Nix/NixOS is the new “dotfiles golf” - and that’s awesome

For the past month I’ve been transitioning to NixOS, both my work laptop and my personal desktop. It’s been an amazing voyage. The learning curve is steep for the first 1-2 days, till you grasp the whole idea but then that’s mostly it. The language syntax is a bit weird and ugly … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Fusion 360 Internals: Trying to re-invent Fusion’s GUI (and failing)

This is one of those weird ones where I try to do something batshit crazy and I end up inevitably failing. It was almost too clear that this is gonna be the path but I needed something to hyperfocus on to have some stress-free moments. This is how I tried to use only the engine/r … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

The art of cracking software

As the years have gone by, it seems that cracking software is more and more synonymous to “malware”. As this world no longer knows how to operate in a manner of doing something for the common good, selfless moves that would give access to people that can’t bear the stupid “entry … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Post is written in Notion – WhyNot.Fail Blog

Continue reading | 2 years ago

Making PCBs at home: Milling the first layer (and why you need it)

For the past 5 years I’ve been obsessed about finding a super quick way to make hobby-grade PCBs at home. The race I was looking to win was the “I don’t want to wait 3 weeks being able to do nothing after I remembered that I2C needs in-series resistors”. I want to get my board in … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Clear nrf52 saved BT bonds

Often the nRF52 micros get stuck or misbehave and reach a weird state with the pairings. Often the solution is just to clear them so here’s adafruit’s code to do that and a ini to make it easy. platformio.ini [env:clearbonds] platform = nordicnrf52 board = particle_xe … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Dry your filaments in the drawer

This is a weekend project to keep your filaments safe & dry. It’s very easy to rebuild and adapt to your needs with (hopefully) available spare parts. After a long term abusive relationship with the 3D printing hobby, where I was brutally murdered several times as described here, … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Things that went wrong with my Ender 3

Why is it that hard to 3D print across years? Why can’t I have consistent printing experience, while not spending a kidney? I don’t get it. Why is the machine constantly failing? I’m a computer guy, I know that human errors are all over the place but how does a machine break on i … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Rusty Arduino bindings using PlatformIO

Oh Rust, how much I love you… Love at first third sight, like I had with my English teacher. She was ugly but I was 10 and she was a female that stood near me for an hour and talked to me in a soothing voice. That’s what Rust is, ugly but it’s there for you with a soothing voice. … | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Adding more magic to the Magicforce 68 – Adding BT to a USB mechanical keyboard

Continue reading | 4 years ago

MicroPython on Bluefruit NRF52832 with J-Link and openocd

First of all, lets flash Adafruit’s NRF52 bootloader for easier future flashing My J-Link was “Broken. No longer used” - or so the JLink tools said (AKA bought from e-bay). So I had to go to openocd). Connect the J-Link (or any SWD capable debugger supported by openocd - even an … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Let's Encrypt the house – how I use LE for my internal homelab setup

Continue reading | 4 years ago

Rust, let me share your awesomeness with C

Continue reading | 4 years ago

Chinese Factory v0.2 - Plastic À La Crème

Take a breath, sit back and think: Why the fuck not spend some money instead of endless, painful hours? You don’t have money ok, ok, but what if you… WAIT. Wow, a new world, 3D printing, ACTUAL 3D printed hollow cubes that I PRINTED. Oh wait, is that smoke? Welcome ladies and gen … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Chinese Factory v0.1 - The-Plastic

All I ever wanted, was a tiny Chinese factory inside my house. I’m not talking about the people, suicidal thoughts or racism against Chinese people, I’m talking about being able to make stuff. Quickly and effortlessly. So, instead of paying a factory and waiting for a month, I’d … | Continue reading | 4 years ago


Your next door humanoid with a grain of love for programming, infosec, electronics, martial arts/acrobatics, binge watching series till you can’t move. Excited under-engineer (== that’s boring, I’ll automate it, but I’m too bored to automate it) and rational buyer, cause “I’ll ne … | Continue reading | 2025 years ago