On Theranos: Review of “Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup”

Eric Topol extols a gripping account of the rise and fall of the US medical-testing company. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Grid-Cell Like Deep Layers in Navigation AI

Grid-like representations emerge spontaneously within a neural network trained to self-localize, enabling the agent to take shortcuts to destinations using vector-based navigation. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

I’d whisper to my student self: you are not alone

Twenty years on, Dave Reay speaks out about the depression that almost sunk his PhD, and the lifelines that saved him. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Challenging local realism with human choices

The BIG Bell Test, which used an online video game with 100,000 participants worldwide to provide random bits to 13 quantum physics experiments, contradicts the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen worldview of local realism. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

AI recreates activity patterns that brain cells use in navigation

Deep-learning algorithm spontaneously mimicked the activity of specialized neurons that tell us where we are in space. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Discourses of technology, ageing and participation

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

How to handle the dark days of depression

Mental illness can be devastating — but there are ways to fight it, say four researchers who have known those bleak times. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

AI mimics brain codes for navigation

An artificial-intelligence technique called deep learning has now been used to model spatial navigation. The system develops a representation of space similar to that of the grid cells found in the mammalian brain. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Universe’s coolest lab set to open up quantum world

NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory will allow physicists to play with quantum phenomena like never before. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Richard Feynman at 100

Paul Halpern celebrates the oeuvre of the brilliant, unconventional scientist. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Holiday trips spell trouble for the future of life on Earth: Research Highlights

Carbon emissions from tourism are rising at an alarming rate. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Colombia: after the violence

Peace efforts in the country have ended 50 years of intense conflict. Now, scientists are studying former fighters and victims as they attempt to heal. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Nature: deforestation is a key driver for Malaria

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

How to make replication the norm

The publishing system builds in resistance to replication. Paul Gertler, Sebastian Galiani and Mauricio Romero surveyed economics journals to find out how to fix it. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Grey hair may have roots in immune system: Research Highlights

Experiments in mice link loss of pigment cells with rise in levels of inflammatory genes. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Water filter inspired by Alan Turing passes first test

Membrane's structure predicted in mathematician's lone biology paper. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Particle physicists turn to AI to cope with CERN’s collision deluge

Can a competition with cash rewards improve techniques for tracking the Large Hadron Collider’s messy collisions? | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Is Nature fighting stem cell research from China?

Nature journals formalize ethics standards for human-embryo and stem-cell papers. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Earliest known hominin activity in the Philippines by 709 thousand years ago

Stone tools and a disarticulated and butchered skeleton of Rhinoceros philippinensis, found in a securely dated stratigraphic context, indicate the presence of an unknown hominin population in the Philippines as early as 709 thousand years ago. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Astronomers spot helium on exoplanet for first time

After more than a decade of searching, scientists finally detect the element billowing out of a gas giant. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Aflatoxin contamination in Europe increases due to climate change

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

The ethics of experimenting with human brain tissue

Difficult questions will be raised as models of the human brain get closer to replicating its functions, explain Nita A. Farahany, Henry T. Greely and 15 colleagues. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Can the world kick its fossil-fuel addiction fast enough?

Clean energy is growing quickly. But time is running out to rein in carbon emissions. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

The myopia boom (2015)

Short-sightedness is reaching epidemic proportions. Some scientists think they have found a reason why. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago