Selective breakdown of phonon quasiparticles in superionic transition in CuCrSe2

Neutron and X-ray scattering studies combined with first-principles calculations suggest that the large, liquid-like ionic mobility in the canonical superionic crystal CuCrSe2 is due to anharmonic phonon dynamics. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Battery-operated integrated frequency comb generator

Integrating an optical Kerr frequency comb source with an electronically excited laser pump produces a battery-powered comb generator that does not require external lasers, moveable optics or laboratory set-ups. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Wireless bioresorbable implant enables sustained neuroregenerative therapy

A biocompatible device built from naturally dissolving components and controlled by wireless technology enables programmable electrical stimulation of injured rodent peripheral nerves to accelerate regeneration and recovery. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

IBM Pushes Beyond 7-nm, Uses Graphene to Place Nanomaterials on Wafers

The placement of nanomaterials at predefined locations is a key requirement for their integration in nanoelectronic devices. Here, the authors devise a method allowing placement of solution-based nanomaterials by using structured graphene layers as deposition sites with the aid o … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The war on fake graphene

A protocol for analysing commercially available graphene. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Extracts of Polypore Mushroom Mycelia Reduce Viruses in Honey Bees

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A new era in the search for dark matter

Continue reading | 5 years ago

Quantum Artificial Life in an IBM Quantum Computer

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An absorption profile centred at 78 megahertz in the sky-averaged spectrum

The 21-cm absorption profile is detected in the sky-averaged radio spectrum, but is much stronger than predicted, suggesting that the primordial gas might have been cooler than predicted. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Europe eyes fleet of tiny CO2-monitoring satellites to track global emissions

Miniature instruments could help the European Union determine whether nations are meeting pledges to cut greenhouse-gas emissions. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Rotating plots to form diamonds could prevent correlation-causation confusion

Researchers suggest tilting scatter plots by 45 degrees to make the viewer question assumptions about correlation. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

How to lose your inheritance

Loss of the protein OTX2 drives reproductive-cell fate. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Quantum Artificial Life in an IBM Quantum Computer

Continue reading | 5 years ago

Japan set to allow gene editing in human embryos

Draft proposal permits gene-editing tools for research into early human development. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Why Chinese medicine is heading for clinics around the world

For the first time, the World Health Organization will recognize traditional medicine in its influential global medical compendium. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

CERN Suspends Physicist Over Remarks on Gender Bias

The University of Pisa and the European Research Council say they are also opening investigations into Alessandro Strumia’s conduct. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Supercharge your data wrangling with a graphics card

Graphics processing units aren’t just of interest to gamers and cryptocurrency miners. Increasingly, they’re being used to turbocharge academic research, too. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Physics Nobel won by laser wizardry – laureates include first woman in 55 years

Donna Strickland, Gérard Mourou and Arthur Ashkin share the prize for their work using beams of light to manipulate objects. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

‘Goblin’ world found orbiting at the edges of the Solar System

The object never gets closer to the Sun than 65 times the Earth–Sun distance. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Pastoralism may have delayed the end of the green Sahara

Climate deterioration towards desertification in North Africa following the African Humid Period has previously been associated with the emergence of pastoralism. Here, using a climate-vegetation model, the authors show that pastoralism in fact likely slowed the deterioration of … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Damping of selectively bonded 3D woven lattice materials

Continue reading | 5 years ago

16-qubit IBM universal quantum computer can be fully entangled

All sixteen qubits in an IBM Q cloud quantum computer can be fully entangled, a prerequisite for exploiting its quantum computational power. Entanglement is one of the resources that lead to quantum algorithms’ advantages over their classical counterparts. However, even when usin … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

What the Nobels are – and aren’t – doing to encourage diversity

The prize-awarding academies are making changes to their secretive nomination processes to tackle bias, but some say the measures don’t go far enough. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Cancer treatment: The killer within (2014)

The immune system can be a powerful weapon against cancer — but researchers are still grappling with how to control it. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Cancer immunotherapy pioneer wins prestigious Lasker Award (2015)

James Allison is enlisting the body’s own defenses to fight tumours. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself

Quantum mechanics is expected to provide a consistent description of reality, even when recursively describing systems contained in each other. Here, the authors develop a variant of Wigner’s friend Gedankenexperiment where each of the current interpretations of QM fails in givin … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Electric Generator using living Electric Ray organs

Continue reading | 5 years ago

Do boring speakers really talk for longer?

Dull talks at conferences can feel interminable. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

‘Severe” Figure Manipulation Found in Studies from Leading Plant Lab

Investigation turns up evidence of misconduct in publications from troubled French laboratory. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

A soft artificial muscle driven robot with reinforcement learning

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Bi-Directional Plasma Thrusters for Space Debris Removal

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Brexit is already damaging European science

With six months to go, uncertainty posed by the decision to leave the European Union is taking its toll. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

How I scraped data from Google Scholar

A researcher explains how — and why — he spent a whole summer harvesting information from the platform, which is notoriously hard to mine. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

ML in medical school curriculum

Continue reading | 5 years ago

Clear Up This Stem-Cell Mess

Confusion about mesenchymal stem cells is making it easier for people to sell unproven treatments, warn Douglas Sipp, Pamela G. Robey and Leigh Turner. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Deep learning of aftershock patterns following large earthquakes – Nature

Neural networks trained on data from about 130,000 aftershocks from around 100 large earthquakes improve predictions of the spatial distribution of aftershocks and suggest physical quantities that may control earthquake triggering. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Causal Link Between Senescent Cells and Neurodegenerative Disease Found in Mice

In a mouse model of tau-dependent neurodegenerative disease, the clearance of senescent glial cells prevents the degeneration of cortical and hippocampal neurons and preserves cognitive function. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Six months to Brexit: how scientists are preparing for the split

Seven researchers and campaigners tell Nature how Britain’s break-up with the EU is affecting research | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Geobiology reveals how human kidney stones dissolve in vivo

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Working gene drive for elimination of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes

Complete population collapse of malaria vector Anopheles gambiae in cages is achieved using a gene drive that targets doublesex. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Neuromodulation of spinal networks enables stepping after complete paraplegia

In a human subject with chronic paraplegia, a combination of epidural electrical stimulation and long-term rehabilitative training have culminated in the first report of unassisted, voluntary independent stepping in a paralyzed individual. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Octopuses on ecstasy just want a cuddle: Research Highlights

Molluscs’ reaction to popular party drug echoes humans’ response. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Discovery of Galileo’s lost letter shows he edited his ideas to fool Inquisition

Exclusive: Document shows that the astronomer toned down the claims that triggered science history’s most infamous battle — then lied about his edits. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Reimagining of Schrödinger’s cat breaks quantum mechanics, and stumps physicists

In a multi-‘cat’ experiment, the textbook interpretation of quantum theory seems to lead to contradictory pictures of reality, physicists claim. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

World's first animal was a pancake-shaped prehistoric ocean dweller

Fossils of ancient sea creatures answer a long-standing question about how animals became bigger and more complex. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

African and Asian researchers are hampered by visa problems

Researchers from these continents are three to four times more likely to experience visa problems when travelling for work than are Europeans and Americans. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A new way to capture the brain’s electrical symphony

How voltage readings from individual neurons could power the next revolution in neuroscience. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Prehistoric children as young as eight worked as brickmakers and miners

Bones and artefacts suggest that kids laboured at skilled tasks thousands of years ago. | Continue reading | 6 years ago