Episode 058 — The Attention Market

Ben and James touch on Twitter’s new “Like” button before diving into what might be a new model for publishing. Then, a discussion of bundle economics and Stratechery’s future. Buckle up! This episode is sponsored by Wealthfront. See recommended portfolios and get up to $15,000 m … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

EEXCESS at Europeana AGM

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@eexcess.eu | 8 years ago

Help for Homework Help: Teaching Parents Common Core Math

Rhode Island schools are unlocking the secrets of Common Core math for parents. | Continue reading

@usnews.com | 8 years ago


Every workshop needs a good work bench. A good bench is stable and flat, letting you estimate the flatness of your workpiece, and with plenty of space to hold the work and clamp it down. You can buy nice workbenches for many hundreds of dollars, and then you can buy nice clamps f … | Continue reading

@ | 8 years ago


Every workshop needs a good work bench. A good bench is stable and flat, letting you estimate the flatness of your workpiece, and with plenty of space to hold the work and clamp it down. You can buy nice workbenches for many hundreds of dollars, and then you can buy nice clamps f … | Continue reading

@joeblu.com | 8 years ago

Berlin Dispatch: When Pide Leads to Döner – Part I

Before he started driving a taxi 16 years ago, Aziz made his living selling pieces of the Berlin... | Continue reading

@taxigourmet.com | 8 years ago

Berlin Dispatch: When Pide Leads to Döner – Part I

Photo by Rumen Milkow Before he started driving a taxi 16 years ago, Aziz made his living selling pi | Continue reading

@taxigourmet.com | 8 years ago

1st Stakeholder Advisory Group and External Experts Group Workshop

The INSPEC2T Project held its first Stakeholder Advisory Group and External Experts Group workshop in Vienna, Austria from 2-3 November 2015. | Continue reading

@inspec2t-project.eu | 8 years ago

Explaining Go error handling

I recently translated great article — Errors are values by Rob Pike — and we discussed it in our podcast Golangshow (in russian). One thing I was surprised about is that even experienced Go developers sometimes do not understand the core idea of that article. Looking back, I reme … | Continue reading

@divan.dev | 8 years ago

Facebook’s code quality problem

tl;dr: It looks like Facebook is getting the textbook results of ignoring code quality.Update: More examples, and insights from ex-employees in the reddit discussionFacebook has a software quality problem. I’m going to try to convince you with three examples. This is important be … | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 8 years ago

Episode 057 — The User Experience

Ben and James discuss the importance of the user experience in not only avoiding disruption but also in building dominant companies. It’s a key component of Aggregation Theory This episode is sponsored by Wealthfront. See recommended portfolios and get up to $15,000 managed for f … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

USA Urlaub: Florida Road Trip – Timelapse

Während der ersten Hälfte des Roadtrips hatte ich die Actioncam als „Dashcam“ an der Windschutzscheibe befestigt und an und an einfach so mitlaufen lassen. Nicht mit der Absicht einen Unfall zu filmen sondern eine Timelapse daraus zu erstellen. Da das Video alleine aber relativ w … | Continue reading

@my-azur.de | 8 years ago

How to Extract Data from iOS Apps on MacOS

I've been using the sleep tracking app SleepBot for more than 2 years. It was a great app and it had always served me well. Recently, however, I noticed that the app isn't maintained anymore. This means it's just a question of time until the app stops working. In order to be safe … | Continue reading

@adriansieber.com | 8 years ago

Support Member States under particular migratory pressure in their response to health related challenges

Identifier: HP-HA-2015Pillar: 3rd Health ProgrammeOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: HA-01-2015(HP-PJ) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

Awareness-raising and capacity-building for business angels and other early-stage investors

Identifier: H2020-CBBA-2016Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: CBBA-01-2016(CSA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

Blue Growth - Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities

Identifier: H2020-BG-2016-2017Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: BG-12-2016(RIA-RIA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

Decrypt your HTTPS traffic with mitmproxy

tl;dr Use the mitmproxy doc, return here if trouble. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 8 years ago

Episode 056 — YouTube Red

Ben and James try to make sense of YouTube Red. Plus, why is Amazon responding to The New York Times now? This episode is sponsored by Wealthfront. See recommended portfolios and get up to $15,000 managed for free by visiting Wealthfront.com/Exponent. Links Ben Thompson: YouTube … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

NEMO 23rd Annual Conference – 5-7 November 2015 in Pilsen

Paolo Mazzanti (representing MICC /NEMO Partner)  is going to attend the NEMO 23rd Annual Conference – 5-7 November 2015 in … | Continue reading

@lci.micc.unifi.it | 8 years ago

SMARTVINO | mcT Alimentare

SMARTVINO partecipa all'evento Innovazione, tracciabilità, efficienza e qualità per il food & beverage" Verona Il 28 ottobre 2015 Le industrie … | Continue reading

@lci.micc.unifi.it | 8 years ago

NEMO 23rd Annual Conference – 5-7 November 2015 in Pilsen

Paolo Mazzanti (representing MICC /NEMO Partner)  is going to attend the NEMO 23rd Annual Conference – 5-7 November 2015 in Pilsen Re-visiting the educational Value of Museums – Connecting to Audiences Education is a well-developed field in museums, still they…Read more › | Continue reading

@lci.micc.unifi.it | 8 years ago

SMARTVINO | mcT Alimentare

SMARTVINO partecipa all’evento Innovazione, tracciabilità, efficienza e qualità per il food & beverage” Verona Il 28 ottobre 2015 Le industrie alimentari trovano nelle tecnologie di automazione un supporto indispensabile per modificare in modo flessibile la produzione e migliorar … | Continue reading

@lci.micc.unifi.it | 8 years ago

Germany — You have failed the metric system

Some of you might watch the TV series "Arrow". Every time the Arrow catches a criminal who is supposedly harming his city, he will point it out to them in a theatrical fashion and yell: — You have failed this city! I wish we would have someone like him for all the people and org … | Continue reading

@adriansieber.com | 8 years ago

Berlin Dispatch: Osman’s Two Turkish Tips

A burly, broad-shouldered man with a mop of black-brown curls who might be in his early 50s, Osm... | Continue reading

@taxigourmet.com | 8 years ago

Smartvino a “Agrifood, la ricerca toscana dopo EXPO”

SMARTVINO presentato a "Da Milano Expo alla Toscana – Agrifood: la ricerca toscana fra salute e innovazione" | Presentazione progetti … | Continue reading

@lci.micc.unifi.it | 8 years ago

Berlin Dispatch: Osman’s Two Turkish Tips

A burly, broad-shouldered man with a mop of black-brown curls who might be in his early 50s, Osman m | Continue reading

@taxigourmet.com | 8 years ago

Internet of Things

Identifier: H2020-IOT-2016-2017Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: IoT-01-2016(IA), IoT-02-2016(CSA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

The Best Course You Can Choose at TU Munich

Think. Make. Start. is a two-week hackathon of the UnternehmerTUM in connection with TU Munich and the Maker Space, where students develop prototypes. | Continue reading

@blog.aichriedler.de | 8 years ago


.IM top-level domain Domain Name System Security Extensions Look-aside Validation DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol TLSA ("TLSA" does not stand for anything; it is just the name of the RRtype) resource record. Okay, seriously: t … | Continue reading

@ | 8 years ago


.IM top-level domain Domain Name System Security Extensions Look-aside Validation DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol TLSA ("TLSA" does not stand for anything; it is just the name of the RRtype) resource record. Okay, seriously: t … | Continue reading

@op-co.de | 8 years ago

Episode 055 — AWS and Venture Capital

Ben and James discuss how cloud services have set the stage for fundamental changes in venture capital, just as they have in the enterprise. This episode is sponsored by Wealthfront. See recommended portfolios and get up to $15,000 managed for free by visiting Wealthfront.com/Exp … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks

Identifier: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: MSCA-ITN-2016(MSCA-ITN-EID-MSCA-ITN-ETN-MSCA-ITN-EJD) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

Call for proposals for ERC Consolidator Grant

Identifier: ERC-2016-COGPillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: ERC-2016-COG(ERC-COG) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

Competitiveness of European Space Sector: Technology and Science

Identifier: H2020-COMPET-2016Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015Latest information:  According to the Work Programme, a maximum of one proposal addressing transversal relevant techn … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

Clafoutis al farro con pere, uva e cioccolato per Re-Cake #8!

Clafoutis al farro e zucchero di canna con pere, uva e cioccolato fondente: l'autunno in un dolce. | Continue reading

@theinsaladwriter.com | 8 years ago

Da cuore a cuore...

Perché un giorno tu possa leggerlo e sapere cosa provavo in questi momenti. | Continue reading

@theinsaladwriter.com | 8 years ago

Corso: “Sicurezza globale: l’analisi delle immagini e videografica in campo investigativo”

  Nell’ambito del Master di II Livello in Analisi Comportamentale e Scienze Applicate alle Investigazioni, all’Intelligence e all’Homeland Security, Link … | Continue reading

@lci.micc.unifi.it | 8 years ago

USA Urlaub: Florida Road Trip – Richtung Naples mit vielen Stopps

Tag 9 Beim Check-Out fiel bereits der Satz des Tages vom Rezeptionist: „Mr. Marco you’re aleady set.“ weiterlesen » | Continue reading

@my-azur.de | 8 years ago

Naturwildpark Granat

Was will man mit einem Tele-Objektiv machen? Natürlich weit entfernte Objekte fotografieren, als wären Sie direkt vor der Kamera. Und da wilde Tiere meist recht scheu sind besuchten wir den Naturwildpark Granat um mein neues Sony SEL-55210 55-210mm F4,5-6,3 Objektiv zu testen. we … | Continue reading

@my-azur.de | 8 years ago

Where’s the Fun in Skateboarding?

Yesterday I enjoyed a great lunch with Parra, one of the guys behind Tired Skateboards. While reminiscing about our time skating together, he noted that kids nowadays don’t really understand “skateboard humor” anymore. The comments on this tongue-in-cheek article about Nyjah Hust … | Continue reading

@huphtur.nl | 8 years ago

NCP project on strengthening competitiveness in ERC calls

Identifier: ERC-2016-NCPPillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: ERC-2016-NCP(CSA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

Pennette d'autunno: broccoli, zucca e salsiccia al finocchietto!

Pennette con sugo bianco di zucca, broccoli e salsiccia aromatizzate con semi di finocchietto selvatico. | Continue reading

@theinsaladwriter.com | 8 years ago

Episode 054 — Check Facebook Time

NOTE: James’ mic developed a bad connection half-way through the podcast. We apologize for the audio fuzz. Ben and James make clear that they know pollution causes death, then discuss the future of brand advertising. Then, a rather strident debate as to whether radical ideas will … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

Fotografie wieder neu entdeckt – mit der Sony Alpha 6000

Es ist nur ein Jahr her da titelte ich noch „Fotografie neu entdeckt – mit der Systemkamera Samsung NX3000„. Nach diesem Jahr mit der Kamera habe ich viel dazu gelernt und muss sagen die NX3000 hat ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Aber für mich bringt sie dann noch nich … | Continue reading

@my-azur.de | 8 years ago


Packed Henrik’s car with a tent, beer and firewood and went camping before it got too cold outside. Have some thoughts? Send me an email. | Continue reading

@jonas.brusman.se | 8 years ago

USA Urlaub: Florida Road Trip – Fort DeSoto Park, Anna Maria Island

Tag 8 In den Fort de Soto Park wollten wir eigendlich direkt nach dem Frühstück. Doch der Ausflug verlief problematischer als wir uns gewünscht hatten. Zumal wir nicht besonders früh aufgestanden waren. weiterlesen » | Continue reading

@my-azur.de | 8 years ago


File: PDF Size: 1.27 Mb | Continue reading

@bolognafiere.it | 8 years ago

Tortine all'acqua con crema al limone senza latte, uova e burro!

La ricetta di soffici tortine al limone senza burro, latte e uova, farcite con una deliziosa crema al limone realizzata a base d'acqua. | Continue reading

@theinsaladwriter.com | 8 years ago