A rapidly changing jet orientation in the stellar-mass black-hole system Cygni

The relativistic jets associated with the black-hole X-ray binary system V404 Cygni change their orientation on time scales of minutes to hours, implying that the direction of the jets is being affected by the dynamics of the surrounding accretion flow that powers them. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Strategies to reduce the global carbon footprint of plastics

The life-cycle GHG emissions from plastics are expected to increase. Here, it is shown that an aggressive strategy of decarbonizing energy infrastructure, improving recycling, adopting bio-based plastics and reducing demand is required to keep emissions below 2015 levels. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A Multi-Species Repository of Social Networks (Animal Social Network Repository)

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Reconfiguration of a bacterial transport system generates a reverse gear

Some microbes might use nanotubes to obtain nutrients from host cells. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Rein in the Four Horsemen of Irreproducibility

Dorothy Bishop describes how threats to reproducibility, recognized but unaddressed for decades, might finally be brought under control. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Agriculture: Sowing the City (2016)

As holiday feasts begin, Laura Lawson surveys the fruitful history of urban farming. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Hundreds of thousands of marine viruses discovered in world's oceans

Survey reveals virus diversity hotspots in the Arctic Ocean, as well as the surface waters of temperate and tropical seas. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Gravitational waves hint at detection of black hole eating star

LIGO and Virgo observatories have spotted ripples from what could be the first-ever detection of this long-sought event. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Elsevier strikes its first national deal with large open-access element

Agreement with Norwegian consortium allows researchers to make the vast majority of their work free to read on publication in Elsevier journals. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Dark-matter detector observes exotic nuclear decay

Two-neutrino double electron capture seen in xenon-124 nuclei. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Disembodied pig brains revived: Your questions answered

From consciousness to cryonics, Nature’s news team answers reader questions about a remarkable piece of research. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Machine Behaviour

Understanding the behaviour of the machines powered by artificial intelligence that increasingly mediate our social, cultural, economic and political interactions is essential to our ability to control the actions of these intelligent machines, reap their benefits and minimize&nb … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A fresh approach to synthesizing ammonia from air and water

Coordination-induced bond weakening enables nitrogen fixation. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Dark Matter detector directly observes rare decay of Xe-124

Two-neutrino double electron capture is observed experimentally in 124Xe with the XENON1T detector, yielding a half-life of 1.8 × 1022 years. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Brain signals translated into speech using artificial intelligence

Technology could one day be used to provide a voice for people who can’t talk. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Speech synthesis from neural decoding of spoken sentences

A neural decoder uses kinematic and sound representations encoded in human cortical activity to synthesize audible sentences, which are readily identified and transcribed by listeners. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Rein in the Four Horsemen of Irreproducibility

Dorothy Bishop describes how threats to reproducibility, recognized but unaddressed for decades, might finally be brought under control. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Measuring holographic entanglement entropy on a quantum simulator

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

The largest study involving transgender people is providing long-sought insights

A study examines once taboo questions about the impacts of gender transition. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Plague in San Francisco: rats, racism and reform

Tilli Tansey extols a history of California’s chaotic early-twentieth-century epidemic. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Why the growth in AI spells a big opportunity for transdisciplinary researchers

My journey from civil engineer to sociologist and sustainability researcher gave me the ideal mix of skills for working in artificial intelligence, says Ehsan Nabavi. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

First ‘marsquake’ detected on red planet

NASA′s InSight lander hears ripples of seismic energy rippling through Mars. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Symbiotic Cardiac Pacemaker

Implantable medical electronic devices are limited by battery lifetime and inflexibility, but self-powered devices can harvest biomechanical energy. Here the authors demonstrate cardiac pacing and correction of sinus arrhythmia with a symbiotic cardiac pacemaker, which is an impl … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Protect Our Right to Light

Skyscrapers in cities rob people of sunlight and put human health, well-being and sustainability at risk, warn Karolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska and Kyra Xavia. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Crispr gene-editing creates wave of exotic model organisms

