How to succeed as a freelance developer

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Why I want to become rich

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Why I develop for iOS

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Plan it the night before

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On Berlin

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The Big Plan

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30 day experiment: no more sugar

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New Layout, New CMS, New Everything

And here I go again. After three years using Sweetcron as my CMS of choice, and one year of WordPress before that, I once more go back to the drawing board and start everything from scratch. After I got into college, I didn't have any more time to write, and social agreggators we … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

New Layout, New CMS, New Everything

And here I go again. After three years using Sweetcron as my CMS of choice, and one year of WordPress before that, I once more go back to the drawing board and start everything from scratch. After I got into college, I didn’t have any more time to write, and social agreggators we … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Before Python

This morning I had a chat with the students at Google's CAPE program. Since I wrote up what I wanted to say I figured I might as well blog ... | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Analyzing a MySQL database with R

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Hello World!

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Signup to the ENAT e-Bulletin

Subscription to the e-Bulletin is free of charge. (ENAT Members receive the more detailed Members' e-Bulletin). The mailing list is confidential. ENAT will not disclose or pass on any of your contact details to anyone. Please add or update your contact details using the form … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

About Attribution of my Works

The question came up quite regularly in the past, what would be an appropriate way to attribute me when using one of the CC-released works. Unfortunately the Creative Commons License itself proves to be no real help here. The license text (as of version 3.0) says: | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Cité de l’espace (CITE)

The Cité de l'espace (City of Space) is a theme park oriented towards space and the conquest of space. It was inaugurated in June 1997 and received more than 4 million visitors after 13 years of exploitation. The park makes it possible to visit full scale models of the rocket Ari … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Cité de l’espace (CITE)

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Real Fusio (RF)

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Real Fusio (RF)

Founded in 2004, Real Fusio is an innovative SME providing cutting edge expertise and technology in the fields of interactive visualisation of complex digital content for e-learning and communication in the aerospace, energy and industry markets. Placing special emphasis on the c … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

motokai, a dark motif for ChatZilla

I’m a sucker for the monokai color scheme, especially in its Vim theme incarnation molokai. It is easy to imagine, how surprised I was, that this scheme wasn’t ported to a ChatZilla motif yet. After all it exists no… | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Back from the MDN Doc Sprint

The Mozilla Doc Sprint in Cincinnati was an extremely interesting event to be. This article sketches the deepest impressions I took home with me. | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Juneteenth: Our Other Independence Day

Two-and-a-half years after the Emancipation Proclamation, American slavery came to an end and a celebration of freedom was born | Continue reading | 13 years ago

On Replacing Checkboxes and Radio Buttons with CSS3 and w/o Images

There are several techniques to replace native checkboxes with images. This approach will need no extra markup, degrades gracefully and doesn’t harm a single image. | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Passerine Gynandromorphy Collage

Via Birdchick, I first learned that a gynandromorphic Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) had been spotted by a retired school biology teacher in Rock Island, Illinois in 2009. Minnesota Birdnerd has posted additional photos of this sighting. It was then that I decided to s … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

The depth and breadth of Python

As of late I'm noticing a trend: I'm spending more time having in-person in-depth conversations, and less time coding. While I regret the la... | Continue reading | 13 years ago

BolognaFiere is back in the black

File: PDF Size: 39.04 Kb | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Vim for Rails developers: Recursive macros and Ack.vim

Programmers are lazy. We all are. I think Rails programmers are lazier than others. I mean, Rails is an opinionated software, that’s why we all love it. It has made many choices for us, so we can think about our problems. | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Using PHP as It was Meant to

PHP has been thrashed a lot over the last years. While many critics are doubtlessly true, it is still the most used server-side language to create the web we use today and it is an easy to learn language to get started w… | Continue reading | 13 years ago

A Simple Icon Set

For one of my recent projects I looked for simple icons, that are free to use. Well, to put it in a nutshell, I didn’t find, what I was looking for. So I fired up Inkscape and created a set that fits my need. Here it is, simple, plain, monochrome and free to use (a.k.a. in public … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

A review of The Rails 3 way

This book doesn’t need an introduction. Obie Fernandez has done an incredibly awesome work with this book, many of us already knew it. Generally, my reviews start with a tiny description of the reviewed book, then go on with considerations grouped by chapter and finish with a gen … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

HTML5 Reset Styles

The HTML5 specification lists default CSS rules. The article describes how to revert these. | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Markup for Syntax Highlighting

The article describes a way to mark up syntax highlighted source code with a simple pre element while retaining the advantages of other solutions. | Continue reading | 13 years ago


A selection of related background publications by members of the CHESS consortium. Read More... | Continue reading | 13 years ago


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Project ID

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Project ID

CHESS is a STREP within the 7th Framework Programme, ICT-2009.4.1: Digital Libraries and Digital Preservation, 'Adaptive cultural experiences'. Read More... | Continue reading | 13 years ago


Cultural heritage institutions nowadays face the important challenge of making their collections more engaging to visitors, especially the young ‘digital natives’, while exploiting, in new forms of cultural interactive experiences, the recently developed digital libraries. An app … | Continue reading | 13 years ago


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Big Bird

Due to the earthquake in Japan Lufthansa sent one of their A380 planes to New York instead of Tokyo. Apparently it's too expensive to keep these planes grounded, so they get rerouted across the world in cases like these. It's a very spacious plane, and surprisingly quiet during t … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Simple EPUB ebooks with Python

The EPUB standard is based on several other, well-established technologies. This makes it easy to generate simple ebooks in this format with the standard libraries of many modern languages. I’ll show here a way to do it … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Quartz Where Screencast

Here is a small introduction to the new Quartz Where feature that was just released as part of the Terracotta 3.5 Enterprise Edition. I’ll be posting another screencast with some demo application benefiting from the feature, including the couple of steps required to migrate the a … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Times Square, New York City in 2011

Bart Vander Sanden Freelance app and web developer in Leuven, Belgium Home Web Development Photography Blog English Nederlands Home › Blog › Times Square, New York City in 2011 Times Square, New York City in 2011 Posted on 27 March 2011. About me Hi, I'm Bart, a freelance web dev … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Ehcache BeJUG session

The presentation I gave at the BeJUG a couple of weeks back is now available on Here is part 1: You can also find the code to the Raffle application I used to demo a couple features on For more information, downloads and full documentation on ehcache plea … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Ehcache's Writer API Screencast

A common pattern to offloading the database is to use a cache in front of it. Yet, generally, it’s still application code that goes to the underlying system of records for writes. It also then becomes responsible for invalidating or updating cached entries.Using cache writers can … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

To be relational or not to be relational, that's not the question

Sergio Bossa and myself gave this presentation at jFokus (Stockholm, Sweden) and Codemotion (Rome, Italy). Here’s the slidedeck For more information: | Continue reading | 13 years ago

A Minimal Proxy with PHP and SQLite

Many web services allow access to their APIs via JSONP nowadays. This allows client-side JavaScript to access ressources via domain boundaries. However, for several reasons caching ressources locally (on the same server … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

MarcabyBolognaFiere 2011, a positive result

File: PDF Size: 83.32 Kb | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Two Minutes of Toucan Beak Fame

Last May, I spent a day in Fallbrook at Emerald Forest Bird Gardens, the very source of our Toucan beak and feather specimens (NB: No birds are harmed in this research!). The special occasion was a NOVA filming event for the “Making Stuff” series, the first part of which aired la … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Asynchronous RPC in App Engine Today

While I was laying the groundwork for a new datastore client library with support for asynchronous requests, I added some low-level support... | Continue reading | 13 years ago