A new app can detect anemia from only a photo of nails

Anemia has a global prevalence of over 2 billion people and is diagnosed via blood-based laboratory test. Here the authors describe a smartphone app that can estimate hemoglobin levels and detect anemia by analyzing pictures of fingernail beds taken with a smartphone and without … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Statistical pitfalls of personalized medicine

Misleading terminology and arbitrary divisions stymie drug trials and can give false hope about the potential of tailoring drugs to individuals, warns Stephen Senn. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Convergence of placenta biology and genetic risk for schizophrenia

Early-life complications modulate the association of genomic risk and schizophrenia. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Tehran’s drastic sinking exposed by satellite data

Iran’s capital city, home to 13 million people, is irreversibly sinking by 0.25 metres each year. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Coincident molec. auxeticity&negative order parameter in liq. crystal elastomer

Auxeticity in synthetic materials is realised by geometrical design of porous structures rather than on a molecular level. Here the authors demonstrate auxeticity in a non-porous liquid crystal elastomer overcoming porosity related weakening of the material and opening a pathway … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Intravenous ketamine as adjunctive therapy in treatment-resistant depression

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Intellectual synthesis in mentorship determines success in academic careers

While successful mentors tend to train successful students in academic career, it’s unclear how mentorship determines chances of a success in a trainee. Here, Liénard and colleagues analyze approximately 20 K mentor/trainee relationships in life sciences, and find that success of … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

First CRISPR babies: 6 questions that remain

Startling human-genome editing claim leaves many open questions, from He Jiankui's next move to the future of the field. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Algeria fossils cast doubt on East Africa as sole origin of stone tools

The discovery pushes back the evidence of hominins in Algeria by 600,000 years, and suggests tool use arose in different parts of Africa independently. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Melt-driven erosion in microparticle impact

Supersonic particle impacts can cause permanent damage to space vehicles and satellites, but how exactly remains unclear. Here, the authors visualise for the first time the high impact of single tin microparticles on a tin substrate and show erosion of ductile metallic materials … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Silicon contaminant in graphene derivatives: major impact on device performance

Silicon-based contaminants are ubiquitous in natural graphite, and they are thus expected to be present in exfoliated graphene. Here, the authors show that such impurities play a non-negligible role in graphene-based devices, and use high-purity parent graphite to boost the perfo … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Reversible superdense ordering of lithium between two graphene sheets

Using a double-aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope, intercalation of lithium between two graphene sheets is found to produce a dense, multilayer lithium phase, rather than the expected single layer. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

‘CRISPR-Baby’ Scientist He Jiankui Fails to Satisfy Critics

He Jiankui gives talk about controversial genome-edited baby claim, but ethical questions remain. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A Glimpse into the Heart of a Quasar

Spatially resolved rotation of hot gas in a quasar. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

First sun-dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth

Researchers plan to spray sunlight-reflecting particles into the stratosphere, an approach that could ultimately be used to quickly lower the planet’s temperature. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Midbrain activity can explain perceptual decisions during an attention task

Herman et al. exploit the reliable effects of perturbing superior colliculus (SC) neuronal activity on perceptual choice behavior to demonstrate a plausible mechanism by which SC may contribute to perceptual judgments during covert attention tasks. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Isotopes reveal middle Pleistocene hominin paleoenvironment in ‘Green Arabia’

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Somatic APP gene recombination in Alzheimer’s disease and normal neurons

The gene for the amyloid precursor protein (APP) shows somatic gene recombination in neurons, and the abundance and diversity of APP variants is increased in neurons from individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A state variable for crumpled thin sheets

A crumpled sheet of paper is a common image in many contexts but crumpling dynamics are considered a complex problem. Using Mylar sheets the authors experimentally show that the evolution of the damage network in crumpling dynamics is largely history independent and the accumulat … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

First genome-wide major risk loci for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Genome-edited baby claim provokes international outcry

The startling announcement by a Chinese scientist represents a controversial leap in the use of genome-editing. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A primer on deep learning in genomics

This perspective presents a primer on deep learning applications for the genomics field. It includes a general guide for how to use deep learning and describes the current tools and resources that are available to the community. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Universal T -linear resistivity and Planckian dissipation in overdoped cuprates