But the practical challenges of breeding and maintaining unconventional lab animals persist. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Junior AI researchers are in demand by universities and industry

Opportunities for moving between academia and business are expanding for scientists as companies step up recruitment. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

5g Detrimental to Insects

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Australian gene-editing rules adopt ‘middle ground’

Updated regulations allow scientists to use some genome-editing techniques in plants and animals without government approval. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Violating Bell’s inequality with remotely connected superconducting qubits

A deterministic violation of the Bell inequality is reported between two superconducting circuits, providing a necessary test for establishing strong enough quantum entanglement to achieve secure quantum communications. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Simple cooking methods flush arsenic out of rice (2015)

Preparing rice in a coffee machine can halve levels of the naturally occurring substance. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Accelerating Dynamics of Collective Attention

The impacts of technological development on social sphere lack strong empirical foundation. Here the authors presented quantitative analysis of the phenomenon of social acceleration across a range of digital datasets and found that interest appears in bursts that dissipate on dec … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Interfering trajectories in experimental quantum-enhanced stochastic simulation

Quantum devices should allow simulating stochastic processes using less memory than classical counterparts, but only if quantum coherence is maintained through multiple steps. Here, the authors demonstrate a coherence-preserving three-step stochastic simulation using photons. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Algorithms spot millions of California’s tiniest quakes in historical data

Project identifies reams of imperceptible tremors that can help to image fault lines in unprecedented detail. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Astrophysical detection of the helium hydride ion HeH+

Studies of the planetary nebula NGC 7027, using an upgraded spectrometer onboard a high-altitude observatory, have identified the rotational ground-state transition of the helium hydride ion—the first molecule to form after the Big Bang and an essential precursor to molecula … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

The eyes of mammals reveal a dark past

A popular hypothesis suggests that the mammalian eye developed in the shadow of the dinosaurs. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Electrifying Skyrmion Bubbles

Observation of an exotic polarization pattern. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Part-revived pig brains raise slew of ethical quandaries

Researchers need guidance on animal use and the many issues opened up by a new study on whole-brain restoration, argue Nita A. Farahany, Henry T. Greely and Charles M. Giattino. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Restoration of brain circulation and cellular functions hours post-mortem

A specialized technology can restore and preserve microcirculation and cellular functions hours post-mortem in an isolated pig brain. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Planet’s ocean-plastics problem detailed in 60-year data set

Researchers find evidence of rising plastic pollution in an accidental source: log books for plankton-monitoring instruments. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Pig brains kept alive outside body for hours after death

Revival of disembodied organs raises slew of ethical and legal questions about the nature of death and consciousness. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Facing up to injustice in genome science

Researchers from under-represented groups are making genomics more inclusive by working with communities that have been overlooked or abused. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Noisy autonomous agents improve global human coordination in network experiments

A networked colour coordination game, with humans interacting with autonomous software bots, shows that bots acting with small levels of random noise and being placed centrally in the network improves not only human–bot interactions but also human–human interactions at distant no … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Indian scientists launch preprint repository to boost research quality

IndiaRxiv is the latest of several preprint servers set up to host research from a particular region. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A struggle for the soul of theoretical physics

A riposte to the view that mathematics has led physics astray beguiles Jon Butterworth. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

I led my lab from 18,900 kilometres away

An opportunity to do a visiting fellowship in New Zealand meant Thomas Bennett had to manage his UK research group from afar — and so change his leadership approach. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

How long do neutrons live? Physicists close in on decades-old puzzle

Researchers are narrowing down their measurements of how long the subatomic particle survives on its own. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Mars methane hunt comes up empty, flummoxing scientists

Trace Gas Orbiter spacecraft did not find the gas in red planet’s atmosphere during its first months of operation. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Top journals retract DNA-repair studies after misconduct probe

Investigation found that Science and Nature papers contained data falsified by one author. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago