MC Hammer and the Art of Negotiation

Clearly I have an avid fascination with weird celebrity business stories. One of my all time favorites is MC Hammer. This one is a quick read too… MC Hammer is actually known best for his series of poor business decisions (example basically blowing all of his money keeping an lar … | Continue reading

@localhost | 10 years ago

gdb on OS X

Continue reading | 10 years ago

Fast Running

Continue reading | 10 years ago

Latest interviews, and upcoming speaking schedule

Just a quick note to comment that I’ve added links to two recent interviews on the media section of my Speaking and Media page: The Cloudcast #133 – The Cloud Foundry Foundation, Cloudcast podcast, March 2014 (interview) [there are a few audio dropouts in this due to recording ov … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

WW1 Essay Contest

Continue reading | 10 years ago

Conference “Rediscovering the war experience”, Paris, 3-4 April 2014

Continue reading | 10 years ago

Celebrate Cinema at EYE – Premiere of “Mit Faedreland, Min Kaerlighed”

Continue reading | 10 years ago


In late 2011, I was contacted by a very charming, smart and persuasive French gentleman who spoke of clouds, platform-as-a-service, and polyglot programming. It took him and his team a couple of months to get me thinking seriously about a career change, after 10 great years at IB … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

SizeOf Java library

That’s it! We’ve finally done it… Or almost done it. We’ve extracted the SizeOf code from the Ehcache library in it’s own library.Release 0.2.0 The first release of the lib was just pushed to maven central and available by adding the following dependency to your pom.xml:org.ehcac … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Working for the man

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Running Assembly on OS X

Continue reading | 10 years ago

Overwrite PHP’s built-in functions in unit tests

In unit tests you might run in problems, when your code uses PHP built-in functions, that emit certain hard-coded values like session_start(). When you use PHP namespaces, however, you can solve this problem in an elegant way. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

How to Ace an Interview

Interviews are scary, but they don't have to be. When you're on the spot, it's best to be prepared. Let's prepare you. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Namespacing Models in Laravel

I have been using Laravel quite a bit recently and it's a great framework, which is really good fun to code with. I've just started writing a registration system in Laravel and came across a problem which I felt was worth sharing. I was creating the table and model to store the e … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Things you should have on your LinkedIn profile

As much as I'd like to say that your looks will get you far, sometimes actual information is good to know too. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Starting with Ehcache 3.0

It’s been 4 years since we released Ehcache 2.0. While it was the second major release in almost 6 years, it didn’t break backward compatibility, but was “simply” the first release with a tight integration with the Terracotta stack, just 6 months after the acquisition. With JSR-1 … | Continue reading | 10 years ago


Kun vastuupäivitykseni yhä viipyy, päätin kirjoittaa kevyenä välipalana oheisen dialogin. Kyseessä on satu kunnanpoli... | Continue reading | 10 years ago


Kun vastuupäivitykseni yhä viipyy, päätin kirjoittaa kevyenä välipalana oheisen dialogin.Kyseessä on satu kunnanpoliitikosta ja teatteritaiteilijasta. Selvyyden vuoksi on heti alkuun sanottava, etteivät sadun kumpainenkaan päähenkilö pohjaa todellisiin henkilöihin, sen koomm … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Finding designers

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Feedback is awesome

I love getting feedback from people. You learn most from it. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

My Talk at TEDxDesMoines

Continue reading | 10 years ago


File: PDF Size: 276.93 Kb | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Episode 001 – The Garbage Truck Song

In this, the first episode of the Exponent podcast, we talk about our background, Microsoft and disruption, and the meaning of culture. We also explore our goals for this podcast, and just a bit about Taiwanese garbage trucks. Show Notes: If Steve Ballmer Ran Apple link The Halo … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Call for proposals for ERC Consolidator Grant

Identifier: ERC-2014-CoGPillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 20 May 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014Latest information: The submission session is now available for: ERC-CoG-2014(ERC-COG) | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Getting inside Cloud Foundry for debug (and profit?)

I’ve recently started to play with some more of the internals of Cloud Foundry than I’ve been used to. This has been made much easier by the advent of bosh-lite, a system for deploying all of Cloud Foundry’s components using the bosh continuous deployment and configuration tool, … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Behind the scenes

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Lorenz Attractor with JS

Drawing a Lorenz attractor by absolutely positioning span elements along the x and y axes, and faking the z axis by adjusting their size. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Lorenz Attractor with CSS

Drawing a Lorenz attractor with CSS shadows. No JavaScript involved. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

A bigger iPhone

With rumors swirling about a bigger iPhone 6, I figured I’d touch on them (haha, puns). A few years ago, I thought the idea of a larger iPhone would be something I disliked. With my small-ish hands, even the iPhone 5’s 4 inch screen is too large for me to reach the back button in … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Go for Objective-C developers

I’ve been doing Objective-C for almost 5 years (woo!), so at this point I think I have a better understanding than most of Apple’s motivations and intentions, with relation to building the language. That said, recently I’ve been loving working with Go, and there’s a few reasons f … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

HTML+CSS Tutorial, Part 2

This is part 2 of a two-part tutorial for beginners as an introduction to HTML and CSS. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

HTML+CSS Tutorial, Part 1

This is part 1 of a two-part tutorial for beginners as an introduction to HTML and CSS. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

3D Shapes with CSS

Rotating 3D shapes with CSS transforms and animations. No JavaScript involved. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

FET Flagships - tackling grand interdisciplinary science and technology challenges

Identifier: H2020-FETFLAG-2014Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014Latest information: The submission session is now available for: FETFLAG-1-2014(FPA), FETFLAG-2-2014(CSA) | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Trigonometry in Sass

Have you ever found yourself needing trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, and tangent when writing your Sass stylesheets? Ok, probably not, but the day may come, and you’ll be glad you read this. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Come See Me

It's short notice, but I’m giving a talk Stony Brook University tonight about How Startups Fail. So if you find yourself in the middle of… | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Choosing Hibernate's caching strategy

One, if the not the, most common use case for Ehcache out there is using it with Hibernate. With only a little configuration, you can speed up your application drastically and reduce the load on your database significantly. Who wouldn’t want that? So off you go: you add the coupl … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Calls for proposals for ERC Proof of Concept Grant

Identifier: ERC-2014-PoCPillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014Latest information: The submission session is now available for: ERC-PoC-2014(ERC-POC) | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Second Round of Field Trials

The second and final round of field trials of TOSCA-MP has taken place in January at RAI in Turin, Italy and VRT in Brussels, Belgium. More than 30 users from different organisations in the broadcast and media industry had the opportunity to get a hands-on experience of the tools … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Second Round of Field Trials

Continue reading | 10 years ago

Second Round of Field Trials

Continue reading | 10 years ago

The End of Higher Education’s Golden Age

Continue reading | 10 years ago

Updated project folder

A new version of our folder is now available here. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Updated project folder

Continue reading | 10 years ago

Writing Go Code

All day every day. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

FET-Proactive - emerging themes and communities

Identifier: H2020-FETPROACT-2014Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014Latest information: The submission session is now available for: FETPROACT-1-2014(RIA), FETPROACT-2-2014(RIA), FETPROA … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Prize - Innovation SOFT

Identifier: H2020-Prize-Innovation-SOFT-2014Pillar: Euratom Research and Training Programme 2014-2018Opening Date: Deadline: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014Latest information: FAQQ. I have just had a look at the call summary and  … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Graham's milk

     Pay attention. Milk is not just an afterthought in your coffee. It can make your coffee sing or put a spoiler on your saucer. Optimum milk matching is the key to perfect coffee.Coffee connoisseurs may know their aromas from their arabicas and even be able to explain the opti … | Continue reading | 10 years ago