A transport study of overdoped cuprates reveals a resistivity that is linear as the temperature approaches 0 K, and is associated with a universal scattering rate. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

First flight of ion-drive aircraft

A remarkable machine propelled by ionic wind could signal a future with cleaner aeroplanes. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Deep learning for universal linear embeddings of nonlinear dynamics

It is often advantageous to transform a strongly nonlinear system into a linear one in order to simplify its analysis for prediction and control. Here the authors combine dynamical systems with deep learning to identify these hard-to-find transformations. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

AI peer reviewers unleashed to ease publishing grind

Automated tools could speed up and improve the review process, but humans are still in the driving seat. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Efficiency breakthrough for radical LEDs

A milestone in the development of radical-based organic LEDs. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

‘Reprogrammed’ stem cells implanted into patient with Parkinson’s disease

A man in his 50s is the first of seven patients to receive the experimental therapy. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Aeroplanes without moving parts, nearly silent and without combustion emissions

A solid-state propulsion system can sustain powered flight, as demonstrated by an electroaerodynamically propelled heavier-than-air aeroplane. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Mannose impairs tumour growth and enhances chemotherapy

Mannose reduces the growth of tumour cells by impairing the metabolism of glucose, and enhances cell death when used in combination with conventional chemotherapy. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Cardiovascular risk factors can be predicted from retinal images using ML

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Stop exploitation of foreign postdocs in the United States

A survey reveals some lab heads are using the need for visas to create unacceptable conditions for junior researchers. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

US proposal for defining gender has no basis in science

A move to classify people on the basis of anatomy or genetics should be abandoned. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Unsung heroes of the scientific record deserve credit

Reviewers make an essential contribution to scientific progress; Nature Communications will now formally acknowledge their role in published articles. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

(Quantum computers Blockchain)?

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will founder unless they integrate quantum technologies, warn Aleksey K. Fedorov, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko and Alexander I. Lvovsky. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Topologically protected transport in photonic crystals at telecom wavelengths

Thanks to its topological properties, a CMOS-compatible photonic crystal shows reflectionless transmission of light at telecommunication wavelengths even along a path with sharp turns. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Assembly of a pan-genome from deep sequencing of 910 humans of African descent

Assembly of a pan-genome from 910 humans of African descent identifies 296.5 Mb of novel DNA mapping to 125,715 distinct contigs. This African pan-genome contains ~10% more DNA than the current human reference genome. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Research Article: The Spread of Low-Credibility Content by Social Bots

Online misinformation is a threat to a well-informed electorate and undermines democracy. Here, the authors analyse the spread of articles on Twitter, find that bots play a major role in the spread of low-credibility content and suggest control measures for limiting the spread of … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Early oil industry knowledge of CO2 and global warming

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Italy’s olive crisis intensifies as deadly tree disease spreads

Containment measures meant to stop a rampant bacterium have been frequently delayed. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Widespread plagiarism detected in many medical journals based in Africa

Around 63% of articles from 100 sampled journals contained some text copied without attribution. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

The Doctor Who theme and beyond: female pioneers of electronic music

Jo Baker lauds a paean to the experimentalists of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Tumour detection and classification using plasma cell-free DNA methylomes

An immunoprecipitation-based protocol is developed to analyse DNA methylation in small quantities of circulating cell-free DNA, and can detect and classify cancers in plasma samples from several tumour types. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Lab-grown ‘mini brains’ electrical patterns resemble those of premature babies

Structures could help researchers to study the early stages of brain development disorders, including epilepsy. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

'Mining’ Bitcoin takes more energy than mining gold

The cryptocurrency’s production generated about as much carbon dioxide over 30 months as 1 million cars in the same period. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Ban on ‘gene drives’ is back on the UN’s agenda – worrying scientists

The divisive genetic technology could help to eradicate diseases but also risks altering ecosystems. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Hippocampus is crucial for forming non-hippocampal long-term memory during sleep

Hippocampal activity during a period of sleep after memory encoding is crucial for forming long-term memories in rats, even for types of memory considered not to be hippocampus-dependent. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

The not-so-dangerous lives of Neanderthals

Similar levels of injury found in ancient Neanderthal and human skulls. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago