I know some people do not feel is wise, but then I am was not planning to do anything strenuous with my left arm today anyway, and also, Krissy and my Valentin … | Continue reading